War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting March

March 2013


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 13 March 2013

1. Those Attending: Cllr J Nicholas-Letch (Chair), Cllr T Ryves, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 12 Members of the Public.PCSO’s Clipperton and Writer were also in attendance

2. Apologies:No Apologies

3. To Approve/Sign the Minutes of the Council Meeting of 13 February

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Carried Unanimously

Police Matters

PCSO Sara Cliperton advised there had been three burglaries since the last meeting, 1 in a dwelling, 1 at a new build and Diesel from Anglian Water Depot School Lane. Stoke Ferry had been a priority area for the last eight weeks, particularly the area near the Church. There had been a spate of burglaries across the area a couple of weeks ago, one in West Dereham today. Cllr Mrs Clements stated it appears some of the burglaries are taking place once the street lights are turned off in the village. The next SNAP meeting will be held on Wednesday 20 March in Wimbotsham Village Hall.

4. Matters Arising:

a) Item 7 - the Clerk informed the meeting that Barclays Bank had approved the changes to the Bank Mandate

b) Item 9 - Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that following an inspection of the hedge along the front boundary of the Cemetery it would appear that it wholly consists of ivy and will need replacing. Various suggestions have been put forward - advice being sought on the best way forward. Contact has been made with the Probation Team who now charge £75 per day for any work they carry out.

c) Any Other Business - Footpath Oxborough Road - the Clerk informed the meeting Highways had intimated no works are likely to be carried out in this area until possibly 2015/16 - it was agreed to arrange a site meeting with Highways.

d) Any Other Business - Potholes near Corner Shop/Bridge Road/Oxborough Road - Highways have programmed these works to be carried out. Also the potholes at the junction of Buckenham Drive and Wretton Road have been reported.

e) Any Other Business - Grit Bin Buckenham Drive - a survey will take place to ascertain the best position for this.

5. Declaration of Interest:No declarations of interest given

6. Co-option of Councillors

The Clerk advised there had been two applications to become parish councillors, Mrs Joyce Hull and Mr Mick Hand, both gave a short resume of why they would like to become a councillor.

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that Mrs Hull and Mr Hand be Co-opted as Parish Councillors. Agreed Unanimously.

The meeting closed for five minutes whilst they signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms. The Clerk advised all relevant forms and information will be sent to them in the next few days.

7. To Receive from the Public Any Information or Reports to be considered for this meeting Agenda:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked if anyone in the public had any items they wished discussed during this part of the meeting.

Car parked in Oak Road at the junction of Wretton Road causing an obstruction and parked on the grass churning it up. This will be discussed later in the meeting

The Cemetery hedge a query as to whether it had been overtaken by ivy

8. Playing Fields:

Cllr Mrs Leamon advised that the play equipment had passed an inspection and asked if the parish council would help with the costs of insurance. It was confirmed that the insurance had been paid for this year 2013/14 and that consideration would be given for the financial year 2014/15 other intended expenses. Documentary evidence would be required. A request was also made for the provision of a Dog Litter Bin in the Playing Fields. No decision was made regarding this, further information was required.

Cllr Mrs Leamon also pointed out that the bench which had been damaged by CGM last year had still not been repaired. The Clerk will chase this up.

Cllr Hand asked who was responsible for keeping the playing fields tidy ie picking up rubbish which was strewn all over the place. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised a Litter Pick may be organised at some point in the future.

9. To Consider the Report of the Cemetery/Open Space/Allotments Committee Site Meeting:

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed that this report be accepted seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Unanimously Agreed

10. To Consider a Proposed Website:

Cllr Mrs Lintern looked at the current website for Stoke Ferry and reported that it seemed the only person putting information on it was the Editor of The Pump. A decision to be made as to whether the parish council set up their own website or continue with the Stoke Ferry website.

