War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - March Meeting

April 2014

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 12 March 2014

1. Those Attending: Cllr Mrs D Clements (Vice-Chair), Cllr L McCarthy, Cllr T Ryves, Cllr P Denny, Cllr Mrs J Stocking, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 8 Members of the Public.

2. To Consider Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Lintern

Cllr Mrs Clements advised the meeting that John Nicholas-Letch had resigned as a parish councillor. It was agreed by all present that as Vice-Chair she should take the chair for this meeting.

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 15 January 2014

Cllr Ryves was not happy with the wording in Item 15 relating to The Pump, “not many people in the village see a copy of The Pump”, he felt this was an untrue statement and should be removed. Cllr Mrs Stocking did not agree.

Cllr Ryves proposed that the wording be amended to “In the opinion of the Chairman not many people in the village see a copy of The Pump“, seconded by Cllr Mrs Stocking. Agreed

Cllr Ryves also pointed out a spelling mistake in the last paragraph of Item 15.

Cllr Denny proposed that the minutes with the stated amendments be accepted seconded by Cllr McCarthy. 4 Votes for 1 Against. Carried

4. Matters Arising:

Item 4 -The Cemetery - The Clerk had been informed by Glazewing that the 340ltr bins are two wheeled and would be easily moved. It was agreed to make arrangements to have a bin and it be emptied on alternate weeks.

Item 8 - Village Hall - The Clerk had received a call from Mr Stuart Ashworth from the Planning Department requesting a further Meeting be held, if possible on Tuesday 1 April, for the public/parish council to discuss the latest proposals. All members present were in agreement with this date.

Item 9 - War Memorial - As requested two more in depth quotations had been received for the refurbishment works. Cllr Ryves asked why one quotation appeared to be at least half the price of the other two. This would be queried before the next meeting, asking whether or not this company had visited to site.

Item 14 - Correspondence - At the last meeting Mr Nicholas-Letch had agreed to meet with Mr Bissett to discuss the overhanging tree, as he has now resigned it was agreed that Cllr Mrs Stocking would speak to him. The Clerk will pass copies of the relevant correspondence to Mrs Stocking.

5. Declaration of Interest:

No declarations of interest given

6. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

No comments made - the Meeting closed to the public

7. Minutes:

The question of whether or not draft minutes should be placed into the public domain was again discussed. Both Cllrs Mrs Clements and Mr Denny advised that very few parish councils publish draft minutes. Cllr Ryves asked how quickly can minutes be approved and could they be approved by councillors outside a meeting, BC Sampson advised that they can only be approved at the following full parish council meeting. Approved minutes are currently displayed on the PC Notice Board and in the Post Office. They may also be viewed by contacting the Clerk. The Clerk referred to Standing Orders wherein it states “Upon a resolution which confirms the accuracy of the minutes of a meeting, any previous draft minutes or recordings of the meeting shall be destroyed”

Cllr Mrs Stocking proposed that we do not publish Draft Minutes but ensure they are displayed in The Post Office, The Community Centre, T B Bonnetts and the PC Notice Board, seconded by Cllr Denny. 3 Votes for, 2 Abstentions, 1 Against - Carried

The Clerk will put a notice in The Pump advising where the minutes will be displayed immediately they have been approved.

8) Village Cleanup:

Many areas in the village are becoming very untidy and unsightly. It was agreed that the parish council do have some powers to ask for areas to be cleaned up. Cllr Mrs Clements stated that on many occasions planning approval is given then nothing is done on the sites and they become an untidy mess. BC Sampson advised a letter could be sent to the owners requesting they clean up the site etc, if nothing is done then pass to the Borough Council for action. It was agreed that Cllr McCarthy would do a survey of unsightly areas and report back to the next meeting.

Cllr Mrs Stocking would like to arrange a Clean Up on The Common, perhaps one Sunday in May followed by a BBQ. Hopefully the whole village will get involved. She will make the arrangements for this.

9. To Consider Planning Applications:

Supported by the Parish Council

Change of Use for the retention of 2 horse shelters and existing road constructed on site at land off Stoke Road Boughton

Variation of Condition numbers 2,3,4,6 and 7 attached to planning permission 11/01271/F at Field View 72 Wretton Road

Removal of Condition 1 attached to planning permission 2/85/3931/D - erection of agricultural bungalow at The Hamlet Greatmans Way

10. To Approve Payments to be Made;

E-on - DD - £42.92 - Lighting - February

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - February

James Bradfield School - £46.32 - Hire of Hall January and February

Mrs C Hardy - £364.12 - Salary/Expenses for February

Statement of Accounts as at 28 February 2014 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £287.40, Business Saver Account £11,525.78 - a total of £11,813.18.

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements - Agreed

11. Correspondence:

Tower Mint - World War 1 Remembrance Medals

NorfolkALC - Spring Conference 14 March at Scratby

Norfolk County Council - Footpaths Past Present and Future - 23 April at Tasburgh

NorfolkALC - Coffee and Chat at West Dereham Village Hall on 2 April 2014

Mr John Nicholas-Letch tendering his resignation as a parish councillor

12. To Receive Further Information or Suggested Items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda:

The Chairman suspended Standing Orders to enable information/comments from the public and councillors.

Reminder of Rangers Visit to report to Clerk any jobs requiring attention around the village

Cllr McCarthy -The Playing Field Committee will shortly be submitting a planning application - would the parish council be prepared to help with this. This will be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Denny - Could consideration be given to having moveable speed signs around the village. This will be placed on a future Agenda.

Cllr Ryves - had heard that the school is considering becoming an Academy in the future, Cllr Mrs Leamon stated this will possibly go ahead later in the year. It was suggested that the Chairman of Governors or Headmaster be asked to attend a meeting. It was also suggested that a member of the Education Department be invited to attend a meeting.

Cllr Denny - can anything be done about the bird scarers going off very early in the mornings. The Clerk will contact the police to find out what the position is.

A query about street lights - the Clerk will pass on a Complaints Form for completion.

The outcome for the village hall is not looking very hopeful at the moment. If the site is redefined for development and if it goes ahead the village hall may get some help, if no development no deal.

Cabin in playing fields not happy with letter requesting that the graffiti be removed. No one to do this at the moment, may be done in a couple of weeks or so.

This graffiti is not very nice for local residents or people in the area trying to sell their properties.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.56pm

13. Date and Time of Next Meeting - Wednesday 9 April 2014 at 7.30pm


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