War Memorial Gary Trouton


September 2009

Minutes of the Jul meeting of the Village Liaison Meeting

.Agriculture Division

Stoke Ferry Feed Mills

Tuesday 22nd July 2009

Present: Mrs Pat Holton (Village Representative)

Mrs. Trudy Mann (Parish Council Representative)

Mr. Debroy Summers (Parish Council Representative)

Mr. Ray Thompson (Editor Village Pump)

Mr. Clive Jacklin (Vion Uk- Favor Parker)

Mr Keith White (Vion Uk- Favor Parker)

1. Apologies:

Mr. Lionel Halls

2. Minutes of the previous meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting (22nd April 2009) were agreed.


3. Complaints received since the last meeting.

The Company had received 2 complaints one related to noise the other to transport.

4. Noise

A resident of Furlong Drove complained of increased general noise from the mill. The committee asked if tonnage had increased causing the maintenance program to be reduced. Mr. White stated that though tonnage had increased marginally this has not & would not impact on maintenance. All plant in the vicinity of the top gate was checked on the 23rd July no issues were evident.

5. Transport.

A resident of Lynn Road complained of a company vehicle leaving the Furlong site at an excessive speed. On first contact with the company the complainant did not receive a meaningful response.

Mr. White had further contact with the complainant who gave the vehicle registration; apologies were given on behalf of both employees.

On investigation both employees were identified and reminded of their duties as company representatives. To drive in a manor as not to cause duress to other road users and respond tactfully to complainants telephone calls.

6. Odour Dust & particulates.

No complaints were received.

7. AOB

Mrs. P Holton asked if there had been any further developments regarding the usage of the Dukes Head & Millers Arms. Mr. White stated he would contact Mr. Halls for an update.

Mrs. T Mann relayed a letter to the company regarding the field next to the playing field.

Mrs. T Mann asked if the fenced area near the bottom of the footpath could be repaired & the accumulated litter removed.

The committee relayed its concerns regarding cars parked along Furlong Drove and the dangers this causes vehicles turning left off Lynn road.

A number of possible improvements were discussed but further investigations and discussions are required to progress this issue.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 21st October 2009.

Keith White

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