War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council = March

May 2017

Page 009 (2017)


Minutes of the meeting held on 1st March, 2017

Attendance: Vice Chairman Mrs J Taylor Councillors Mrs D Clements Mrs J Lawson Mrs M Leamon

Footpath Warden Mr C Philpott

Members of the public 5

1. Emergency Evacuation

Members and members of the public were advised of the emergency evacuation procedures for the Village Hall.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from the Chairman, Cllr S Lintern (Business Commitment) and Cllr Mrs T Mann (unwell)

3. To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed

There were no declarations of interest

4. To agree Minutes of the meeting held on 1st February, 2017

Proposed - Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded - Cllr Mrs Leamon

'That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 1st February, 2017 be approved'

All in favour

5. Matters arising

Monthly Walk – No further information for this meeting. Bin on Common – The bin had been refurbished and would replace the one the Hill and that one would be given to the Playing Field. Before this is done it was essential to check with the waste collection operators that their universal key fitted it. Cllr Mrs Taylor would find this information out. A response is still awaited from the West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group: the Clerk would contact them again Field adjacent to the Cemetery – the Clerk still had to contact the agents of the owners. Garages and green area in the vicinity of Buckenham Drive –Borough Cllr Sampson advised that it was very unlikely that Freebridge would renovate and update the garages as they are currently considering what the long-term future is of the site. It was reported that grass cutting had been done around Buckenham Drive. There were still problems with the street lights in Border Road: this would be reported to Westcotec Ltd.

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6. To receive report on Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleways)

The footpath across the field adjacent to Furlong Drove still needs to be reinstated. Contact had been made with the agent for the landowner of the footpath which has been reported as incredibly muddy and slippy. On behalf of the owner, the land agent, has advised that he would not allow for the waste woodchip from the tree felling at the cemetery to be used. It was thought that David Mills from Norfolk County Council should be contacted to see if he had any suggestions on how to best deal with this problem. There followed a discussion on the wood chippings which are currently outside the cemetery. It was agreed to put a sign up offering them free to anyone who wanted them. Cllr Taylor would print and put the sign up.

7. Update on the Website

Work was continuing with putting relevant information on the website.

8. To discuss village Handyperson appointment

An advert had been put in the Village Pump and the appointment would be discussed at the next meeting.

9. Cemetery

The tree and hedge at the Cemetery had now been cut and the area is looking much better. The hedge would have to be monitored, but it is hoped that the new growth in the spring will enhance it and the Council would not have the expense of having to plant a new one.

10. To discuss Summer Fete for 2017

Members were advised that the Village Pump had offered a £200 Hamper as a prize on the day of the Fete. Everyone agreed that this was a very generous offer and thanked Mr Thompson for his generous donation.

Suggestions were needed as the various attractions would need to be booked. To date the following had been suggested:

• Climbing Wall (Cllr Mrs Taylor to check) • Various stalls for local organisations, Cllr Mrs Leamon stated that Little Oaks would be wanting one. • Music – both live and disco. Cllr Mrs Clements would ask the local musicians if they would be able to attend on the day and she would also check the availability of the disco. • Refreshments – it was expected that the Playing Field Committee would do these. • Alcoholic Refreshments – a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) would be applied for by Cllr Lintern. This needed to be done as soon as possible. • Publicity needs to start as soon as possible and an advert would need to be put in the Village Pump.

11. To discuss future quarterly internal audit

Cllr Mrs Lawson reported that other Parish Councils do quarterly internal audits. There was a short discussion and it was agreed that this should be implemented from 1st April, 2017. Page 0011 (2017)

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Taylor Cllrs Mrs Clements

‘That an internal audit report is presented quarterly as from 1st April, 2017’

All in favour

12. Grants Policy

Cllr Mrs Lawson had received copies of other Parishes grant application forms. She agreed to put together a document which Stoke Ferry Parish Council could use for future requests from organisation for funding.