Borough Councillor Colin Sampson joined the meeting at 8.15pm

Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that a new site could be set up, free using webspace free from NALC, he also advised that an Advisory Committee be set up to discuss this and report back to the Parish Council, advising that anyone wishing to be co-opted should in the first instance make contact with the Clerk. Cllrs Mrs Lintern and Mr Ryves agreed to set up this committee. Cllr Hand felt it was not in the best interests of the parish council for the ex chairman to be part of this committee.

11. Planning Applications:

Supported by the Parish Council

Application for a proposed rear extension and internal alterations to existing dwelling at 10 Little Lane

12. Approval of Payments:

E-on - DD - £42.92 - Lighting - February

James Bradfield School - £15.44 - Hire of Hall - February

NPTP - £120.00 - Training for Councillors and Clerks

Mrs C Hardy - £358.66 - Salary/Expenses - February

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - March

Stoke Ferry Community Car Scheme - £102.52 - Mileage Claim Dec/Feb

Statement of Account as at 28 February - Balance in Bank - Community Account £425.57, Business Saver Account £9,365.97 - a total of £9,791.54

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern

13. Correspondence:

Email from Electoral Registration - no Election called, must co-opt as soon as possible

Barclays Bank - Approval of Bank Mandate alterations

Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau requesting donation

NALC - Initial Training for Councillors and Clerks

14. To Receive Further Information/Items for Next Agenda:

Cat mess in garden from neighbours cats. Unfortunately nothing the parish council can do this is a private matter between neighbours

Why has the Stoke Ferry element for Council Tax gone up by some 28%. This possibly could be caused by the government changes relating to benefits. The Precept requested by the Parish Council was not this much. The Clerk will investigate the matter.

Cllr Mrs Clements raised a query as to whether the parish council can claim any money in relation to the recycling of glass from the bottle banks.

Cllr Mrs Clements queried why the Black Rubbish Bin at the Cemetery had not been changed during the recent changes in bin sizes. The Clerk will investigate

Cllr Mrs Clements asked if anyone had any points they wished to be raised at the next Village Liaison Meeting - none forthcoming

Cllr Mrs Clements raised the problem of cars parked at the entrance to Oak Road, obstructing the footpath, churning up the grass etc. The Clerk will report this to the police.

Cllr Mrs Lintern referred to the Journal of Local Planning in respect of Neighbourhood Planning, Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the booklets handed out give plenty of information also the website

Cllr Mrs Lintern referred to the BCKLWN Big Switch and Save Energy - this poster will be placed on the Notice Board and be passed to the Editor of The Pump

Cllr Ryves raised a question about the election of chairman and vice-chairman now that there were two new councillors. Cllr Nicholas-Letch said he would stand down with immediate effect. The Clerk informed the meeting that this could not be discussed as it had not been an Agenda item and that there was only the April meeting left then all posts are up for re-election at the Annual Meeting in May and it was not feasible to change the chairman at this stage. Borough Councillor Sampson totally confirmed this point stating it would be wasting valuable time at this stage of the year. Cllr Mrs Lintern asked Cllr Nicholas-Letch to remain chairman at least until the May meeting. He agreed to stay.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the meeting about the three seminars attended by himself, Cllr Mrs Clements and the Clerk ie Coffee and Chat at Boughton Church with other Clerks and Councillors, Climate Change Seminar and Parish Partnerships Seminar at Saddlebow

The Clerk informed the meeting that resulting from these Seminars it had come to light that the street lights which are maintained by the parish council are rapidly becoming obsolete and will need replacing in the very near future. These works could be carried out under the Parish Partnership Scheme whereby if a bid is accepted by NCC the PC would only pay 25% of the costs.

The Clerk further advised that grant monies were available for different highways projects which the PC could also consider.

Borough Councillor Sampson referred to the “Faster Broadband for Norfolk” advising everyone to go on to the website and push for this to be carried out faster than proposed.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm

19. Date and Time of Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10 April 2013 at 7.30pm.



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