Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish Council - JUly Meeting

October 2015

WEREHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting 14th July 2015 at 7.30pm Wereham Village Hall Attendance: Cllr Jo Bruce JB Chair Cllr Gail Koopowitz GK Vice Chair Cllr Brian Bruce BB Cllr Nikki Loake NL Cllr Jacki Hitching JH Nicola Cooper NC Parish Clerk (Minutes) Pamela Walker PW Jonathon Ratsey JR Also in attendance: Cllr Colin Sampson CS Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk (BCKLWN) Cllr Martin Storey MS Norfolk County Council (NCC) Members of the Public: 10 1.0 Apologies There were no apologies. 2.0 To fill the two Casual Councillor Vacancies through Co-option. 2.1 Co-option of Mr Jonathon Ratsey and Mrs Pamela Walker to fill the two vacant positions was voted for unanimously as a composite resolution. Prop. JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. 3.0 The new Councillors were formally welcomed and after signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and agreeing to abide by, and sign, the Code of Conduct they were able to join the meeting. 4.0 Consider Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests 4.1 NL declared a personal interest in any discussions regarding the Wereham Village Hall Management Committee or the Village Hall. This was accepted. 5.0 The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th May 201 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Prop. GK, 2nd JH, All agreed. 6.0 The Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th May 2015 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Prop. GK, 2nd JH, All agreed. 7.0 Matters Arising (from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, for information only) 7.1 All action items were undertaken apart from the below which will be actioned by the Clerk prior to the next meeting: Contact Glazewing ref litter along the A134. 7.2 It was noted that there are signs on School Lane so these don’t need to be chased. 8.0 Correspondence Received 8.1 A full list was provided within the meeting. Of particular note were: 8.1.1 BCKLWN: Notification of New Property Addresses Land North of Ralmir, Flegg Green, Wereham; Developer Plot 1: Hawthorn House; Plot 2: Beech House and Plot 3: Maple House. 8.1.2 Email from Elizabeth Truss about an event in 2016 to mark the centenary of the Battle of the Somme. Free tickets can be applied for from September. Clerk to post details on Facebook page.

