West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council - April meeting

May 2015




PRESENT (5 Councillors): - Pam Bullas (PB), Claire Cann (CC) – Chairman, Lorraine Hunt (LH), Claire Page (CP), Pam Walker (PW)

Clerk: - Sarah Thorpe Cllr Trevor Manley (TM) – Borough Councillor

5 members of the public were in attendance.

Papers presented to Councillors:  (i) Financial Management Report (spreadsheet); (ii) expenditure (for approval);

(iii) Glazewing Report.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting.

  1. Apologies for absence.  Apologies had been received from Councillor Tom Foy (TF), due to work commitments,

Councillor Paula Kellingray (PK), due to family commitments, and County Councillor Brian Long (BL), due to him attending another meeting.

  1. Declarations of interest. No declarations of pecuniary interest were made.

  1. Use of social media and audio recording of meeting. CC asked “Will anyone present be filming, recording,

blogging or tweeting during this meeting?” No member of the public present at this stage advised that they would.

  1. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 March 2015. The Chairman confirmed all Councillors had seen the minutes of the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on 5 March 2015. These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5.1         Chairman’s Report.

5.1.1      New dog waste bin. CC advised that she had taken delivery of the new bin and asked if the Handyman could make arrangements to collect it from her.

5.1.2      Fly-tipping on Lime Kiln Road. CC advised that there had now been two incidents of rubbish dumped in the passing place near the old lime pits. Clerk advised that she had already reported the first incident but would also report this additional incident.

5.2         Clerk’s Report.

5.2.1      A134 Road Traffic Collisions. Information on incidents that have occurred over the last ten years have been obtained from the police by a freedom of information (FOI) request. This information shows that collisions have increased from 9 during the period 2005-2009 to 18 for the period 2010-2014. There have been two fatalities, one in 2009 and the other in 2012. A response from the PC to the email from Norfolk County Council (NCC) planning department regarding the application by British Sugar will now be issued. It will quote this information to back up the belief of the PC that traffic is increasing on the A134, and that this proposal by British Sugar will have a significant effect on the already increasing levels of traffic on the A134 and therefore on the safety of the junctions with Lime Kiln Road and Bath Road.

5.2.2      PC elections. These will take place on 7 May, along with parliamentary and borough elections. The nomination period is currently open and runs to 4pm on 9 April. If anyone is eligible and interested in becoming a Parish Councillor further information and nomination packs are available from the Clerk or, BC Electoral Services staff by calling 01553 616200 or visiting the BC website.

5.2.3      Local Council Award Scheme. The Clerk advised that during the last month she has been working on producing documents that will be required by the PC before an application can be submitted for further accreditation under scheme.

5.2.4      Light Pollution Conference. Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has issued details of a Light Pollution Conference that they will be hosting on 10 June 2015 at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. The conference will be from 9.30am to 3pm and will cost £15 per delegate, which is a reduced rate for Parish Councils.

5.2.5      Training. The Clerk advised on training and conferences attended during the last month.

  • A course on cemetery management which was attended by CC and the Clerk.
  • NALC Spring Conference which included interesting updates on Internal Audits, VAT, and legal issues affecting PCs; and an overview of Pension Benefit for PC employees. NCC provided information on the Parish Partnership Scheme for 2015/16. Talks from Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner; Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Coordinator; and Victim Support from Norfolk & Suffolk Restorative Justice Service.
  • A course on minute taking.
  • Street lighting workshop at NCC which gave an overview of the work that NCC are doing regarding their own street lighting, and advice on the responsibility of PCs regarding their street lighting supply including, electrical and structural testing and the options regarding transferring lighting stock to NCC. The PC will need to look at the situation regarding the future of their street light based on this information as the cost of maintaining the light will increase significantly.

5.3         Handyman’s Report. No report had been provided by the Handyman this month as he had not carried out any work due to him awaiting details on work to be completed.

5.4         Police Report. PCSO Jane Edwards had issued her apologies for not providing a report for the last PC meeting. She had advised that this was due to her incorrectly believing that the date of the PC meeting was 6 March. She had given her apologies for this meeting and provided a report which stated that during the last month the police had received five calls, one theft from motor vehicle (fuel stolen from a lorry parked on Hilgay Road); three anti-social behaviour (all were reports of motorbikes racing along Station Road); and one suspicious circumstances. There had been one reported crime which was the theft from motor vehicle. She advised that with regard to the bikes on Station Road she had spoken to the boys from the family that it was alleged were involved but they had denied that they had been out. She asked if a description of clothing and the bike could be obtained in future if the problem continues.

