West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council November

December 2012




Present:  Mrs Claire Cann – Chairman, Mrs Pam Bullas, Mr Mark Dawson, Ms Paula Kellingray, Mrs Pam Walker.

8 members of the public

Papers presented to Councillors: Budget update, expenditure spreadsheet, letter re. footpath maintenance from Norfolk County Council, Norfolk Rural Community Council (NRCC) training information, e-mail re. Highway reporting.

1**.**    Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Tom Foy who has been deployed toAfghanistan.

Ruth Marsters who was unwell.

2.    No Declarations of Interest made

3. Approval of the Minutes.

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on04/10/12were agreed as a true record of the meeting.

4. Matters arising from previous meetings.

  • Jane Edwards, Police Community Support Officer, has been again asked to approach the Police Traffic Team to ask that they visitWest Dereham.
  • The Clerk still needs to ascertain whether the Borough Council is cutting the grass in St. Andrews Close.
  • The Parish Council is to engage John Wilkinson to undertake the role of Village Handyman. His first jobs will include fitting new gates at the allotments and erecting a dog waste bin between the Village Hall and the Old School. The Highway Engineer has agreed to supply finger posts signs for the footpaths in the village and the Handyman will be asked to erect replacement signs at locations where signs have been removed.

5. Reports

5.1               Chairman’s Report:

  • It was noted that the Chairman, Pam Bullas, Ruth Marsters and Pam Walker hope to attend the Norfolk Association of Local Councils Autumn Seminar to be held atSandringhamon November 7th. Councillors are also to attend an information evening at Downham Market on the 7th November regarding the change in waste collection which is to take place inWest Norfolkfrom April 2013.

  • Fencing of the Cemetery extension is due to begin and the southern hedge at the Cemetery is to be cut the week beginning05/11/12. Planting of seeds and bulbs in the Cemetery extension may be undertaken in the spring, rather than now as originally hoped, as the current wet weather could result in failure of the planting.

  • Notice has been received that electric blankets can be taken for free safety testing. Further information is available by calling 0344 800 8020.

5.2 Clerk’s Report

  • Karen O’Kane is wiling to attend the December meeting of the Parish Council to give an update on the Better Broadband forNorfolkproject. The December meeting will therefore start at7pm.
  • Notice has been received that model Standing Orders for Councils are to be re-drafted to include changes resulting from the new Code of Conduct. The Parish Council will review its Standing Orders once further information has been received.
  • The Highway Technician has been asked if a 20mph speed limit can be implemented alongStation Roadand if not why not? A response is awaited.

5.3 Police Report:

  • Vigilance was again recommended as oil thefts are on the increase in the area.
  • The Police were expecting a rise in anti-social behaviour to coincide with half term and Halloween but so far there have been no concerns in West Dereham.

5.4 Village Hall Report:

  • Use of the Village Hall continues well with a christening and parties being held at the hall recently.
  • Outside works continue for the hall and exterior lighting to illuminate the car park was discussed at the last meeting of the Village Hall Committee. A member of the public raised concerns regarding artificial lighting of an area of rural darkness. In response the Chairman stressed that peoples’ homes are of greatest importance and no lighting will be installed at the Village Hall which is likely to upset any residents. Various options for possible lighting of the car park are being considered to ensure Health & Safety responsibilities are met but any lighting installed will be sensitive to the area.
  • Paula Kellingray offered to turn off exterior lights if they are left on at the Village Hall after an event if she is notified and is available to do so.

5.5 Broadband Update

  • Mark Dawson continues to keep in contact with Karen O’Kane, Project Co-ordinator for the Better Broadband for Norfolk Initiative in an attempt to keepWest Derehamat the top of the pile for the Better Broadband project.  Karen O’Kane has thus agreed to attend the December meeting of the Parish Council

5.6 Glazewing Report

  • No Glazewing Report has been received this month.
  • A letter has been sent to Glazewing requesting a copy of the landscaping scheme which is to be submitted to Norfolk County Council (NCC) as a condition of planning permission C/2/2011/2024. The Clerk has been notified that a plating scheme was submitted to NCCbut was returned to the agent acting for Glazewing for amendment.
  • Glazewing has still not responded to three requests from the Parish Council to furnish the numbers of vehicles, connected with their business, travelling up and down Station Roadduring unsocial hours.

