War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - Janaury

April 2015

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre, All Saints Academy, at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th January 2015

Those attending:  Cllr D Clements (Chair), Cllr P Denny, Cllr M Leamon, Cllr S Lintern (Vice-Chair),  Cllr T Ryves, Cllr J Stocking, Borough Cllr C Sampson, County Cllr M Storey, Mrs J A Taylor (Clerk), 13 members of the public

  1. To consider accepting apologies for absence None.

Presentation relating to Item 8:  Match-funded PCSO Scheme

Chair invited representatives from Norfolk Constabulary, Inspector Rebecca Cant, Mr Leigh Jenkins, Business Liaison Manager, and Steph Stearman, Business Liaison Co-ordinator, to present information on the match-funded PCSO scheme.

Mr Jenkins made a presentation, and he, Inspector Cant and Ms Stearman took questions.

The scheme allows organisations to contribute to additional PCSO support, which is then available exclusively to that organisation(s).

The cost is £17,000 per year, which can be shared with other organisations in a ‘cluster’ arrangement.  Organisations within a cluster need not be of the same type, but could include a mix of parish councils, businesses, and Chambers of Commerce for example.

The PCSO is available full-time, 37 hours per week, between the hours of 7am and 12 midnight.  It is recommended that the organisation concerned provide a dedicated room for recognised surgeries to enable as much contact with the community as possible.

The PCSO’s aim is to feed intelligence into the Safer Neighbourhood Team, as well as carry out patrols, radar checks, or whatever else the community feels is a priority in their area.

The initial contract is for two years; it contains a service-dependent break clause, which has been reviewed by the Association of Local Councils.

75% of participants have renewed the initial two year contract, and the break clause has so far not been enacted.

Further information will be sent to the Clerk.

Mr Jenkins confirmed that the Business Liaison Team would be available for further meetings with other parish councils.  He emphasised that this scheme is in addition to existing police resources.

Cllr Clements suggested that other nearby parish councils be contacted to see if they would be interested in the scheme.  Cllr Lintern undertook to make contact.

The Chair thanked Inspector Cant, Mr Jenkins and Ms Stearman, who then left the meeting.

  1. To approve the Minutes of the last Council Meeting on 10 December 2014

Some corrections were made to the Minutes.  Cllr Leamon proposed approval; Cllr Stocking seconded; Carried.

  1. To consider Matters Arising from the Minutes

Overgrown hedge in Bridge Road:  Clerk will inform Highways rangers, who will be in the village next week.

Overgrown hedge – bungalows by playing fields – Freebridge.  Not yet done.

Ownership of land adjacent Bridge Road and the Common – Cllr Clements will update on progress at the next meeting.

State of Furlong Road – formal complaint has been sent to Highways.  Mr Les Bonnett reported that a request for complete resurfacing was submitted around three years ago, but the cost would be approximately £1,000,000 so was not going to be done.  There is a proposal going forward to have tarmac infilling at Indigo Road and at the Cemetery.

Brambles at the Village Hall – have now been cut back.

Road signs relating to the Furlongs:  Cllr Clements has been in touch with NCC again, who confirm that all signage is correct.

Footpath from the Common to the moorings:  Cllrs Clements and Leamon will investigate.

Defibrillator – letter from Editor of The Pump:  Cllr Stocking has purchased a defibrillator, four Bonnetts staff are trained to use it and she will make it available if a 999 call is made.

Waste bin at The Hill:  Clerk sourced a replacement at £380.  To be discussed under item 8, Budget.

Grit bin at Buckenham Drive:  Clerk is in process of finding out who at Borough Council should be approached.

CPRE Light Pollution Questionnaire:  Westcotec has supplied technical information; Chris Philpott has volunteered to assist Clerk in completion.

Visit by Highway and Community Rangers:  Clerk has received items for attention.

Footpath at 11/12 Buckenham Drive:  Cllr Clements has confirmed that the path will be moved when the development takes place, but the plans are not yet set in stone.

  1. To record Declarations of Interest

Cllr Clements declared an interest in the Car Scheme; Cllrs Leamon, Lintern and proposed councillor Mrs Mann declared interest in the Playing Field Scheme (to be discussed under items 7 and 8).

A clarification was received from Borough Councillor Sampson.  Where a councillor is associated with another organisation but does not personally have a pecuniary interest in that organisation, then this need not be declared as an interest and those councillors are able to discuss and vote on matters concerning that organisation.  It remains good practice in the interests of openness and transparency that such associations be made clear to the public.

