Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council - January

January 2014




Present– Cllr David Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr Mick Peake, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr Lydia Beatty,  Cllr Martin Cann, Cllr John Reeve, Cllr John Wyett.

Borough Councillor Colin Sampson

1.No apologies for Absence  
2.No Declarations of Interest made  
3.The Minutes of the meeting held on 04/11/13 were agreed as a true record.  
4.Matters Arising from previous meetings 
  • All Saints Place
The footpath below the pampas grass which has been removed at All Saints has been destroyed. Freebridge Housing Association has been made aware of this but the Clerk has now been informed the footpath is the responsibility of Norfolk County Council (NCC) Highways. Highways have listed the footpath for future maintenance work.
The low hanging telephone wire at All Saints was reported to BT following the November Parish Council meeting and was quickly repaired.
  • Rights of Way
NCC Highways has again been asked about the encroachment of the paths at Lydia’s Lane and Wiles Drove. The Highway Technician for the area feels that the Rights Of Way are passable and has reiterated that the encroachment has been noted.
However, the Parish Council remains unhappy that the historic route of the path at Lydia’s Lane appears to have been diverted and that common land has been fenced off. Further enquiries will be made as to how this matter might be addressed but it was also noted that correspondence has been received from a parishioner concerned about the amount of time the Parish Council appears to be spending on this issue.
A working party of members of the Parish Council has undertaken work to clear Green Lane. Thanks were voiced to members and to Roger Clerk who assisted. Further work is planned and the footpath sign which was uncovered during the clearing of the path will be re-instated.
  • Grounds Maintenance Contract
John Wyett offered to monitor the grounds maintenance work undertaken in the parish during the 2014 season to ensure the contractors maintain the agreed cutting schedule. The Clerk will request a copy of the cutting schedule. It was suggested all Parish Council grounds maintenance should be undertaken on the same day but this may not be possible as, although the same contractor undertakes all work, different grounds maintenance teams are engaged to cut the grass in the Churchyard and on the Green/Play area.
  • Play area
It was noted swing seats at the Play area have been replaced. Fencing is yet to be repaired.
5.5.1 Chairman’s Report
  • The Chairman plans to post a review of the Councils work during the past year on the Parish Council website.
  • The Chairman voiced his possible interest, as a resident of Wretton Row, but raised concern regarding HGVs trying to traverse Wretton Row. Three incidents have occurred in recent times and Highways will be approached again about signage to state that the road is not suitable for HGVs.
5.2 Clerk’s Report
  • The Highway Rangers are due to visit the parish on January 20th. A large pot hole in Church Road will be reported.
  • The Borough Council is willing to empty a dog waste bin should one be sited near the river at Fen Drove. Highways will be approached regarding an acceptable location.
  • A suggestion was made to place “Risk Assessment” on the agenda for each parish council meeting and this strategy will be implemented from March 2014.
  • It was agreed the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on May 12th 2014 prior to, but on the same evening as, the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
  • Parish Councillors have all been presented with an electronic copy of the revised National Association of Local Councils Model Standing Orders. Acceptance of the tailored model will be an agenda item for the March meeting of the Parish Council.
6.Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

SJ Scarrott (Nov/Dec.)                                                     £112.48
CGM (final payment for 2013)                                       £412.50                             
K & M Lighting  (x2)                                                         £33.78
Society of Local Councils subs                                        £48.00
BCKLWN – Play equip. inspection                                  £72.00
Fenland Leisure – swing seats                                      £295.20
HMRC – PAYE                                                                £35.17
Financial position @ November  30th  2013
Community Account Balance          £2352.39               
Business Saver Account (1)            £687.28                           
Business Premium Account         £12274.07               
Business Saver Account (2)                 £0.36 
Bank reconciliation as of 06/01/14 £14684.49
Councillors were presented with a budget update and internal statement showing the bank reconciliation.
6.1 It was agreed to retain the 2014 precept request at £3476.00, the same figure as 2013. The Parish Council will also accept a grant of £150 from the Borough Council which is Government funding allocated to help hold down precepts as a result of possible changes to the parish tax base as a result of effects of the discounts relating to second homes and empty properties, as well as the impact of the local council tax support scheme.
7.Correspondence7.1 Norfolk Association of Local Councils – Norfolk Link etc, Councillors informed of upcoming events
7.2 KLWNBC Planning system changes training sessions
7.3 Letter from Elizabeth Truss MP regarding government funding available to communities.
7.4 Police and Crime Commissioner consultation on his 2014/5 precept.
7.5 Consultation regarding tractor speeds through villages
7.6 KLBCWN – notification that Police Community Support Officers now have the power to issue Fixed Penalty Notices for dog fouling.
7.7 Correspondence has been received regarding the perceived dangerous parking by Fendick’s Cottages. A resident would like to purchase land from the Jane Forby Trust which they would use for car parking rather than continue to park on the verge which they consider to be dangerous. The trust has been approached about this but is not in a position to be able to offer any land for sale.
8.Provision of a wildlife area on Wretton GreenThe Clerk is to meet with an officer from Norfolk Wildlife Trust to investigate whether the ‘pond’ area on Wretton Green can be designated as a Wildlife Area.
9.Adoption of the phone boxAs the phone box is now working it was agreed adoption would not be considered at the present time. Should BT decommission the phone at a future date the Parish Council would want to adopt the box.
10.Siting of another bench on Wretton GreenIt was agreed another bench (to be donated) would be located in the gap in the hedge around the Green opposite the Play area.
11.Further Reports
  • It was noted at the last Parish Council meeting that light pollution from security lighting is seen as a nuisance in the parish. A reminder will be published on the website that Wretton is designated as an area of rural darkness. The Clerk will contact reported households to request that over bright lighting be re-positioned so as not to cause a nuisance.

Chairman’s Signature………………………………………    Date……………

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