War Memorial Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council meetng held on 11 July 2012

July 2012


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in The Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 11 July 2012

Those Attending:

Cllr T Ryves (Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens (Vice-Chair), Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr R Bivon, Cllr J Nicholas-Letch, Cllr E Taylor, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 11 Members of the Public

1. Apologies:Borough Councillor C Sampson

2. Minutes of the last Meeting:

Cllr Nicholas-Letch referred to Item (b) in Matters Arising stating that he was also looking into Neighbourhood Planning - what is the time frame and content of same. He also referred to the Cemetery Item stating that the Parish Council was under an obligation to get the newly consecrated area marked out as a matter of urgency. The Clerk advised that some of the markers had been ordered, the remainder will be included in the budget for 2013/2014.

Cllr Mrs Clements pointed out the minutes stated she had submitted a letter to Cllr Ryves relating to the Golden Jubilee Event, but informed the meeting it was a report which was submitted to all parish councillors.

Cllr Mrs J Buckley-Stevens proposed acceptance of the minutes seconded by Cllr R Bivon.

Cllr Ryves apologised for the way the last meeting was conducted.

3. Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.

Co-option: Two applications had been received to become parish councillors, they were Mrs Sue Lintern and Mr Lee McCarthy. They were both asked to introduce themselves to the meeting stating briefly why they would like to become parish councillors.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that Mrs Lintern and Mr McCarthy be accepted as parish councillors seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements.

Cllr Ryves welcomed them on board. The Clerk informed them she would be sending them all the relevant paperwork in the next few days.

Code of Conduct: Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the meeting that a new Code of Conduct came into force on the 1 July and the parish council must also update their own. All members had received a copy of the new code, there had been very few amendments. Most parish councils are adopting a code of conduct on the lines of the Borough Council code with appropriate amendments. The main changes were contained in the Register of Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. All members would have to complete and sign this new document. Cllr Ryves asked what if the PC did not agree to the new Code etc, Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised the PC would be in default of legislation.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that the parish council adopt the new Code of Conduct and Register of Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, seconded by Cllr Bivon. Agreed Unanimously  Carried

E-mail Policy: Cllr Nicholas-Letch had prepared an E-mail Policy document which all members had received setting out how to respond between ourselves and other bodies. All emails relating to parish council business must be kept on file in hard copy form, the public have a right to inspect anything the parish council does. There should be a disclaimer at the end of all emails. Cllr Ryves asked where the information was obtained, Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised it was a NALC template which had been amended accordingly. Cllr Ryves asked members what they thought about the email policy, some said they needed more time to consider it. Those members who do not have email access or do not wish to receive emails may opt to receive hard copies.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch proposed that the Email Policy as set out be adopted by the parish council, seconded by Cllr Mrs Clements. Vote - 3 for, 1 against, 3 abstentions. Motion Carried.

Freedom of Information (Committees/Working Parties:Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that House Rules (Standing Orders) would be discussed at the next meeting, this item will be considered at that time.

Land Furlong Drove: It was agreed to discuss this item in private at the conclusion of the meeting.

The Cemetery & Garden of Remembrance: The Clerk informed the meeting that a letter had been received regarding the state of the Garden of Remembrance, ie it had not been strimmed and the grass was very long. The Clerk had met a representative of CGM at the Cemetery - operatives were called back to remedy the situation, also the grass had been cut again at the end of last week over the whole Cemetery.

The issue of completing works on the Garden of Remembrance was raised, Cllr Nicholas-Letch felt that the parish council should stand back and look at this again and see if money can be better spent. It was agreed that Cllr Nicholas-Letch would come onto the Cemetery Committee. Marking out of the top end of the Cemetery will also be discussed. A meeting will be arranged.

It had been reported that the wooden post supporting the water tap was now rotten, Cllr Nicholas-Letch very kindly agreed to replace this post in the next few days. The Clerk thanked him.

Authorisation for Emergency Expenses: Following an issue raised at the last meeting it was agreed to discuss the Clerks ability to agree emergency expenditure. In January 2010 it was agreed that the Clerk could arrange for emergency repairs up to a sum of £200 in consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or another officer of the council. It was agreed that this arrangement should remain in place. Unanimously agreed.

Grit Bins: Following the last meeting the Clerk was asked to investigate the cost of grit bins. It was decided that this should now be discussed as part of the proposed budget for 2013/2014. The Clerk will be asking councillors for items they wish to be included in the budget in a couple of months time.

Barkers Drove: Following a report that the Barkers Drove road sign was in need of repair and being reported to the Borough Council Street Naming and Numbering Department, it was found that this road was not recognised by either Royal Mail or the Borough Council Gazetteer. After discussion it was agreed that this road should continue to be recognised and the Clerk to write to the two property owners to ask if they wish Barkers Drove to be included in their address, then report back to the SNN Dept.

War Memorials: A letter had been received from Mr David Eason regarding Norfolk Council War Memorials including a short questionnaire. Cllr Mrs Clements thought it would be a good idea to get involved, they will help with repairs/maintenance. The War Memorial Commission also help in this respect.

Cllr Ryves proposed that Cllr Mrs Clements make contact with Mr Eason regarding the war memorial, seconded by Cllr Nicholas-Letch. Unanimously agreed.