  1. To consider application for co-option into temporary councillor vacancies

Mrs Trudy Mann and Mrs Linda Scott had put their names forward for co-option.  They confirmed their eligibility, being over 18 years of age, British citizens, and registered electors in Stoke Ferry Parish.  They signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office before the Proper Officer of the Council (Clerk).  They took their places as councillors and Chair and other councillors welcomed them to the Council.

  1. Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Pre-submission document

Cllr Clements will keep the document at her home, where anyone can ring her and come and see it.  She will also make it available at councillor surgeries, 11.00-11.45am, Thursday mornings at the Community Centre.

County Cllr Storey noted that the document is also available on-line.  Consultation lasts until 23rd February, when the document goes to Planning for a final decision, expected around October/November.

It was noted that the document still states incorrectly that Stoke Ferry has a GP surgery.

  1. Grass-cutting: playing field

Cllr Clements had spoken to DJG:  the quote remained at £1,296pa, which the Parish Council could not afford to fund.  She had spoken to CGM and indicated that improvement in their service was expected.

Cllr Lintern confirmed that the Playing Field Trust would re-write the works specification for CGM and include a quality-dependent break clause.  Someone from the Playing Field Committee will be responsible for checking the quality of each cut and signing off on it.  Cllr Mann undertook to report back to the next meeting.

  1. To consider Budget/Precept for 2015/16

A discussion on the Budget followed.  Cllr Mann mentioned the So Low tariff from Anglian Water, which could save money.  Clerk undertook to investigate.

Acceptance of the Budget was proposed by Cllr Leamon; seconded Cllr Denny:  seven for, one against; Carried.

It was suggested that the Precept remain the same as last year, £16,512.50.  Cllr Lintern proposed; Cllr Mann seconded:  seven for, one against; Carried.

  1. To consider Planning Application Decisions

Application permitted; Homeleigh, High Street, repair and replace seven upper floor sash windows.

  1. To approve payments to be made

08/12/2014 All Saints Academy, room hire November Chq 30.88 0.00 30.88

02/01/2015 Eon, electricity, December 2014 DD 32.06 1.60 33.66

08/01/2015 All Saints Academy, room hire December Chq 15.44 0.00 15.44

08/01/2015 Westcotec Chq 15.44 3.09 18.53

Clerk's salary, December 2014 Chq 143.30 0.00 143.30

Clerk's expenses, Sept-Dec 2014 Chq 218.32 5.48 224.20

HMRC PAYE, Sept-Dec 2014 Chq 179.00 0.00 179.00

634.44 10.17 645.01

Balances at 31/12/2014:  Business Saver Account £10,545.76:  Community Account £848.13

  1. Correspondence received

Resignation from Councillor Lee McCarthy.

Request from NHS Blood and Transport to distribute leaflets and publicise Blood Donor session in Downham Market.  Cllr Stocking agreed to do this.

Email from Mrs Liz Snapes regarding speeding on Lynn Road.  Clerk to respond.

Department for Communities and Local Government Consultation on the Government’s intentions to modernise parish poll regulations.  Council does not wish to respond.

  1. To receive further information or suggested items to be considered for the next meeting agenda (Councillors and Public)

Match-funded PCSO scheme:  it was agreed, with one dissension, to investigate the scheme further.  Cllr Lintern will take responsibility.

Cllr Mann reported an intermittent street light on the corner of Boughton Road.  Clerk to contact Westcotec.

Cllr Denny queried who was responsible for clearing rubbish from the playing field.  Councillors on the Playing Field Committee agreed to add rubbish clearing to the CGM works specification.  He also mentioned the dangerous state of the area surrounding the basketball hoop.  Cllr Mann said the Playing Field Trust was aware of this.  Cllr Stocking agreed to contact Mr Jim Kirchner to see if he might be able to help.

County Cllr Storey informed the meeting that Cory Wheelabrator had withdrawn its planning application for an incinerator at King’s Lynn.

Members of public pointed out how difficult it was to hear while the other half of the Community Centre was being used.  Councillors agreed that was not satisfactory.  Cllr Denny queried whether it would be cheaper to use the Village Hall.  Cllr Clements agreed this should be considered.

A member of the public noted that the 2Agriculture Liaison Committee minutes have said there were no complaints, but it was understood that there have been complaints and letters from Environmental Health.

A request was made that the area between Indigo Road and 2Agriculture grain store be cleared.  Borough Cllr Sampson asked that he be emailed details.

The dog bin at the Common was full.  Cllr Clements will chase Borough.

The replacement seat at the Common had not yet been installed.  Cllr Stocking confirmed it was in hand.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 11 February 2015 at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 10.00pm.

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