River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Dogs make good Disciples

March 2020

Last month I said I would let you know why a dog appeared at the top of the page; well we have a new puppy. Sadly our dear Moses died just before Christmas and after a lot of soul searching we decided to opt for a dog rather than another cat. This dear, tiny, little bundle of mischief and very sharp teeth has filled a hole in our hearts. We haven't had a dog, let alone a puppy, for over 35 years and had forgotten the unconditional love they give. Unlike the human race they do not expect anything in return for their loyalty and devotion. Puppy training is underway with the hardest part trying to explain to puppy that teeth, although miniscule, hurt and draw blood and to hubby, toilet training is a joint effort, both parents (hubby and me) taking said pupil to the garden come rain, storm or shine and the floor mop not being the personal domain of yours truly. Love makes the world go round, as I am wont of saying. That love comes from above and it is for you and me and little puppies to reflect that light out into our fallen world. I am writing this propped up in bed as I have the collywobbles and our little bundle of fur has not left my side even though for most of the day she is usually running around like a March Hare after toys, treats and slippers. She somehow knows that I am unwell and not just lazy and has been an enormous comfort during my forced lie in. Yes, dogs make very good disciples.

Now, I was told by my dear old Mum that everything comes in threes, so we have a new puppy, a new baby, curtsey of grandson number two and his partner, coming into the family later in the year and number three????? Well I have to say we are well past our sell by date as far as babes are concerned and so are our girls so who amongst you are going to volunteer for baby number three? Rev Carol Nicholas-Letch

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