River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Northwold Parish Council Meeting

August 2010

Minutes of the June mmeetiong of Northwold Parish Council


Present: Mrs R Crisp, Mrs V Lynch, Miss A Muir, Mr M Peake, Mrs S Leet, Mrs T Waller, Mr M Wells.

1. Apologies for absence

Mr D George, Mr J Norris, Mr M Roberts.

2. No Declarations of Interest were made.

3. The minutes of the meeting held on 04/05/10 were agreed as a true record.

4. No Matters Arising from previous meetings were raised.

5. Reports

5.1 Chairman's Report

* The motorist who damaged the fence at the Old Chalk Pit has verbally agreed to make monthly contributions towards the cost of repairing the fence. Miss Muir was thanked for her assistance with this matter. Miss Muir offered to draw up an agreement to be signed relating to the proposed arrangement to pay monthly contributions. It was suggested the tenant of the land should be asked to consider undertaking the repair in exchange for two years free rent.

* A further complaint has been received regarding grass cutting in Northwold cemetery. The contractors will be informed but there is an area in the western side of the cemetery that is difficult to cut as it needs clearing of surplus soil from graves. Some discussion took place as to how this problem can be dealt with and this will be an agenda item for the July Parish Council meeting. The cost of hiring a skip to dispose of the surplus soil will be investigated.

* It has been queried whether Water Lane at Whittington has been cut by the grass cutting contractors as on the contract. The contractors will be contacted.

* Complaints have been received regarding the condition of the dykes along Common Drove. The dykes near the river are in need of cleaning out and the footpath is being eroded due to inadequate drainage of surface water. There are also problems with drainage at Ingams Lane and Riverside. Enquiries will be made as to who is responsible for maintenance of the dykes.

* Pot holes along Pinfold Lane will be reported to Highways.

* It has been reported that illegal motorbikes have been seen at the Common.

5.2 Clerk's Report

* The grass cutting contractors have replaced a flower vase that was damaged at the Cemetery.

5.3 There has been no further update regarding Manor House.


No members of the public present.

6. The following payments were agreed:

MHB Services (street lighting maintenance) £50.14

E.on Energy (street light electric) £148.98

Village Hall Committee £10.00

Country Grounds Maintenance (x2) £580.00

6.1 It was decided to leave pruning of trees in the Old Cemetery until later in the year. The Borough Council conservation team will be contacted before any work is undertaken.

6.2 It was agreed that two water meters will be installed at the Playing Field. The water pipes at the Playing Field will need to be located. Mrs S Leet offered to assist with this.

6.3 Discussion took place regarding training for Councillors. The Clerk will investigate whether Norfolk Association of Local Councils could provide training locally and if so at what cost. Consideration can then be given as to whether expenditure on training should be included in the budget.

6.4 The provision of salt bins for the parish was discussed. This matter will be raised again nearer the winter when consideration will be given as to whether the Parish Council can release the money from the budget to purchase two bins for Whittington Hill and one for Pinfold Lane.

6.5 For safety reasons the play equipment at Whittington Playing Field has been removed. The sign for the Playing Field has become dislodged and this has been reported to Highways.

7. Correspondence

7.1 A letter has been received from Whittington Parochial Church Council requesting financial assistance toward the upkeep of the churchyard in Whittington. This matter will be an agenda item for the July Parish Council meeting.

7.2 E-mail received from Norfolk County Council stating that fly tipping is monitored and the local area around recycling sites now open part time will be included in site inspection regimes.

7.3 The Playing Field Newsletter.

7.4 Donation request from Norfolk Accident Rescue Service.

7.5 Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Development Framework: Core Strategy and Minerals and Waste Development and Management Policies Development Plan Document: Publication of Pre-Submission Document. Representations invited from May 28th to July 23rd 2010.

8. Planning

Mr. M Peake took no part in discussion relating to agenda item 8.

8.1 Continued use of land for storage and maintenance of equipment and accommodation units associated with the entertainment industry, at The Oaks, Mill Drove, Northwold 10/00752/CU


9. Tenancy agreements for the Garden Allotments, Old Chalk Pit and Constable's Charity Land.

It was agreed to accept the tenancy agreements as presented and these will be issued to tenants. The vacant Garden Allotment land will be advertised as available to let at £16.00 per year. It was agreed to raise the rent for the Constable's Charity land to £100 per year.

10. Lease agreement for Northwold Sports & Social Club

Discussion took place regarding the draft agreement and amendments will be made before the agreement is considered again at the July Parish Council meeting. A break clause will be included and the Social Club will be consulted further. It was agreed rent should be set at £275 per year. Clause 2.2 of the previous agreement regarding 20% of trading profit to be paid to the Parish Council has been removed from the new draft agreement. The Chairman of the Management Committee of the Sports & Social Club will be invited to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

11. Financial Regulations and Standing Orders will be agreed at the July Parish Council meeting.

12. No further reports made.

Parish Clerk

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