War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - March meeting

May 2015

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held Wednesday 11th March 2015, in the Community Centre, All Saints Academy Those attending: Cllr D Clements (Chair), Cllr P Denny, Cllr T Mann, Cllr J Stocking, Mrs J A Taylor (Clerk), Borough Cllr C Sampson, County Cllr M Storey, six members of the public. 1. Apologies

Cllr Leamon (unwell); Cllr Lintern (travelling); Cllr Ryves (no reason given); Cllr Scott (no reason given).

2. To approve the minutes of the last meeting 11 February 2015

Cllr Stocking requested a small amendment regarding a comment about the ash tree in the Cemetery. Cllr Denny proposed approval; Cllr Stocking seconded; Carried.

3. To consider matters arising from the minutes

Highways issues: overgrown hedge in Bridge Road – completed. State of Furlong Road – to be mentioned, with any other issues, to Highways for next visit. Freebridge – overgrown hedge and path by bungalows at playing field – Clerk to follow up. Ownership of land adjacent Bridge Road and The Common – Chair has paperwork in hand for The Common. Footpath from The Common to the moorings – Chair and Cllr Leamon to investigate. Grit bin at 11/12 Buckenham drive – Clerk has contacted appropriate person and is awaiting response. Email from Mrs Liz Snapes regarding speeding on Lynn Road – Clerk can respond after Item 5 is resolved. Site allocations document – Clerk reported that Parish response has been received and confirmed as valid by BCKLWN. 2Agriculture – installation of air quality monitor – response expected after next 2Agriculture meeting. Rubbish on Playing Field – removed. Care Quality Commission – question regarding adequacy of GP provision for the village – Clerk to investigate. New waste bin at The Hill – now installed. Key to be held at Bonnett’s. Area of land between Indigo Road and 2Agriculture (request that it be cleared): identified as owned by Stoke Ferry Regeneration Limited – Clerk to contact. Cllr Stocking reported regarding the noticeboard in the Cemetery – this has been refurbished and replaced. Gates are awaiting refurbishment.

4. To report declarations of interest

Cllr Mann declared as a member of the Playing Field Committee.

5. To consider PCSO match-funding scheme – public meeting

Cllr Lintern had been in touch with various local parishes which had expressed interest in the scheme and some Suffolk parishes which had already signed up to the scheme. Clerk had been approached by Hilgay and Southery parishes wishing to know more.

Councillors expressed the opinion that Stoke Ferry residents had shown no enthusiasm for the scheme.

Cllr Denny proposed not taking the scheme any further; Cllr Mann seconded; Carried.

Clerk will put interested parties in touch with each other and leave them to pursue.

6. Review of 2014-2015 financial year

Cllr Mann informed the meeting that after investigation, the Playing Field Trust had found a quote for public liability insurance of around £700 rather than £1,300, therefore the request for 2015/2016 would likely be less than anticipated.

Clerk presented usual monthly statement of accounts, plus an informed estimate of the position at year end. Clerk had entered all known payments to year end, plus likely payment to Anglian Water and payment for tree works at Cemetery.

This would give a carry forward balance of just under £8,300 (just over 50% of Precept) compared to a bring forward balance from 2013/2014 of just under £12,000. It was noted that overspend on budget for the year was just under £3,800, which comprised mainly unanticipated purchase of new lights for the village, slippage of budget on Community Car Scheme, legal fees and payment regarding former Clerk, and overspends on War Memorial and waste/dog bins.

7. 2015 contracts for grounds maintenance within the village

Contract for Cemetery work agreed for CGM.

Playing Field Trust confirmed terms of a three-year contract with six months’ notice, and no payment to be made by the Parish Council until PFT confirmed works were satisfactory.

CGM is sending separate quotes for each area, which will be reviewed by the Clerk.

8. Elections to Parish Councils May 2015

Clerk informed the meeting that the deadline for forms to be with BCLKWN was 9th April; she was collecting forms and adding necessary details ready for forwarding. The sooner forms were submitted the better.

The Annual Parish Meeting would be held on 13th May, and residents are invited to submit items for the agenda to the Clerk. A notice will be published in The Pump.

9. Highways Rangers – next visit 20th April 2015

Clerk informed the meeting that the next visit was on 20th April, and invited residents to submit items for attention. Cllr Denny mentioned the road breaking up on Lynn Road towards the A134/Downham direction – Clerk to inform both Highways and Wretton Parish Council.

