War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - November

December 2013

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 13 November 2013

1. Those Attending: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Hull, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Cllr T Ryves, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 10 Members of the Public.

2. To Consider Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Clements and Cllr Mrs Leamon

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 9 October 2013

Cllr Mrs Hull advised that she did not vote on Item 4 Matters Arising relating to the signing of a letter presented by the Playing Fields Committee.

The Chairman pointed out the procedure under matters arising, that no votes should be taken under this section, also that the public should not have spoken as the meeting had not been opened for public consultation. A report should have been submitted to the Clerk in order that the item could have been included in the agenda.

Cllr Ryves asked when the meeting had been opened to the public, he was advised it was at Item 6 on the Agenda.

Cllr Ryves informed the meeting he had forwarded an email to the Clerk requesting she amend the minutes. The Chairman advised that any requests or consideration of amending minutes must be made at the meeting not by email.

Cllr Ryves proposed the following amendments be made to the Minutes - Item 4 delete the words “parish councillors did not have an opportunity of reading said letter” and delete the entire paragraph commencing “considerable discussion ending with meeting” . Seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern. 2 Votes for 2 Votes against, the Chairman had the deciding vote. Proposal rejected, the minutes remain as printed.

The Chairman advised the meeting that he has no intention of resigning. Minutes are as is and he does not comment on them until the meeting.

4. Matters Arising:

a) The Clerk informed the meeting that no request had been received by the Electoral Department for an election and that the post must be filled by co-option as soon as possible.

b) Item 6(b) - Village Sign - the Clerk advised the meeting that the brick plinth would have to be taken down and rebuilt to accommodate a new post, alternatively it may go in the garden itself. This will be decided at an appropriate committee meeting.

c) Item 9 - Remembrance Sunday - a really good turn out 60 plus people attended, the PC will write to thank those who took part. Cllr Mrs Hull thanked the Chairman for all the hard work he had put in for the Remembrance Sunday event.

d) Item 12 - Tree Near Gardens in High Street - will be considered at appropriate committee meeting.

5. Declaration of Interest:

No declarations of interest given

6. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch. Agreed. The meeting closed for public participation.

a) Can the public comment on Minutes. The Chairman will look into this point.

b) Concerns about various letters going back and forth, if anyone is not happy with the way matters are dealt with they should report the matter to the Monitoring Officer at the Borough Council. Borough Councillor Sampson advised that a letter be forwarded to the Parish Council advising of the problem in order that it may be discussed at the next meeting. The Chairman advised that he is attempting to move the parish council forward.

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed closing the meeting to the public seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch, 3 votes for 1 abstention - Agreed

7. To Consider Final Arrangements for Christmas Carols - 8 December:

The Chairman advised that the Tree was on order, the lights and the music being organised. If any members of the public would like to suggest any Carols they would like to let the Clerk know as soon as possible. The tree should be available within the next couple of weeks. Mr McCarthy was thanked for re-fixing the electricity box to the wall at the Church. The tree is being donated by the granddaughters of Cllr Mrs Clements. The Chairman advised he would prepare a further Newsletter about the Christmas Carols event. Cllr Mrs Lintern will be arranging for the Mulled Wine. Any helpers would be appreciated.

8. To Consider Planning Applications

The Chairman advised the meeting that it did not look as though the £6000 the parish council tried to secure under an S106 Agreement for the playing fields is likely to happen. There have been changes in legislation whereby it is impossible to get an S106 Agreement if not part of the main development. This all came into being under the Localism Act, the new scheme CIL whereby only 15% of the cost of a development would be available.

There were no planning applications.

9. To Approve Payments to be Made;

E-on - DD - £47.52 - Lighting - October

James Bradfield School - £46.32 - Hire of Hall - September

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - October

CGM Ltd - £149.45 - Grounds Maintenance - October

Mrs C Hardy - £359.38 - Salary/Expenses for September

Downham British Legion - £17.00 - Remembrance Day Wreath

Statement of Accounts as at 31 October 2013 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £757.44, Business Saver Account £13,774.02 - a total of £14,531.46.

Cllr Mrs Lintern proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Hull. Agreed

10. Correspondence:

All Saints Church Wretton - Invitation to Place a Tree in their Christmas Tree Festival

Stoke Ferry Playing Field Trust - Agreeing to a joint meeting with the PC

NALC - Coffee and Chat at Swaffham Community Centre on Tuesday 19 November 2013

NCC - Highways - Response to letter re condition of Furlong Drove

Norfolk Police - Advising next SNAP Meeting on Wednesday 20 November in Stoke Ferry Village Hall

Norfolk Police - Advising managers of village halls to be vigilant as it is now the indoor rave season

BCKLWN - Notification of new property address - Field View 72 Wretton Road

Norfolk Police - PCSO’s have new powers relating to fixed penalties for irresponsible dog owners

NCC - Delivering local highways improvements in partnership with town and parish councils

Elizabeth Truss MP - advising of funding available to local communities

11. To Receive Further Information or Suggested Items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda:

Cllr Ryves queried how many of the lights in the village had been replaced so far. The Clerk advised approximately half. Cllr Mrs Hull asked what the public thought about them.

Cllr Mrs Hull proposed closing the meeting seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch. The meeting closed for public session.

No matters raised for the next meeting.

Borough Councillor Sampson advised that entering car registration numbers into parking machines in King’s Lynn has been suspended from now until the change of clocks next March.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.53pm

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting - Wednesday 18 December 2013 at 7.30pm


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