Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Minutes of the Wereham Parish Council

December 2009

Minutes of the November meeting of Wereham parish Council

Minutes of the Wereham Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th November 2009 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall

Present: P. Markwell Chairman, Mrs. Everitt, Mrs. Newell, P. Norris, D. Pickston, C. Humphries together with Peter Morris from W.N.V.C.A. and three members of the public.

Apologies: M/s Norris

1. Minutes: Subject to the inclusion of apologies from D. Pickston it was proposed hr P. Norris and seconded by C. Humphries that the Minutes of the meeting held on September 2009 be signed as a correct record.

2. Matters Arising: Village Sign - this has been repainted by Sheila Heavens with the £25. 00 paint account being paid by Karin Newell. The post has been cleaned, a metal collar made to measure and fitted and all repainted by Karin Newell and Jane Cowieson. P Norris proposed thanks to all three involved. A large branch fell off the sick Willow tree into the pit, this was removed and cleared away by Ivan Voutt and Bill Newell all free of charge and a letter of thanks is to be sent to both of them. The sick Willow tree is going to be removed by Acorn Trees by the end of November 2009 at a cost of £575.00 plus V.A.T. A discussion took place regarding replacing with a new tree - this is to be decided later and may possibly be grown on in a pot and planted in about 12 months. Classification of 'B' road has been explained and a specific area required as an example - Flegg Green is an area and it is felt that the verges need attention. Village Hall area of land requiring registration is in the hands of the Land Registry - outcome awaited. The grass area opposite the Village Hall is still being investigated and it was stated that John Eastgate is going to attend the January Parish Council meeting to discuss the matter, inform the Council what options there are and also to have the County Council tree Officer to inspect all the trees there on. The Sluice gate has been supplied and fitted.

3. Speaker: The chairman introduced Peter Morris of the W.N.V.C.A. who is the Partnership Delivery Officer. Peter Morris confirmed there are 7 groups in Norfolk and Wereham is part of one group albeit it would appear to be in Watlington when perhaps the Downham group would be more appropriate. The Youth Group are dealing with obesity and a programme is running at present in Fairstead and will eventually come out into the Villages. Old Peoples Group - this is being used to find out what rural areas need and then endeavour to address the matter. Economic Safer and Stronger - this is mainly in the Lynn area. The chairman thanked Peter Morris for the very informative talk.

4. Planning; Mr. T. Hewitt - Const of 4 no. 2 storey terraced dwellings at land south of the Manor House, Wereham. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would meet on site at 9.00a.m. on Saturday 14th November 2009 to make their decision.

5. Payments: Royal British Legion - £16.50. Mrs. Moore £32.00 refund of purchased grave space which is no longer required - S6 plot 3. Proposed C. Humphries and seconded P. Norris pass for payment.

6. Correspondence: Norfolk Link. Signpost. W.N.B.C. Marshals required for GEAR on 2nd May 2010. W.N.B.C. Mayors Award for Design - all noted. Wicksteads Safety Inspection works - this is to be inspected on Saturday 14th November 2009.

7. Any Other Business. Cemetery hedge - cutting this was organised by Bill Newell and Ivan Voutt who cleaned up after it was cut and cleared the rubbish away all free of charge - thanks are to he extended to both. A large branch of an Oak Tree has fallen onto the goal post in the Playing Field - this is to be inspected and a decision made on 14th November 2009. There are some problems with the A134 road - sketch is to be sent to N.C.C. Highways to ask for their help. The reflectors are still awaited for the Al 34 / Flegg Green crossing. The road sign post at the junction of Cavenham Road and Gibbett Lane has one arm broken off. The street light in The Row needs attention. M/s Norris has confirmed that she has as party of volunteers to paint the railings around the Pond. She has also confirmed that the appropriate paint for metal and / or concrete is being donated.

The meeting closed at 9.40 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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