War Memorial Gary Trouton


August 2019

STOKE FERRY PARISH COUNCIL Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Thursday 30 May 2019 at 7.00pm in Stoke Ferry Village Hall Present: Cllr Sue Lintern (Chair) Cllr Daphne Clements Cllr Mandy Leamon Cllr Trudy Mann Cllr Donna Stocking Cllr Janet Taylor Helen Richardson (Parish Clerk and Financial Responsible Person) Public: 1 Also, in attendance: 119/19 Emergency Evacuation Procedures was read by the Chair. 120/19 Openness and Transparency Notice - The Parish Council record the meeting. The Chair notified the public of this. 130/19 Apologies for Absence Apologies were accepted for Cllr Jim McNeill; Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey and Cllr Gail Reeve (all personal reasons). Apologies were also received from Cllr Colin Sampson. 131/19 Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests There were none. 131/19 To Approve the Parish Council’s Annual Insurance and Approve Payment The Chair advised that the premium had gone up following the assets register review which had been historically under value, the assets register now included the new village sign. The Chair advised that for events and occasions such as litter picking risk assessments would need to take place and necessary measures put in place as a result. The Chair advised that specific insurance was purchased for the Mid-Summer Fayre. The Chair proposed approval of the insurance renewal fee of £629.64 plus £50 administration fee from 1st June, seconded by Cllr Janet Taylor, all were in favour. 132/19 To Discuss Committees and Working Groups of the Parish Council The Chair suggested that the Parish Council identify projects that could be progressed by way of a working party. The Chair shared that a Committee was more of a formal structure requiring agendas, minutes and the Parish Clerk’s time. It was agreed that for each working group there should be a lead person identified to coordinate work needed. A report could be provided to a Parish Council meeting when necessary, also where decisions would need to be made. The Parish Council identified the following: • Electronic Version Cemetery Records Working Group • Recovery Plan following an Emergency Working Group; It was noted that this document needed finalisation.

The Chair agreed to make a list of responsibility areas that Councillors could take a lead in. She agreed to compile the list and email the Councillors for input to be agreed at the July meeting.

The Chair summarised from discussion that the Parish Council were in agreeance not to have Committees but have working groups created as we need them, initially with the ones listed above. The Standing Orders would be amended for approval at the July meeting, to include what the Parish Council also do in terms of Planning, and in addition terms of reference for the working parties.

• Village ‘Fixtures and Fittings’ Register Working Party • Neighbourhood Plan Working Party – this would require a larger group run by the Parish Council but could include invited members of the public that could. The Borough Council Planning team had agreed to meet with the working party once set up to progress the plan. It was agreed that a standard report would be required to each Parish Council meeting as an update and to make decisions that may be required. The Chair shared that ideally three members of the Parish Council should be on the working party taking a lead. The Chair shared that the working party, like any other working party, would not be a decision making and they would only work on the project but provide updates to the Parish Council and make recommendations for decision. It was felt that the Parish Councillors not on the working group could help in an ad-hoc way through the project. The work of the group would be important as the final plan would be subject to approval by a village referendum. The Chair shared that there was funding available for neighbourhood planning the working group could investigate. There would be a term of reference document the parish council would need to approve for the working party, and which would be reviewed by the Planning Team in advance. This was specifically on the agenda for June. The Chair agreed to make a list of responsibility areas that Councillors could take a lead in. She agreed to compile the list and email the Councillors for input to be agreed at the July meeting.

133/19 Adjourn the meeting to allow for public comments The meeting was adjourned. 134/19 Confirm the Date of the Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 5 June 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Stoke Ferry Village Hall.

The Chair, Cllr Donna Stocking and Cllr Mandy Leamon sent their apologies for this meeting. Meeting Closed at 7.48 pm

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