Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton PC Minutes May 2020

August 2020

1207/05/2020 MINUTES OF WRETTON PARISH COUNCIL VIRTUAL MEETING HELD ON MAY 4TH 2020 Present: Cllr David Llewellyn – Chairman, Cllr Martyn Cann, Cllr Ian Mack. Also present: County Councillor Martin Storey 1. Apologies for Absence accepted from: Apologies received from Cllr Mick Peake, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr Paul Williams and Cllr Peter Garnett. Apologies also received from Borough Councillor Colin Sampson. 2. No declarations of Interest made 3. Chairman and Vice Chairman It was agreed that David Llewellyn will remain as Chairman of Wretton Parish Council until the parish council meeting in May 2021, with Mick Peake also remaining as Vice-Chairman. 4. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 02.03.2020 were accepted as a true record of the meeting and will be signed at the next physical meeting of Wretton Parish Council. 5. Reports 5.1 Chairman’s Report • Noted that bollards have been installed along Church Path to protect the verge. • With the current lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic no further work has been undertaken to the Wretton Green ‘pond’ area. • The village defibrillator has been called on but not actually used. Concern was raised by those who returned the defibrillator that there is not enough light in the phone box and Cllr Mack will check the defibrillator to ensure it has been replaced correctly. Once the current coronavirus lockdown has ended Cllr Cann will check the lighting in the box. 5.2 Clerk’s Report • Written report submitted with agenda. • Correspondence received continues to be shared with Councillors. • End of year accounts will be passed to the Internal Auditor with the intention that the accounts can be accepted and approved by the Council at the Parish Council meeting on July 6th. The Council will also need to complete its Certificate of Exemption from External Audit. • It was noted that a car which had been parked on Wretton Green for some time has been removed. 5.3 Risk Assessment Update The play area the in village has been locked, as is the current government guideline, to discourage use at this time. 2207/05/2020 6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment. Cheques for approval of payment Clerk’s salary £118.44 Clerk’s Expenses (postage and storage boxes) £28.00 K & M Lighting Services x2 (streetlight maintenance) £38.64 Software annual 356 licence £59.99 CGM grass cutting (March) £234.00 Zurich annual insurance £406.48 E.ON (street lighting electric) £400.42 Finance – @ 31st March 2020: Current Account £5289.89 Business Premium Account £3467.15 Councillors had been previously presented with a copy of the end of year accounts and bank reconciliation for 31.03.2020. 7. Planning Applications: 7.1 20/00572/F Construction of a detached garage at The Bungalow Cromer Lane Wretton King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 9QX Councillors felt this application was difficult to interpret and that the proposed building looked to possibly be more than a garage. The planning case officer will be asked for more information. 8. Other Reports – for information only: • Dog fouling remains an issue particularly at Lime House Drove and along the footpath by the Cut. The Borough Councillor will be asked for advice. • County Councillor Martin Storey was present at the meeting to give a verbal report. He stressed that he prefers to attend meetings so he can give an up to date report rather than submit a written report which can be out of date. This is especially so at the present time and it was noted that the Parish Council does receive regular updates from the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council. Information is also available on the Councils websites. • Potholes reported along Low Road. Noted that NCC Highways are working at the present time but smaller highway issues may be on hold due to the current pandemic. Public Participation - No members of the public present Chairman’s Signature……………………………………… Date……………

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