10. Payments authorisation procedure and payments procedure

Regarding internet banking, Clerk had been given information on Unity Bank, which provides a procedure whereby the Clerk to a council could set up a payment, this triggers emails to authorising councillors who then return an appropriately coded email which authorises payment. Councillors felt this would provide appropriate safeguards for internet banking. Clerk to explore whether Barclays (the current banking provider) could provide a similar service, and to get more detail on Unity Bank.

11. Cemetery – administration, works and request for disinterment of ashes

Clerk informed the meeting that the tree works were scheduled for third week in March. Further request had been received for an interment of ashes in an existing grave.

12. To consider Planning applications approved/refused by the Borough Council

Stopping Up of Highway had been approved at 1 Wretton Road (Duke’s Head).

13. To approve payments to be made

Payments for authorisation, meeting held on 11th March 2015

Date Item Chq/DD Net VAT Gross

31/01/2015 Glazewing, Cemetery bins January 2015 DD 21.00 4.20 25.20 28/02/2015 Glazewing, Cemetery bins February 2015 DD 14.00 2.80 16.80 28/02/2015 Clerk salary, February 2015 Chq 282.33 0.00 282.33 28/02/2015 Clerk expenses February 2015 Chq 91.51 7.62 99.13 02/03/2015 Eon, electricity, February 2015 DD 28.96 1.45 30.41 10/03/2015 Elections training course Chq 30.00 0.00 30.00 10/03/2015 SLCC Roadshow, Thetford, April 2015 Chq 69.00 13.80 82.80 10/03/2015 Land Registry (for title of The Common) Chq 4.00 0.00 4.00 10/03/2015 All Saints Academy, room hire Feb 2015 Chq 46.32 0.00 46.32 12/02/2015 Westcotec, lighting maintenance Feb 15 Chq 15.44 3.09 18.53 05/03/2015 Westcotec, lighting maintenance Mar 15 Chq 15.44 3.09 18.53 13/02/2015 Glasdon UK Ltd, bin for The Hill Chq 380.00 76.00 456.00 27/02/2015 BCKLWN - dog bins, Apr14-Feb15 inclusive Chq 120.00 24.00 144.00 10/03/2015 SLCC Clerk Membership Apr15-Mar16 inc Chq 103.00 0.00 103.00 09/03/2015 Stoke Ferry Community Car Scheme to Feb15 Chq 200.30 0.00 200.30

1421.30 136.05 1557.35 Anticipated payment 24/03/2015 CP Tree Services, Cemetery Works Chq 1080.00 0.00 1080.00

2501.30 136.05 2637.35 Clerk had added CP Tree Services, not yet invoiced, for clarity in anticipation of work being satisfactorily completed by financial year end.

Cllr Denny proposed approval; Cllr Stocking seconded; Carried.

Clerk to check the renewal date of Glazewing contract for emptying bins at the Cemetery, and cost of purchase of bins.

14. Correspondence received

Request for donation from Magpas. Declined.

15. To receive further information or suggested items to be considered for the next meeting agenda (councillors/public)

Chair informed the meeting of the next SNAP meeting, on 17th March.

Chair reminded Council that all emails sent on Council business must be sent to all Councillors, and hard copies provided by the councillor sending to those who do not have email.

Council formally apologised to Borough Councillor Sampson for emails which had recently emanated from the Council.

A review of the eligibility requirements for standing as a councillor concluded that, regarding occupation of a property within the parish, an applicant must physically occupy that property in order to be eligible. However, decision is responsibility of Borough Council’s Electoral Services.

Clerk confirmed that for any forms she received from those wishing to stand as councillors, she would insert electoral roll information as necessary and forward in good time to BCKLWN.

Borough Cllr Sampson mentioned the imminent rise in price of stamps.

County Cllr Storey reported that the NCC budget meeting held on 16th February had resulted, despite difficult circumstances, in an agreed budget. Cuts were inevitable but the overall result appeared better than before. He confirmed that the Council Tax had not been increased, and every effort was being made not to hit frontline services.

A waste conference had been held on 24th February at the John Innes Centre. Some good suggestions had been received and would be taken forward; he could confirm that incineration was not something being considered. Recycling targets had gone up, which was encouraging.

All information was on the NCC website. As always, all residents are welcome to contact him via email, telephone or in person at any time, a comment endorsed by Borough Cllr Sampson.

Members of the public:

The footpath through the plot between 11/12 Buckenham Drive – would this be closed off with the new development? Chair confirmed that it would be re-routed.

Site allocations document – had Borough Councillors been invited to attend Stoke Ferry and demonstrate where the GP surgery was located? Clerk confirmed that this had been done.

16. Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 8th April, 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

The meeting closed at 8.25pm.

.............................................................. .................................................... Chair Date

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