War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - April

June 2015

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8 April 2015, in the Community Centre, All Saints Academy

Those attending: Cllr D Clements (Chair), Cllr P Denny, Cllr M Leamon, Cllr T Mann, Cllr J Stocking, Mrs J A Taylor (Clerk), Borough Cllr C Sampson, County Cllr M Storey, six members of the public. 1. Apologies

Cllr Scott. [Note: apologies were received subsequently from Cllr Lintern, with apologies for being unable to send them before the meeting]

Apologies were accepted.

Cllr Ryves did not attend the meeting.

2. To approve the minutes of the last meeting 11 March 2015

Cllr Stocking proposed approval; Cllr Denny seconded; Carried.

3. To consider matters arising from the minutes

Freebridge – overgrown hedge and path by bungalows at playing field – Clerk has reported, Freebridge to send inspector. Ownership of land adjacent Bridge Road – to be followed up after election. Footpath from The Common to the moorings – Chair and Cllr Leamon will investigate when weather permits. Grit bin at 11/12 Buckenham drive – Borough Council is at present uncertain whether to develop the site itself or whether to sell the site with outline planning permission to another developer. Development is therefore some time away. The PC has a licence to place the grit bin on the land. Definitive answer as to who is responsible for moving the gritbin expected after further response from Borough Council. Email from Mrs Liz Snapes regarding speeding on Lynn Road – Clerk has responded. 2Agriculture – installation of air quality monitor – response expected after next 2Agriculture meeting (21 April). Care Quality Commission – question regarding adequacy of GP provision for the village – CQC is not responsible. In the absence of a satisfactory response from NHS England, CQC suggests trying HealthWatch Norwich. Clerk following up. Area of land between Indigo Road and 2Agriculture (request that it be cleared): identified as owned by Stoke Ferry Regeneration Limited – Clerk has sent letter. Glazewing contract for Cemetery bins – runs to 7 April 2016, notice period is 60 days before that date. To be put on agenda in autumn.

4. To report declarations of interest


5. Cemetery – review of works; requests

Clerk reported that tree works by Chris Palmer had been completed satisfactorily. The timber from the felled ash tree had been sold for £120. Cllr Clements suggested that the Jubilee beacon, which was provided by and is currently stored at Bonnett’s, might be re-used as a planter on the stump. A number of residents had offered to donate plants and bulbs. It was agreed to see if this could be done.

There is a residue of wood chippings left from the felling – Cllr Clements informed residents that if anyone would like to take them, they would be welcome to do so, but this must be done within a month. After that time, the remainder would be spread on site, in order that this corner of the Cemetery could be cleared and tidied.

Clerk reported no requests for donations of benches, but had details of various designs of bench. It was agreed that recommended style(s) be discussed at the next Cemetery Committee meeting.

6. Highways Rangers – next visit 20 April 2015

Current list provided to Rangers: general state of Furlong Road; potholes on Lynn Road towards Downham; road sign down on Lynn Road at A134 junction. Further suggestions from meeting: algae on paths along Oxborough Road; pothole outside main entrance of 2Agriculture factory; collapsed road at Whittington roundabout. Any other problems, residents were requested to let the Clerk know.

7. Norfolk Minerals Site Specific Allocations Development Plan Document

Clerk reported that the suggested new sites were nowhere near the Parish, such that they should not have any impact on the village; this was confirmed by County Cllr Storey. Council agreed that a response was not necessary.

8. The Common – update on ownership and responsibility

Clerk reported that, having reviewed past correspondence with Mr Andrew Sanders, he believes that he does not own The Common, even though at one point his father was in negotiations to sell it to the Parish Council. Cllr Clements has confirmed with the Land Registry that it could take up to two months to receive confirmation of ownership, and it is not possible to make any decisions until that is known. Cllr Mann cautioned that for the Council to purchase the Common might lead to considerable future expenditure. Clerk and Cllr Clements will investigate legal implications at the SLCC Roadshow to be held on 15 April.

9. Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Meeting – 13 May 2015

Clerk reported no items received so far for the agenda. It was agreed to hold the meeting at 7.15pm, before the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

10. To approve auditor for accounts year end 31 March 2015

Clerk had confirmed with Mr John Cross that he was happy to be internal auditor again for this year. Audit has been booked for 21 May. Mazars are external auditors.