5.5         Village Hall Report. PK was not present to provide a report; however a member of the village hall committee advised that last month was good and that they had a busy month coming up with lots of public events including an Easter Party on Saturday. All events are advertised in the Village Magazine and on the PC website. There was also a private party at the end of the month.

5.6         Broadband Report. Karen O’Kane (KOK) had provided further information on the likely expected speeds, for several sample addresses in the parish, following the installation off superfast broadband. She advised that:

  • The Hollies, Station Road was very close to the new cabinet and likely to get over 70 Mbps;
  • 10 Church Road was approximately 1.1km away so speed was estimated to be 20 Mbps;
  • The Old Rectory, St Andrew’s Walk was 1.6km away and speed would be approximately 15 Mbps;
  • Windward & Fiddler’s Roof at The Row were to the north and approximately 2km away so speeds would be poor at an estimated 5 Mbps.

KOK advised that they had looked generally, and most of WD is within reach of the new cabinet, which is going in this year.  Of the 182 properties they are concerned speed wise about 19 to the north of the village where they estimate speeds will be 5–10 Mbps. KOK has checked the network design for the new contract and it includes a new small cabinet to serve approximately 50 properties to improve speeds, but she can’t provide a date for the second new cabinet yet.

It was agreed that this was very disappointing for the properties to the North that would still not be receiving a fast service and that the Clerk should contact KOK to ask what they planned to do to help these properties.

5.7         Glazewing Report.  Glazewing had issued their April report by email which covers the period from 26 February 2015 to 2 April. It advised that there had been one reported complaint in the period: on 4 March a pedestrian had called to complain about a large green vehicle driving along Station Road towards Glazewing in a dangerous manner. No vehicle registration had been taken and Glazewing monitored all vehicles arriving on site over the next hour but no vehicle of that description attended site.

The PC had received an email from the resident that had made the complaint and it was read out to the meeting:

“Just to let you know we made a complaint to Glazewing at about 4- 5pm on the 4th March. A full size lorry sped past our house at such a speed it caused the car door my husband had open to slam shut and almost ran him over. My son had just got out of the car and I just grabbed him in through the gate. I witnessed this as well as my husband. My husband immediately rang Glazewing but the manager was in a meeting and left a message with the receptionist saying it was a green lorry, as it went at such speed he was shocked and did not see it well. The manager rang him back and left a message about ten minutes later and left a message on his mobile, saying that no such lorry had come into the yard and suggested it was going to another business on the road or had turned off at Basil Road. I rang back immediately but manager again was unavailable left a message with receptionist saying I had witnessed the incident and the lorry was actually mostly white with green markings said recycling, had pictures of wood on back and was soft sided. I stated that the lorry was going at considerable speed and was the second of the same liveried lorry that I had witnessed speeding within the last hour as one had also whipped past the house as I was going to collect my son from school. I suggested if they had a new contract or drivers they needed to remind them of the 20mile an hour agreement. The manager never rang back. I have now seen these lorries on several occasions and they are actually the new Glazewing lorries which have green rather than red cabs.”

CC advised that she was very disappointed that the report from Glazewing did not mention that they had made an application under their Goods Vehicle Operator’s License to keep an additional 8 goods vehicles and 21 trailers at the operating centre in WD: a notice had appeared in the Lynn News to this effect on Friday 27 March. The notice stated that owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre who believe that their use or enjoyment of the land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6NF stating their reasons within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given (Glazewing Ltd, Station Road, West Dereham, PE33 9RR). “A Guide to Making Representations” is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s office.

CC advised that she had obtained a copy of this guide and that it stated that a Parish Council could not submit representations unless it owned land near the site that was affected. Also it does not allow for complaints about extra traffic. The deadline for representations is 17 April 2015. Residents on Station Road and the Borough Council (BC) would be eligible to make representations. TM agreed that he would speak to the Community Safety & Neighbourhood Nuisance Team (CSNN) at the BC and suggested that residents who had concerns should write to the BC urging them to make representations. It was agreed that the PC would produce a notice to inform residents on Station Road of the application by Glazewing and the process for making representation if they wished to do so. Clerk to produce notice and pass to PC for approval before issue to residents and placing on PC website.

6.1         Accounts.   Accounts for approval and the monthly financial management report were submitted by the Clerk. She advised that the income and expenditure for February 2015 has now been confirmed and that estimated figures for March have been inserted based upon invoices received. Cash flow remained good with income and expenditure as expected.