9.0 Village Management Issues 9.1 Highways – an email update from Andy Wallace was noted. The final quote for the dropped kerb at the post box is £470 (50% from the Parish Council). The locations proposed for the SAM2 were discussed and it was resolved to approve these. Prop. JB, 2nd JH, 6 in favour. 9.1.1 The works outstanding at The Row are with the contractor. 9.1.2 The bid to lengthen the pedestrian island was unsuccessful but Highways will continue to explore other avenues for funding. 9.1.3 The sign on the A134 is on urgent order and apologies were given for the delay. 9.1.4 The unsuitable for HGV signs for Wereham Row may not occur – Highways are waiting for guidance on signage levels which may limit this. 9.2 To discuss CGM Grounds Maintenance contract and resolve any issues. 9.2.1 No issues were raised and generally the Councillors are happy with the contract delivery. 9.3 The Play Area Maintenance being undertaken by CGM was discussed and the play area was inspected by all Councillors. There are still items outstanding. It was resolved that JB and NL would meet with the project officer from CGM to discuss these and agree remedial action required. 9.4 The results of the monthly play area inspection reports were discussed. The trees need trimming behind the north goal. Clerk to seek quotes from CGM and CP Tree Services for the work. A ceiling cost of £100 for the work was approved to enable it to be undertaken before the next meeting. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. 9.5 The street naming error for St Margaret’s Hill was discussed. There has been a good response from residents and all are in agreement to retain the name St Margaret’s Hill. Clerk to confirm this with the Borough Council and send over the supporting information kindly provided by residents. 9.6 The possibility of adopting the telephone kiosk to use as housing for the proposed defibrillator was discussed. It was resolved that the Clerk should undertake to find out how much the phone is currently used, post the idea on Facebook and Group 4 and invite comments, and find out whether commencing the consultation binds the Parish Council to the scheme – if not then this should be commenced before the next meeting. Prop JB, 2nd JH, All agreed. 9.7 The need to clean the pond and assess the structural condition of the pond wall was discussed. Clerk to investigate with the Internal Drainage Board, Environment Agency and Natural England about who could help with this. Cllr Colin Sampson to send through a contact at the Borough Council who may be able to advise further. 9.8 An application for Playing Field Hire was considered. It was resolved that the application be approved on the condition that the Village Hall is hired to provide toilet facilities. Clerk to action. Prop GK, 2nd JB, All agreed. 9.8.1 It was resolved that in the future Playing Field bookings can be agreed via email. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. 9.9 An email from Mr Tony Mears with regards to Flegg Green was discussed. A response was agreed, Clerk to action. 9.10 Adjournment of the BCKLWN LDF Hearing originally scheduled for 30th July at Lynnsport was noted. The LDF is being re-examined on its Habitat Regulations Assessment and Flood Risk Assessments. Cllr Martin Storey urged the public to question the Borough Council as to why this has occurred. Clerk to update via Facebook page. 9.11 Basic renovation of the Parish Council notice board with replacement of the Perspex and repainting of the frame (black) was agreed with a maximum spend of £80. BB to action. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. 9.12 Next Ranger visit noted for w/c 20th July. Additional items noted were: 9.12.1 Willow Tree still overhanging A134 and also over the pavement. 9.12.2 The drain along The Row between Northfield and Granary Barn is blocked at its outlet. 9.12.3 Flegg Green sign along A134 is obscured by a tree. 9.12.4 The grass verge is encroaching along the Flegg Green pavements. Clerk to follow up on these. 10.0 Village Hall Update 10.1 A general update was provided by GK. 11.0 Finance 11.1 The accounts to July 14th 2015 and cheques to be signed were considered and payments were resolved to be approved in accordance with the below. Prop JB, 2nd GK All agreed. Clerk was asked to get alternative quotes for streetlighting as a result of the EON price increase. Clerk to action. Summary of Expenditure 14th July 2015 RECEIPTS FOR PERIOD 13/5/15 – 14/7/15 08/06/2015 £1.81 Bank Interest £1.81 DIRECT DEBIT EXPENDITURE FOR PERIOD 13/5/15 – 14/7/15 28/05/2015 £204.02 N Cooper Salary and Expenses May 12/06/2015 £43.38 EON Streetlighting Jun 29/06/2015 £204.02 N Cooper Salary and Expenses June £41.98 EON Streetlighting Jul £493.40 TRANSFERS MADE DURING PERIOD 13/5/15 – 14/7/15 8/07/15 £4,000 requested for transfer from Business Saver to Community Account FOR AUTHORISATION AND PAYMENT 14/7/15 CHEQUES: £566.88 CGM Grounds Maint Jan & Feb - Invoice 1 of 6 previously missed, plus May & June (3 of 6) £131.53 N Cooper Additional Hrs, CiLCA Hrs, Office Supplies, Mileage. £9.65 Norfolk ALC Good Councillor Guides £1,623.22 CGM Play Area Maintenance £235.00 Norfolk CC - Parish Partnership - Dropped Kerb 50% £2,566.28 Balance as per cash book at 14/07/15 Business Saver £14,984.31 Community Account £2,145.70 12.0 Parish Council Management Issues 12.1 JH agreed to be an additional signatory for cheques and banking. Clerk to action. 12.2 Details of whole Council Introductory Training on 28th July were noted. All Councillors planning to attend. 12.3 It was agreed that monthly meetings would be trialled from September to January and the meeting start time would be altered to 7pm from September. Clerk to action. 12.4 The Charities and Grants Policy was agreed. Clerk to action signatures. Prop GK, 2nd JB, All agreed. 12.5 The cemetery fees were reviewed. It was agreed that an additional charge of £1,000 would be applied to all non-parishioners who have no ties to Wereham. No additional changes were requested. Clerk to action. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. Clerk to send a reminder to BB every six months for the checking of headstones for safety. 12.6 Progress towards the completion of the Wereham Parish Council webpage was noted. Clerk to ensure it is fully running prior to the September meeting. 12.7 JB and GK provided an update following visit to RAF Marham that the base will be the new HQ for the Stealth Fighters. There is a 7 year programme to adapt the current base and there will be lots of contractors (locally sourced) and additional personnel in the area during that time. 13.0 Planning 13.1 The Planning Applications Comments procedure was agreed. All noted that should they have any problems accessing their emails that they will ensure that they make the Clerk aware. 13.2 Planning Applications received. 13.2.1 15/00734/RM Reserved Matters application: Construction 2 dwellings, Pleasance, Flegg Green. No objections. 13.2.2 15/00728/F Single storey porch, April Cottage. No objections. 13.3 Planning decisions received: 13.3.1 15/00656/F Extension to bungalow following removal of existing outbuildings, 30 Queens Close. Application permitted. 13.3.2 15/00734/RM Reserved Matters application: Construction 2 dwellings, Pleasance, Flegg Green. Application permitted. 13.3.3 Planning Application Number 15/00569/F Proposed piggery building at Laurel Farm Stoke Road. Application permitted. 14.0 Councillors concerns and agenda items for next meeting –information only 14.1 Concerns regarding speeding cars along Queens Close. Clerk to email PCSO. 14.2 Junction between Queens Close and The Row – cars are failing to stop and give way. Clerk to email Highways. 14.3 The membership of R Lankfer and S Bruce on the Internal Drainage Board and how the link between the IDB and the Parish Council can be maintained was discussed. Formalisation of arrangements will be added to the September agenda. Clerk to action. 15.0 Public comments / questions 9.35pm; it was resolved to adjourn the meeting to allow public comments / questions. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. 15.1 The need to clear the drain along The Row was reiterated as it caused flooding issue last year. 9.40pm The meeting reopened. 16.0 Date of next meeting – Tuesday September 8th, 7pm, Wereham Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.40pm.

16.0 Date of next meeting – Tuesday September 8th, 7pm, Wereham Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9.40pm.

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