11. Payments authorisation procedure and payments procedure

Clerk had confirmed with Barclays that ‘view-only’ internet access could be arranged for the Council bank accounts. A further signatory could also be added with a limit, eg £200, on the transfer of funds, which would cover 90% of all payments. It was agreed that Clerk should have view-only internet access, to be arranged as soon as practical, but any other changes should be delayed for consideration by the new Council.

12. To consider Planning applications approved/refused by the Borough Council


13. To approve payments to be made Date Item Chq/DD Net VAT Gross

March NALC annual subscription Chq 193.34 0.00 193.34 06/03/2015 Anglian Water - Cemetery Dec-Mar DD 14.93 0.00 14.93 10/02/2015 All Saints Academy, Jan room hire Chq 15.44 0.00 15.44 31/03/2015 Clerk expenses Chq 71.15 0.20 71.35 31/03/2015 Clerk March salary, six months holiday pay Chq 503.15 0.00 503.15 31/03/2015 HMRC PAYE Jan-Mar 2015 Chq 295.60 0.00 295.60 27/03/2015 All Saints Academy, Mar room hire Chq 15.44 0.00 15.44 01/04/2015 Eon, electricity March 2015 DD 32.06 1.60 33.66 07/04/2015 Information Commissioner, Data Protection DD 35.00 0.00 35.00 08/04/2015 Westcotec lighting maintenance April 15 Chq 15.44 3.09 18.53

£ 1191.55 4.89 1196.44

Balances at 31/3/15: Business Saver Account £6,546.90: Community Account £2,145.40

Clerk reported that funds at the year end represented 52.64% of the Parish Precept.

Cllr Denny proposed approval; Cllr Stocking seconded; Carried.

14. Correspondence received

Regular update from Came & Company (insurers). Request from Norfolk ALC to put forward councillors for election to NALC Executive Committee. To be put on agenda for June meeting. Response from CPRE Light Pollution Survey with summary findings. Copied to Chris Philpott. Another BT offer for village to adopt the phone box on The Hill. Clerk has responded asking for information on where the required new telephone would be situated. Cllr Mann remarked on the potential upkeep costs. Letter from MP Elizabeth Truss published in the Pump, regarding a review of route hierarchy in West Norfolk, with particular mention of heavy goods vehicles travelling through Southery. It was agreed to put forward Stoke Ferry as another example where HGVs have a noticeable impact within the village and a review might be appropriate. Clerk to write to Ms Truss.

Email from Cllr Denny regarding speeding in the village. He informed the meeting that he has received increasing numbers of complaints about inconsiderate driving, and about some individuals in particular. He had investigated a scheme whereby private individuals could use a speedgun provided by the police to log incidents of speeding. Councillors requested further information, in particular about cost, and wished to confirm that this would be a residents’ initiative and not the responsibility of the Council. Cllr Denny undertook to find out more.

Councillors made other suggestions for measures which might help to reduce speeding: fences on the sides of the road by English’s garage; SpeedWatch signs, Please Drive Carefully signs. Clerk to investigate.

15. To receive further information or suggested items to be considered for the next meeting agenda (councillors/public)

Cllr Mann reported a street light working intermittently. Clerk to report to Westcotec. Borough Councillor Sampson wished luck to those councillors standing in the forthcoming elections. County Councillor Storey reported that RAF Coltishall had been awarded a grant of £11,854 to restore a Second World War brick-built shed, believed to be the only example surviving. A new contract for Park and Ride Norwich had been awarded to Connect Bus, which would result in the provision of 18 new buses and the refurbishment of existing ones. Councillors suggested that King’s Lynn should set up a Park and Ride – Cllr Sampson reported that it was extremely expensive to set up such schemes.

Members of the public: The noise from the other half of the Community Centre was mentioned. It was agreed that this should be reviewed after the election, with a view to considering moving meetings to the village hall. Fences at entry points – it was suggested that plastic fences might be easier to maintain; metal fences or sturdy oak posts were also suggested. Clerk to investigate. It was noted that Oxborough used to have a SpeedWatch area some years ago – was it known why this ceased? Clerk to investigate.

Chair thanked all councillors for giving up their time and serving the community over the past years, and wished all of them good luck in the elections. She also thanked the Borough and County Councillors for their continuing support.

16. Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 13 May, 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 7.15pm on Wednesday 13 May in the Community Centre.

The meeting closed at 8.25pm.

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