13. To agree list of items to be undertaken by the Highway Rangers during their next visit.

Drains – Border Road/Oak Road; these are still causing problems Pavements – Algae spraying

14. To approve payment of bills

Nett VAT Total

E-on DD Street Lights 52.52 2.63 55.15 Glazewing DD Bin Emptying 15.13 3.02 18.14 HMRC PAYE Feb 2017 72.80 0.00 72.80 Jean Markwell Salary Feb 2017 291.20 0.00 291.20 Westcotec Ltd Street Lights 15.44 3.09 18.53 Village Hall Hire of Village Hall 30.00 0.00 30.00 Total £477.09 £8.74 £485.82

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Taylor Seconded – Cllrs Mrs Leamon

That the bills for March 2017 be paid’

For – 3 Declared Interest – 1

15. Borough Planning Meeting – Monday 6th March 2017

8/1(b) 15/01695/F Land at Greatmans Way Erection of six timber holiday lodges. Recommended approval. Parish Council recommended refusal.

The Clerk advised members that the above plan would be discussed at the Borough Planning Committee on Monday 6th March, 2017. If possible a Councillor should attend these meetings particularly when there was a difference between the Parish Council recommendation and the Borough Council officer report. Unfortunately, no Councillor could attend. It should be noted that the Borough Council Officers recommend decisions based on planning policy and if there is no supporting documentation to refuse a plan they are not able to do so. The Parish’s main concern was the access to and from the development area but unfortunately the NCC Highways had only asked for slight amendments to the lane to be included in the plan and then they would have no objection to the development. Cllr Mrs Lawson expressed her concerns to the Parish Council with regard to the planning approval for Lark Road. It was felt that this had been an officer decision to agree and increase in number of houses from five to twelve without any amendment being forwarded to the Parish Council for discussion.

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16. To receive correspondence i. To discuss letter from Frazer Clements re Playters Farm

Mr Kelly of Playters Farm was requesting that the Council support his application for change of use of one of his outbuildings. The Planning Authority had refused it and he is going to appeal the decision. All members agreed that this application was a good use of an old farm building and was being done sympathetically in relation to adjacent properties. The Parish Council had no objections when they first considered the plan and still have no objection. It was agreed that a letter of support be written and forward to Frazer Clements.

17. Urgent items as agreed by the Chairman

Cllr Mrs Taylor advised members that there was to be a litter pick on Sunday 5th March between 11am and 1pm. Everyone should meet at the Car Park on the hill and yellow jackets and bin bags would be provided. The litter bags would be collected on Monday 6th March by the BCKL&WN.

18. To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting (Councillors/ Public)

Concern was raised over the speed limit outside the Academy, it was felt this should be reduced to 20mph. The work on the car park for the Village Hall should commence in June and the first houses should be built by October 2017. It was felt there was a need for more dog waste bins in the village, due to recent problems with dog fouling. This would be reliant on the Parish Council having the budget to pay for them and that the Clean Up Team had the capacity to empty more bins. Cllr Clements stated that other Parish Councils asked for refund of training expenses paid for by the Parish if the person attending leaves the Council within a specified period of time. This would be discussed at the next meeting. A letter had been received from Mrs Cater with her concerns over the cutting of the hedge in the Cemetery. It was agreed to advise her that once there was new growth in the spring the hedge should look a lot better. If this was not the case the Council would reassess the situation later in the year. Borough Cllr Sampson advised that if residents were having problems with dog fouling and they are certain they know who the owner of the dog is they could ring the Clean-up Team and someone would come and talk to the person concerned. Cllr Sampson also advised that in the future the Parish Council may be able to take over all street lights in the village. They would then have total responsibility for damage and maintenance. County Cllr Storey advised that the element on the Council Tax for Norfolk County Council would rise by approximately 4.8%. This was a difficult decision for NCC members, but these are very difficult times. It is hoped that money would be targeted at those who need it more.

19. Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 5th April, 2017 at 7.00pm.

Meeting closed at 8.55 pm

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