Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council - September Meeting

November 2011




Present – Cllr D Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr J Wyett, Cllr J Reeve, Cllr L Beatty. 2 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence received: Cllr M Peake; Borough Councillor C Sampson

2. No Declarations of Interest made.

3. The Minutes of the meeting held on 11/07/11****were agreed as a true record.

4. Matters Arising

  • AllSaints Place

Freebridge Housing has been contacted again regarding the overgrown paths at AllSaints Place. The Housing Officer is to ask the tenants of numbers 2, 3 and 8 to maintain the hedges within their boundaries.

  • Lime House Drove

The issue of trees overhanging Lime House Drove was raised at the July meeting of the Parish Council as it has been claimed the refuse lorry may refuse to traverse the Drove as branches may interfere with the hydraulics of the vehicle. One of the residents of Lime House Drove who has been approached regarding possibly trimming back trees was present at the meeting.

The meeting was briefly suspended to allow the resident in attendance at the meeting to contribute to the meeting. It was verbally agreed the resident concerned would permit the Parish Council to trim back branches.

Discussion took place regarding the legal designation of Lime House Drove and whether vehicles are permitted along the Drove.

The Parish Council has had concerns regarding flooding at the entrance to Lime House Drove for some time and Highways have been asked to rectify this problem. The Highway Engineer has informed the Clerk that work is scheduled to be undertaken at Lime House Drove. Residents feel the flooding problem has been exasperated since the Highway Department tarmaced the entrance to the Drove and that further tarmacing could make the problem even worse.

The Parish Council will endeavour to clarify the vehicular rights along the Drove and Norfolk County Councillor Tony White will be approached for assistance.

Cllr’s Beatty and Reeve to monitor

Clerk to contactNCCand Tony White

5. Chairman’s Report

The Parish Council has an agreement with Soundwave Marketing to design a new website. The design work has been completed and the Chairman will progress the site further over the next week. The Chairman asked Councillors to submit content for the website. It is hoped the Church, Wretton Historical Organisation and other local organisations will post information on the site. Links to Twitter and Facebook and a ‘Friend of Wretton’ page will be considered.

The site will be ready for approval at the November Parish Council meeting.

Chairman to develop website.

Councillors asked to provide photos/information for website

6. Clerk’s Report

  • The Highway Engineer has reported that the Environment Agency is about to undertake prosecution regarding unlawful disposal of effluent in the village which has resulted in smells emanating from certain points in the village.
  • The design, size and cost of ‘No Ball’ signs for the Play Area were discussed. Further prices will be obtained before ordering.
  • The Annual Inspection of the Play Area has been undertaken. The Inspection Report was passed to Cllr. Mick Peake to asses what work may be needed. Overall the report categorised the risk assessment of the Play Area as low risk.
  • The 2012 precept request will need to be considered at the November Parish Council meeting and Councillors were asked to suggest possible future projects that may be undertaken and will need funding in 2012.
  • The 2011 Annual Return has been completed with no issues raised by the External Auditors.

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Discussion took place as to how the village might celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. A suggestion was made that all village children could be presented with a mug. Commemorative mugs could cost in the region of

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