War Memorial Gary Trouton

Village Liaison Meeting - November

January 2018


Wednesday 1st November 2017

Present: Mrs. S Lintern, Mr. R Thompson, Ms. K Penn (Borough Council), Mr. S Livsley (Environment Agency), Mr. I Negus (2Agriculture Mill Manager Stoke Ferry), Mr. T Leggett H&S (2Agriculture Stoke Ferry), Mr. G Berry (2Agriculture Managing Director), Mr. D Melladay Quality Manager (2Agriculture Stoke Ferry)

1. Apologies. Mr. Nigel Keach (2Agricuture Stoke Ferry)

2. Minutes of the previous meeting (February meeting cancelled) and matters arising. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed

3. KLWNBC Ms. Penn gave an update on the Air Quality monitors in the village. KLWNBC are awaiting on a reply from 2Agriculture. E-mails were being directed to the E-mail of Mr. Keach who is on long term sick. IN has now informed Gavin Berry’s PA. . 4. Complaints received since the last meeting There have been 7 complaints received since the last meeting. TL informed the meeting of all that had go on. All appropriate parties were included as per the permit and beyond. SL confirmed they were more than happy with what had been received.

5. Noise There were 2 complaints of squeaking conveyors no time was allotted to the noise so was very difficult to pinpoint. It was found that the conveyor in question was automated and every time staff went to look this has stopped. We have now dealt with the issue and are now carrying out extra walks around site for all external conveyors to be greased.

6. Odour Dust & Particulates There was 2 odour complaint of smell. A walk was conducted on the same day of receiving complaint and no smell was identified. A further walk was taken out by TL and again no smell was identified.

7. Transport 3 complaints received one was for an external contractor who was smoking in his cab off site. The second was a driver on his mobile phone and another putting his seatbelt on while driving. We issued a memo for the last two and made it clear to take care when driving at all times but especially through the village.

8. Any other Business Mrs. S Lintern asked if the field next to the playing field could be cut back and the ivy at the back of the warehouse down the side of the foot path be cut away. TL said that on Friday 3rd November this would be carried out via an external company CGM. This has now been completed along with self-field.

Date of next meeting: TBC,

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