Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Boughton Parish Council AGM 2014

July 2014

Annual General Meeting, 2nd. May 2014 @ 7.00pm All saints Village Centre.

Councillors are summoned to a meeting for the purpose of transacting the following Business.

The Public will be welcomed at this meeting.

1.     Apologies for Absence.

2.       Election of officers.    ( Chairman, Vice Chairman )

3.        Minutes of meeting on 11th April 2014.

4.       Matters Arising.

5.        Continued ratification of Fen Committee

1.       Standard forms review.

Risk Assessments. ( Process & Village Pond )

Asset Register.

Local Standing Orders

Financial Regs.

Fen Committee terms of reference.

Members Code of Conduct

2.       Financial Report. , Adoption & signing of Accounts.

3.       Authorised Bank Transaction Signatories.

4.      Signing of Governance compliance. (Audit Commission,)

5.      Charitable  Donations

5.         AGM Close.

Open Questions.

Date of next meeting.   Meeting dates for year. 2014/15.

Boughton Parish Council.

Draft minutes. AGM. 2.5.14.

CountyCouncillor M.Storey, and Borough Councillor Collin Sampson were welcomed to the meeting.

In addition there were two members of the public.

Apologies. No apologies received.

Election of Officers.

Chairman.     F.Reid, proposed by D.Cooper, seconded by M.Pogmore.                   All in favour.

F.Reid duly elected.  Acceptance form completed and signed.

Vice Chairman.        P.Agate, proposed by F.Reid. Seconded by A.Beeston.

All in favour.   P.Agate duly elected.

Acceptance form completed and signed.

Minutes of Meeting on 11th April. 2014.

Council authorised signing of minutes as a true record.

Matters arising.                There were no matters arising.

Ratification of Fen Committee.

Fen Committee and membership ratified for a further twelve                months.

Standard Forms Review.

Pond & Council risk assessments.     No change

Asset Register.          Playground equipment. Value set as Audit

Commission guidance, nominal figure.

Local Standing Orders.       Amended to allow use of electronic circulation of agendas and minutes. ( e-mail).

Financial Regulations                            No change

Fen Committee Terms of Ref.                No Change.

Members Code of Conduct                     No change.

Financial Report.

End of year accounts 2013/14.  presented by Responsible Financial Officer, adopted by Council, and signed by Chairman.

Authorised Bank Transaction Signatories

Councillor D.Cooper accepted as third authorised signatory.

F.Reid. M.Pogmore. D.Cooper now Council authorised bank transaction signatories..

Mandate forms completed and presented to the Bank.

Authorisation of Governance Compliance.    Audit Commission

Mazars Audit Commission report reviewed prior to submitting. Financial section detail presented and  Governance section read out to Council and duly signed as in compliance.

Council Authorised report submission to Mazars.

Charitable Donations.

Collections from the Wishing Bucket for 2014 amount to £45. Council authorised addition of further £45 from Council fund raising revenue.

Monies to go to East Anglia Air Ambulance and MAGPASS. ( Air medical service ) in equal proportion.

Council confirm that charitable donations are not allocated from Village Precept. Only revenue from Fund raising activity is used.

AGM Closed.

Open Questions.

Progress on 20 mph speed limit initiative requested.   Parishioner informed that NCC highways would be meeting Parish Councillors on May 21st.

Councillor M.Storey stated that Government commission response to Incinerator is awaited.

Following debate regarding the circulated document from NALC regarding the use of social media outlets at Council meetings. The majority opinion indicated no support.

Date of next meeting.

Thursday 24th. July 2014.   7.00pm**.**

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