S106 Agreement - Furlong Road Development: Cllr Ryves referred to a recent meeting to discuss this 106 Agreement, advised the meeting that the builders appear to have run out of money and had not yet commenced building the new village hall. It was agreed that nothing much could be done until next February when the new village hall should be completed. Dr Clive Bond will be monitoring the situation. Cllr Nicholas-Letch referred to a copy of an email from Dr Bond to Cllr Ryves, but asked to see the email sent to Dr Bond from Cllr Ryves.

Cllr Ryves asked the meeting for delegated authority to email Dr Bond on this issue. Cllr Bivon proposed that Cllr Ryves could continue to email Dr Bond provided all councillors and the Clerk were copied into the email, seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Unanimously agreed.

Copies of emails also to be forwarded to Mrs Pat Sewell - Village Hall Committee

Cllr Nicholas-Letch again asked Cllr Ryves for a copy of his recent email to Dr Bond.

4. Planning:

Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission reference number 10/01814/FM - land adjacent to Furlong Road has been withdrawn

Proposed New Dwelling former Toll House Site Oxborough Road - Site Meeting and DCB Meeting held on 2 July. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that this application had been refused.

Grant of Planning Permission/Conservation Area Consent

Demolition of wall in connection with extension to dwelling at Mill House Cottage High Street

5. Payments for Approval:

Carter Cabin Hire Ltd - £252.00 - Hire of Toilets for Jubilee Event

HMRC - £211.80 - Income Tax

Mrs C Hardy - £347.28 - Salary and Expenses - June

EACH (Quidenham) £140.00 - Donation from Raffle Proceeds

E-on - DD £45.99 - Lighting - June

James Bradfield School - £15.44 - Hire of Hall - June

CGM Ltd - £149.45 - Grounds Maintenance - June

Westcotec Ltd - £70.55 - Lighting Maintenance - July

Statement of Account as at 30 June 2012 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £1202.52, Business Saver Account £14,363.63. A total of £15,565.15

Cllr Mrs Clements proposed acceptance for payment seconded by Cllr Bivon

6. Correspondence

Mr Michael Ennis, Friend of the Stroke Unit thanking everyone for making the 1948 Torch Trail event a success

Richard King Memorials Ltd - request for Memorial for Debbie Linda Green - Approved

Norfolk Police - Advising of the next SNAP Meeting - Wednesday 18 July at West Dereham Village Hall from 7pm

Hayley Kurt, Marketing & development Manager Recycling and Refuse Team - changes to the refuse collection from April 2013 - arrange for her to attend a meeting

NALC - Grave Matters - Workshop for local council clerks and members responsible for managing Cemeteries - Cllrs Clements and Nicholas-Letch plus the Clerk to attend on 15 August.

BCKLWN - Review of Gambling Act Policy 2005 - an Agenda Item for next meeting

7. Any Other Business

7**.1. Councillors Other Business:**

Cllr Mrs Clements raised the issue of increased vandalism in the village in particular around Border Road and Oak Road, also motor bikes riding around in the early hours of the morning. She will report these to the SNAP Meeting on the 18 July. Once again the parish council advise all members of the community to call the police on 101 and report any incident, also asking for an incident number.

Rubbish again dumped at the rear of Buckenham Drive bungalows, the Clerk will report this again to the Cleanup team.

Playing fields grass - not cut very well again this week. The Clerk will get in touch with CGM again.

Cllr Bivon reported the Blue Bell grounds are looking very untidy high growing weeds. The Clerk will get in touch with the owners. If they are not forthcoming in carrying out this work Mrs Stocking very kindly offered to spray the weeds.

Cllr Mrs Leamon reported rubbish being dumped in garages in Fairfield Road which have been left open, some syringes lying around. The Clerk will report this to Freebridge. Also the laurel bushes are growing over the grassed footpath in the playing fields. This will also be reported to Freebridge.

Could the parish council consider paying the insurance for the Playing Fields Committee. It was agreed that the PC would need to see the current insurance policy to establish the cost and what is covered. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that if there were any claim this may affect the parish council insurance. The Playing Field Association may have funding available to help with maintenance of equipment etc. Cllr Nicholas-Letch will look into this.

There is a pothole in Lynn Road which needs attention - the Clerk will report this to Highways.

Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that the Community Car Scheme should be launched in the next couple of weeks, all documents are almost complete, driver ID’s in the process of being done. There will be a website specifically for the scheme. All households in the village will receive a flier about the scheme. It is hoped to organise a Focus Group meeting in the Village Hall shortly, Cllr Mrs Clements has the forms for completion.

Cllr Taylor is hoping to organise a Blues/Jazz Festival at some point in the future.

7.2. Public Any Other Business:

What is the current situation regarding provision of allotments in the village. The Clerk informed the meeting that we are still awaiting the outcome of the LDF discussions etc. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised he would look into the possibility of a co-option for a non Council Member to become involved.

Village Hall did the Committee need any maintenance work carried out - nothing will be undertaken until it is known what is happening re new hall, will wait until February

Why is the Furlong Drove issue being discussed in private - Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised there are some contractual issues to be discussed.

The grass cutting in Buckenham Drive is atrocious

A query whether the proceeds of the tombola were included in the donation to Quidenham. The Clerk advised it had only been agreed the proceeds of the raffle were to be given to charity.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 August 2012 commencing at 7.30pm.

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