War Memorial Gary Trouton

Wereham News

June 2010

Our monthly report from Wereham

Wereham Open Gardens June 20th

There will be at least 9 village gardens open from 1.30pm to 5.30

Adults £3.50 children free

Tickets on sale at the church on the day


Teas in the village hall

New this year! Quiche & Salad Lunches (£4.99) served from 12.15

Gardeners' Songs of Praise at 7pm

If you would like to help by baking a cake, buns or scones for us to serve in the afternoon with the teas please contact Lizzie Baddock (500233) or Sheila Smith (500414)

We would also welcome any plants for the plant stall for Open Gardens and the Festival if you have any to spare.

St Margaret's Wereham Festival

This year the festival will be on Sunday July 18th 2010 starting at 11 am.

If you have any items you would like to donate for the raffle, tombola or for prizes we would welcome them. While you are spring cleaning don't forget we have a nearly new stall and white elephant. Perhaps that vase, picture frame, or bottle of bubble bath that you have spare could help us out. We will have the ever popular produce, cakes and plant stalls along with the old favourites and a few new ones.

This year the church theme is 'Peter Rabbit and Friends' . As it was so popular last year we are running the tray garden competition again for the children with age groups up to 10.(If you are older and would like to enter we can find a slot for you too!) There will also be a children's fancy dress competition and a Bunny Mask workshop for youngsters in the church. More details nearer the time.

We will finish the day with a request Songs of Praise at 7pm.

If you would like be involved in any way by helping us to setup/take down on the day or by running a stall we would be pleased to have your help.

Contact Karin Newell 500357 or 07710357813, Liz Baddock 500233, Doreen Rolph 500218 or Ivy Humphries 501108

Wereham Tots

With thanks to mums, dads, nannies and carer's who support us every week. We were able to replace some of the old worn out toys with NEW! Including a fully fitted kitchen with all mod cons - cooker, fridge and of course the microwave; a trike, bumble bee car (a big winner, everyone should have one) and the tractor will be appearing soon.

Well done to Jackie (Josh's Mum) who completed the Grand East Anglian 10Km run on the 2nd May. She raised £300 in sponsorship which she has donated to our Village Hall re-build fund.

A big Thank You to everyone who sponsored her.

We have celebrated several birthdays over the past few weeks. Lily and Luke are now 2 whilst Dexter, Micky and Sienna celebrated their 3rd birthdays. We all enjoyed the birthday cakes!

Prize Bingo

In Wereham Village Hall on Saturday 5th June. Eyes down 7:30pm.

Raffle and refreshments available. All proceeds to be divided between Little Oak's Nursery at Stoke Ferry and Wereham Tots.

Please come and support us.

A plea to all Dog Owners

Thank you to those dog owners who scoop the poop into those bags and take it home. Not so well done to those who scoop the poop but leave the bags on the playing fields and various other places around our village.

Please take the poop bags home and help keep our village clean and tidy.

Lynda Eddy

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