War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry PC Minutes -December

December 2012


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 19 December 2012

Those Attending: Cllr R Bivon (Chair), Cllr L McCarthy (Vice-Chair), Cllr T Ryves, Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 3 Members of the Public

Apologies: Cllr Mrs Buckley-Stevens


Cllr McCarthy proposed acceptance of the minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon

Matters Arising: No matters arising

Receipt/Acceptance of Finance/Administration/Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes:

Cllr Ryves wished to make comments on the minutes, the Clerk had to remind him that he had not submitted his request for Dispensation and would be unable to take part in any discussions relating to finance or the budget. This is unfortunately an unintended consequence of the New Code of Conduct.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed the Minutes be accepted seconded by Cllr McCarthy - Agreed

Draft Budget 2013/2014:

Cllr Bivon queried the possible 7.5% increase in the Precept for the next financial year asking how this compared with other villages. BC Sampson advised that it was impossible to compare Precept requests for villages as they all have different expenses or income.

The Clerk requested that the budget for Subscriptions be increased as it had been recommended that the PC should be members of Norfolk Rural Community Council and the Society for Local Council Clerks - the Clerk will investigate costs in order to update the budget. This was approved by all present.

Cllr Mrs Leamon asked why the budget for the Community Car Scheme had doubled, Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that it had been for more successful covering more miles than envisaged.

Cllr Bivon noted that the Cemetery budget was the most expensive item in the budget after the Clerk’s salary. In times of austerity we will not be able to continue to spend in this way on the cemetery. The Clerk explained that £1500 had been approved for works to the access roadway which would be paid out of this years budget, which had not been budgeted for, therefore this expense is retrospectively included in next years budget. Cllr Nicholas-Letch was hopeful that the Community Unpaid Works Team could be engaged to carry out some works that will be required.

Cllr Mrs Leamon queried the sum allocated for repairs to the Bus Shelter, would this be sufficient bearing in mind any excess that would be required should an insurance claim be made. The Clerk will check the figure.

Community Car Share Scheme Report:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch gave a brief outline of the scheme for those present who did not know about it. A committee had been formed, consisting of Cllrs Nicholas-Letch Mrs Joyce Hull, Mr Maurice Methven, Mrs Daphne Clements - the PC representative on the committee is Cllr Lee McCarthy. A newsletter is currently being prepared for delivery to all households. The current average miles per month is 373, 40% above anticipated, there is sufficient funding for this year. £60 in donations had been received to date. It is anticipated that approximately 4500 miles will required next year and may grow to 6000. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised there are currently 4 drivers but more are needed as soon as possible. He advised that he will prepare a quarterly review for the PC. Cllr Bivon thanked Cllr Nicholas-Letch for organising such a good service for the village.

Christmas Carols - Update:

Cllr Bivon advised that the event had been well attended, he thanked Cllr Nicholas-Letch for organising the tree and decorations for same. He also thanked the Village Hall Committee for their help in this joint event. Cllr Mrs Clements advised that to date £120 had been raised from the Memory Cards on the tree. Half the donations will go to the Air Ambulance the other half to the village (to be announced at the next meeting). Cllr Bivon also thanked Cllr Mrs Clements also her granddaughters for donating the tree. Cllr Mrs Leamon asked that if such an event was organised next year could a polite notice say “no dogs” as they can been somewhat frightening for the very young children.

Delivering Local Highways Improvements in Partnership with Town and Parish Councils:

Cllr Bivon referred to the letter which had been received from NCC Environment Transport and Development and circulated to all members asking if anyone had any ideas they would like to put forward for bids. Cllr Nicholas-Letch queried one sentence relating to “schemes can be within, or off the highways provided they are linked to the highway. If they are off the highway the future responsibility for the maintenance will fall to the Parish or Town Council” - the Clerk to seek clarification of this point. Cllr Bivon asked members to think about this and let either the Clerk or himself know of their ideas.

Litter Pick Event:

Cllr Bivon asked if the PC wished to organise a litter pick event - everyone was in agreement. Cllr Nicholas-Letch suggested that the Cemetery/Open Space Committee should organise this for a date to be decided in the Spring. The Borough Council will be approached to see if the necessary equipment is still available.

Consideration of a Complaints Procedure Document:

Cllr Bivon advised that following the Training Day last week, it had been suggested the Parish Council should have a Complaints Procedure Document in place.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that a document be prepared seconded by Cllr Bivon - Agreed

Cllr Nicholas-Letch will produce a NALC document suitable for the PC before the next meeting.


Cllr Bivon had been looking at the current Stoke Ferry Website but did not feel that it was really suitable for the Parish Council, after some discussion it was agreed that the PC should investigate a suitable Website for the Parish Council, NALC would give advice if required. It was agreed that Cllrs Bivon, Nicholas-Letch, McCarthy and Mrs Clements would meet to discuss this matter.

Playing Fields:

Concern was raised with respect to the safety aspect of the play equipment in the playing fields. Following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that a meeting should be convened between the Trustees, Playing Field Committee and Parish Council before any decision can be made as to whether or not a donation be made towards the Playing Fields Insurance. Cllr Nicholas-Letch will let the Clerk have a list of Trustees. Cllr Nicholas-Letch asked to see the results of the Survey carried out with the children, Cllr Mrs Leamon to let the Clerk have a copy of this. Those members willing to attend the meeting were Cllrs Bivon, McCarthy, Ryves and Nicholas-Letch.


Approved by The Borough:

Fitting of Juliet Balconies to 3 No First Floor Windows at 2 Mill Houses Boughton Road

Payments for Approval:

E-on - DD - £45.99 - Lighting - November

James Bradfield School - £15.44 - Hire of Hall - November

Society of Local Council Clerks - £67.00 - Copy of Clerks Manual

Thomas B Bonnett - £59.04 - Fixing Row Markers in Cemetery

Anglian Water - DD - £13.63 - Water Rates - Cemetery Sept-Nov

CPRE Norfolk - £10.30 - Postage to cover Sets of Booklets

Mrs C Hardy - £364.38- Salary/Expenses - November

Stoke Ferry Village Hall - £44.00 - Hire of Hall Nov-Dec

HMRC - £211.80 - PAYE Oct-Dec

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - December

Statement of Account as at 30 November 2012 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £304.13, Business Saver Account £11,364.37 - a total of £11,668.50.

Cllr McCarthy proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Bivon


Vion - setting out Christmas working hours

NCC - Trading Standards Service - Scam Workshops being held in February

Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner - date for meeting to set Precept

Age UK Norfolk - requesting donation - not agreed

Any Other Business:

Cllr Mrs Clements asked if it would be possible for a representative of the parish councillor to be on the Boughton Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) - the Clerk to enquire

Cllr McCarthy queried the procedure for co-opting a new councillor - the Clerk explained

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported a garage door in Fairfield Road had been forced open - the Clerk to report to Freebridge

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported the Laurel Bushes adjacent to the playing fields/Fairfield Road had still not been cut back - the Clerk will approach Freebridge again.

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported potholes in Buckenham Drive - the Clerk will check the exact location and report them to Highways.

Public Any Other Business:


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 16 January 2013 commencing at 7.30pm

Declaration of Interest: - If you wish to declare an interest in any item please do so at the Commencement of the Meeting


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