PayeeCheque NoNetVATGross
Clerk’s salary & expenses for Mar 2015 – 52.25 hrs.100788634.36634.36
Anglian Water – cemetery supply Dec to March10078913.8713.87
NPTP – Cemetery training for CC & ST10079060.0060.00
BCKLWN – weekly dog waste bin empty for 2014/1510079160.0012.0072.00
Glasdon UK Ltd – purchase of extra dog waste bin100792217.0943.41260.50
WD Village Hall – hire  for PC meetings Feb to March100793105.00105.00
Norfolk ALC – membership subscription for 2015/16100794111.90111.90
Total 1202.2255.411257.63

CC would refund the PC for her place on the Cemetery Course. The above payments were considered and approved. Cheques to be signed at the end of the meeting.

6.2         Internal Auditor. The reappointment of Jean Markwell (Town Clerk for Downham Market) as the Internal Auditor for 2014/15 was agreed.

  1. Neighbourhood Plan. CC advised that she had been unable to attend a briefing on Neighbourhood Planning on 27 March. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask NALC to provide information from the briefing. Further information is available on various websites and the Clerk gave some details on funding options from Locality which include grants or direct support. It was agreed that the matter would be discussed again when further information had been obtained.

  1. NCC Minerals Site Specific Allocations Plan for Silica Sand. CC advised that she had reviewed the documents

provided by NCC since the last PC meeting and that it showed that silica sand is present in the southern part of the village and covers both grades 2 and 3 agricultural land and some individual dwellings. The current consultation from NCC is an initial consultation which gives details of how the entire process will be conducted and the next stage will be to invite landowners to put forward possible sites. Only one or two additional sites are required in Norfolk. It was agreed that the information provided from NCC was very technical and that at this stage there did not appear to be a need for the PC to make comments. There would be further opportunity to make comments when potential sites had been identified.

  1. Bus stop on Church Road. The PC had received a request for the position of the bus stop on the north end of

Church Road to be investigated. Currently school and service buses are stopping near the telephone box where as in the past the bus stop was at the village hall. It was felt that the current stop was too near to the junction with Bath Road, and just after a corner which meant that there was concern for the safety of residents using the bus services. It was agreed that the Clerk would make enquiries with the bus companies to see why the stop was moved and the matter would be discussed again at the next PC meeting.

  1. No applications or decisions have been received since the last PC meeting.

11.1       An email had been received, prior to the March PC meeting, from a parishioner raising concerns over damage to Willow Lane caused by many lorry-loads of sugar beet being transported along this lane. It had been agreed that the PC would investigate and discuss again at this meeting. A parishioner from Willow Lane was present and advised that ruts were created by the harvest and this is now being compacted by other vehicles. It was agreed that the Clerk should write a letter to the landowner asking if he could have a look, and make suggestions on what could be done.

11.2       An email had been received from Highways advising of a scheduled visit by the Highways Rangers during week commencing 11 May 2015 and asking for any appropriate work to be referred to them. The Clerk confirmed that she had already reported the issue of the overgrown path on Station Road that needed siding out, but she would ensure that this had been passed to the Rangers for action. Other matters were reported that need referring to Highways and BC and these are shown under item 14.

11.3       A letter and information had been received from Norfolk Rural Community Council advising of their merger with West Norfolk Voluntary Community Action from 1 April 2015. Their new name would be Community Action Norfolk. This letter and information to be displayed on the village hall notice board.

  1. Parish Council Assets.

12.1       Annual Inspection of Village Assets. CC advised that the inspection had taken place on 7 March and that it was pleasing to note that a number of assets were in good condition following work that had been done since the last inspection. The following was reported:

  1. Allotment gates have now been secured and require no further action; however hedging and fencing required attention at the site and the Clerk is to contact the relevant owners.
  2. Phone boxes on Station Road and Church Road have now been adopted by the PC and their refurbishment will be discussed in the next item. The area behind the phone box in Church Road is strewn with rubbish and the Handyman is to be tasked with clearing.
  3. The Bert Starling seat and the Joyce Smith seat on Church Road are both in good condition following refurbishment in the last couple of years.
  4. Kerbing on corner at Old School, Church Road has become damaged by HGVs and needs repairing again and possible installation of reflector posts to prevent further damage. Clerk to report to Highways.
  5. Village Signs. Both signs are in need of refurbishment or replacement. Clerk to obtain quotations and consider at next PC meeting.
  6. Village Notice Boards. Both are in good condition and no action needed.
  7. NCC signposts at junction of Church Road/Wereham Road; in triangle at junction of Church Road/Station Road/Hilgay Road; at junction of Church Road/Bath Road; and at junction of Lime Kiln Road/Ryston Road in poor state and need to be rubbed down and repainted. Handyman to action.
  8. Stocks Bridge (road and footpath); and bridge on Church Road near Hudson’s Garage need washing down. Handyman to action.
  9. Dog waste bin on Church Road in good condition. No action required.
  10. Planters on Church Road. Both need feeding and retreating, and south planter needed more bulbs. Handyman to action.
  11. Bus Shelter on Church Road needs algae removing from exterior brickwork. Handyman to action.
  12. Post Box on Church Road has been repositioned and repainted but the same is required for Post Box on Station Road. Clerk to contact Royal Mail.
  13. Cemetery gates have been temporarily repaired and new gates and pillars are planned for 2015/16.
  14. Eddie Drew seat in cemetery still needs cleaning and wood retreating. Clerk to contact family.
  15. Doug Hawes seat in cemetery still needs cleaning and wood retreating. Family details not known.
  16. War Memorial still to be inspected.
  17. Recreation Field off Ryston Road. New goal posts and nets are needed and to consider basketball hoop. Clerk to obtain quotes.
  18. Bridges at the following locations need rubbing down and repainting: on Ryston Road, near The Row and near Watering Cottages; at the junction of Basil Road/Hilgay Road; on Basil Road bend at junction with Bars Hall Farm and junction with Brookes Lane. Handyman to action.
  19. Post and railings at junction of Church Road/Station Road/Hilgay Road needs weeding at base, cleaning and repainting. Handyman to action.

