Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council - December meeting

March 2018

Present– Cllr David Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr Martin Cann, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr Mick Peake, Cllr Bill Whitmore, Cllr John Wyett. Borough Councillor Colin Sampson County Councillor Martin Storey

No members of the public present therefore no public participation

1. Apologies for Absence received from Cllr Ian Mack

No Declarations of Interest made

The Minutes of the meeting held on 11.09.17 were agreed as a true record. The minutes of the planning meeting held on 16.10.17 will be made available at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

4. Matters Arising from previous meetings Road Signs The Fen Road 40mph speed sign and the cross roads sign are both faded and in need of replacing. Highways will inspect and replace if deemed necessary to do so. Street Name Plate Signs It was felt the Church Road street name plate is missing and should be replaced. The Borough Council will be approached. Visit to Wissington Sugar Factory Cllrs Llewellyn and Whitmore will visit the Sugar Factory as invited on Thursday 9th November. Smells thought to emanate from cleaning the filter beds at the factory will be reported although no complaints of this or a cannabis odour have been passed to the Parish Council recently Dog Waste Bin Permission has been granted to site a dog waste bin at the Field Lane end of Lydia’s Lane. A bin will be ordered at a cost of £103.82 (includes VAT).

Grounds Maintenance Contractors The grounds maintenance contractors have collected the key to the gates at the play area hopefully with the view to replacing keys which have been misplaced. As requested a financial contribution has been made towards the cost of replacing grave markers damaged by the contractors.

5. Reports

5.1 Chairman’s Report The Chairman has investigated purchase of a computer for the Parish Council which will be financed via grant funding awarded through the NALC Transparency Fund. It was agreed the Chairman will purchase a laptop and software and submit the invoice for re-imbursement.

5.2 Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported that the Data Protection training she had attended on November 1st was very informative and there is a great deal of information available relating to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will be implemented once the Data Protection Bill currently passing through the House of Lords is enacted. It is yet to be seen what this will really mean to Parish Councils but the Council should be prepared to deal with the GDPR when it comes into force (expected to be May 2018).

5.3 Risk Assessment The report from the annual inspection of the Play Area has been received with only low risks identified. It was felt actions suggested should however be implemented and quotes to undertake suggested work on the chains of the swing and the pedestrian gate will be sought. Appropriate signage will also be considered as suggested. Quotes will be considered at the January meeting of the Parish Council.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment. Cheques for approval of payment SJ Scarrott £118.44 K & M Lighting £35.04 CGM (grass cutting) £828.00 Mazars (External Audit) £120.00 BCKLWN (play area inspection) £84.00 HMRC (PAYE) £44.40 Royal British Legion (poppy wreath) £17.50 Norfolk ALC (GDPR training) £30.00 Glasdon (dog waste bin) £103.82 Watton Town Council (photocopying) £15.10 Financial position @ 30.09.17

Community Account Balance £4779.59

Business Savings £3451.53

7. No planning applications received for consideration

8. Budget Planning The 2018 budget will be considered at the January meeting of the parish Council when it will be clearer if suggested projects will be taken forward in 2018.

9. Removal of tress from Wildlife Area on Wretton Green Quotes having been received for felling trees from ‘the pond area’ on Wretton Green and it was agreed to accept the verbal quote of £2000 subject to confirmation of this in writing. Consideration will be given to replacement of the trees taken down with natural hardwoods. The cost to clear the area will be met from Council reserve funding and it was suggested replacement trees could be sponsored to help fund the project. If new planting is to take place the dip may want to be filled before planting.

It is hoped to produce a village newsletter to inform parishioners of the plans.

10. Defibrillator for phone box Cllrs Mack and Whitmore are investigating whether there is appetite within the village to fund a defibrillator to be located in the phone box in Wretton.

Public support is needed as the Parish Council does not hold the money to provide a defibrillator.

11. General Data Protection Regulations See Clerk’s Report.

12. Further Reports Roadside hedges need to be cut back from along the West Dereham Road all the way to Stoke Ferry. It was reported that cars seem to be using the entrance to Limehouse Drove as a lay-by. Cllr Sampson suggested a community orchard might be planted in the area of ‘the pond’ as there may be assistance from the Borough Council for such a project.

SJ Scarrot Parish Clerk

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