6. Accounts

Financial position update:

The Parish Council bank balance will stand at £9780.30 once the following payments have been made.

6.1 Payments agreed in accordance with the budget:

Clerk’s salary (October)                                                                                    £110.20

CGM– village grounds maintenance                                                                                                         £107.90

CGM– Hall grounds maintenance                                                                                      £44.40

EFSPrinting                                                                                                                                                                            £38.04

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal                                                                                                                              £12.00

NorfolkAssociation of Local Councils – Autumn Seminar attendance fee x3            £105.00

6.1  It was agreed in principle that training courses the handyman would need to undertake in relation to his work for West Dereham Parish Council would be financed by the Parish Council. It was estimated a course for working at height and a COSHH safety course would cost £29 each.

6.2 The Parish Council is still awaiting quotes for the cost of gate pillars and new gates for the Cemetery extension.

6.3 A second cheaper estimate for replacement gates for the allotments has been received; to be fitted by the Village Handyman. It was agreed to go ahead with obtaining 12ft gates at a cost of £154.36 plus VAT.

It was decided that as the Parish Council has an excess of £200 on its insurance policy, the gates need not be added to the policy.

7.       2013 precept request.

The Parish Council will set the 2013 precept request at the December meeting

and members of the public were asked for any thoughts regarding the precept request to be passed to the Council prior to the meeting.

Burial fees and the grass cutting contract for the parish will be considered by the Parish Council at the December meeting. A suggestion was made that improved use of technology could help save on printing costs. Mark Dawson will lead the Parish Council to present information electronically at future parish council meetings.

8.         Correspondence

8.1          Invitation to information evening re. changes to bin service07/11/12– Councillors booked

8.2          Email from BCKLWN re. incinerator – letter against proposal to be resubmitted by Parish Council

8.3         NorfolkAssociation of Local Councils Autumn Seminar,AGM, FiT Roadshow, Café Clusters, O2 Think Big

8.4         NCCfootpaths e-mail – copied to Councillors

8.5          Mayors Civic Awards for Voluntary Service and Annual Design Awards (It was suggested West Dereham Village Hall should be nominated)

8.6         NorfolkPlaying Fields Association Newsletter

8.7          Came & Co. Autumn Newsletter

8.8          Rural Opportunities Bulletin

8.9.         Norfolk RCC Newsletter and training sessions

8.10        Highways Enquiry Tracker – e-mail regarding reporting Highway matters passed to Councillors

8.11.      NorfolkALC info – electric blanket checks and NHS Trust Governor Elections

8.12        Foolhardy Folk Circus Arts  - booking acts for Xmas

8.13        Highway Rangers to visit w/b26/11/12

9.         No planning applications received for consultation

10.     Further reports/items for the next agenda.

10.1 A shopping trip from the village toNorwichhas been organised for November 11th.

10.2 Risk Assessment for the Cemetery is to be further considered by the Parish Council.


  • A query was raised regarding use of Station Roadwhile maintenance work on the road is undertaken. The work will be accomplished in sections and the road will be closed over three weekends but residents will still have access.
  • Pot holes in St. Andrews Close and at the corner of the Row will be reported to Highways.
  • The Village Handyman will re-erect the footpath map board along Station Road.
  • A query remains regarding ownership of a footpath at St. Andrews Close. This is a matter for Freebridge Housing and Paula Kellingray offered to mention this to a Freebridge Officer who will be visiting the village in the next week.
  • A report was made of a vehicle backfiring in the parish late at night.
  • Some discussion took place regarding the area of grass by the notice board opposite the Old School. As this area is used by vehicles as a pull over space it has become muddy.
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