12.2       Refurbishment options for the telephone boxes. Prices had been obtained for spare parts and the Handyman had previously advised on the work that was required. Perspex or mesh are being considered to replace the glass. It was agreed that the Handyman should be asked to commence scraping off the old paint and rubbing down, in preparation for the refurbishment. Further information and quotations would be needed before a decision could be made: Clerk to speak to Handyman to ask him to attend meeting to discuss options and obtain cost for Perspex and mesh.

12.3       Street light on St Andrews Close. The information obtained by the Clerk at the recent NCC street light workshop was discussed. It was agreed that a review of the street light should be made by obtaining quotations for the testing and maintenance, and asking residents near the light for their views, as well as consulting the rest of the parish when the cost of keeping the street light is known. Clerk to obtain information, and item to remain on agenda for next meeting.

12.4       Appointment of architect to submit planning application for pillars & gates at cemetery. One quotation had been received for the work at a cost of £300-£500 plus the £195 payable to the BC for submitting the planning application. CP advised that she was able to get another quote, and TM advised that he would speak to another architect to see if he was able to take on the work. It was agreed that the contract would be given to whoever came up with the best price.

  1. Parish Council policies and documentation.

13.1       Handling Complaints Policy. The current document, which had been circulated to all prior to the meeting, was reviewed and it was agreed that no amendments were necessary.

13.2       Garden Allotment Tenancy. Following the Allotment Inspection on 14 March CC advised that the allotments are in good condition. Thanks were expressed to Mr Richard French (RF), Allotment Liaison Officer. An amendment to the current document, to include the option for each tenant to have a shed and a greenhouse rather than only one of these items, was considered and agreed. Clerk to amend document and advise RF.

  1. Other Business – Any additional reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.

14.1       PB advised that the broken posts on Station Road have been replaced by Highways.

14.2       The street name sign at Wereham Road at the junction with Church Road has been damaged. Clerk to report to Street Name Team at BC.

14.3       Potholes by bridge in Ryston Road and near Stocks Bridge on Church Road. Clerk to report to Highways.

14.2       Fly tipping incident of glass in passing place on Church Road near Stocks Bridge. Clerk to report to the BC Clean-up team.

14.3       The Annual Parish Meeting will be taking place on Thursday 30 April in the Village Hall from 7.30pm. Reports from local groups to be requested for the meeting.

14.4       PB gave her apologies for the Annual Parish Council meeting on 14 May 2015.

The official meeting concluded at 9.03pm, and was opened to the floor for general comment.

Open Forum.

  • TM spoke about the BC planning department recently being told by the planning inspectorate that their current 5 year plan does not have sufficient allocation for development and that it is only sufficient for 1.9 years. This resulted in a development being approved that the BC had recommended for refusal. The BC are going to the High Court to ask for the inspectorates figures to be checked as this would have implications on the Local Development Framework that the BC is in the final stages of producing.
  • TM also advised that this would be his last PC meeting as he was not standing for re-election as Borough Councillor in the forthcoming elections. CC expressed thanks to TM for his regular attendance at PC meetings and his help in the past on many issues. She added that the PC would be sorry to see him go.

Closure. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and final closure of the meeting was at 9.10pm.

Annual Parish Meeting is on Thursday 30 April at 7.30pm with free tea, coffee and biscuits from 7.00pm.

Next PC meeting is the Annual Parish Council is on Thursday 14 May at 7.30pm with Open Surgery from 7.00pm.

Clerk: Sarah Thorpe

Email: clerk@westderehamparishcouncil.com

Telephone: 01945 430930

Chairman’s signature ……………………………………             Date ……………………………

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