Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Minuted of Wretton Parish Council

September 2009

Minutes of the meeting held on 14th July 2009



Present: Cllr D Llewellyn - Chairman,

Cllr M Peake, Cllr A Box, Cllr S Briston, Cllr. M Mansell, Cllr B Glover.

7 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Cllr L Peake

Borough Councillor Mr. C Sampson, County Councillor Mr. A White.

2. Declarations of Interest made:

Mr. S Briston declared an interest in item 8 and duly completed a declaration of interest form.

3. The Minutes of the meeting held on 12/05/09 were agreed as a true record with a slight amendment to wording of item 8.

4. Matters Arising:

4.1 The Parish Council had previously agreed that vehicles should not be permitted on the Green (it is illegal for motorised vehicles to be driven on a recreational area) unless in exceptional instances and with prior agreement. It was decided to obtain quotes for the cost of erecting posts around the Green to stop vehicles gaining access. Trees could also be used as a physical barrier.

The meeting was briefly closed at 7.35pm to allow members of the public to comment on this matter. Discussion took place regarding the need for parking for Church services and whether the play equipment could be re-located so freeing space for parking.

It was agreed to purchase two replacement signs for those stolen from the Green stating 'No Vehicles'.

Highways will be approached regarding whether it would be possible to provide hard standing bays for cars at the side of Church Path or in front of the Green and the Parish Council will explore any ideas suggested for alternative parking.

* It is hoped a site visit may be arranged with Rights of Way Officer David Mills to discuss ownership and designation of Lime House Drove.

* Due to the length of time between Parish Council meetings and the delay in publication of the minutes of the meetings it was decided to publish the draft minutes as soon as possible after the next two Parish Council meetings. This course of action will then be monitored with a view to continuing publishing draft minutes if no problems arise.

5. Chairman's Report:

The Chairman reported that recent warm weather has resulted in odour from the sewerage system being detected. The Chairman has contacted Anglianwater and the Borough Council. The Borough Council has apparently been informed that Anglianwater are having ongoing problems with dosing of chemicals at Flegg Green.

The Chairman suggested as there is a long time between Parish Council meetings a sub-committee could be established to deal with problems relating to the sewerage system. Margaret Mansell volunteered to look into issues relating to the sewerage system and the sub-committee will be made up of Mrs. Mansell, Mr. Llewellyn and the Clerk. The Parish Council will produce a leaflet which will include details of who to contact should people wish to report problems with the sewerage system.

Clerk's Report:

* The corner of Church Path opposite the Green has been curbed to stop erosion of the grass verge.

* Freebridge Housing has been contacted regarding clearing the path at All Saints Place.

* Footpaths have been cleared by the Highway Department between the Red Lion and the Clover Club.

* The Clerk has attended training relating to planning e-consultation. The Borough Council hopes all planning consultation can be undertaken electronically in the near future. If the Parish Council are to be part of this initiative either a laptop and projector or an A3 printer will be needed.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

Clerk's wages/expenses (May/June) £109.58

MHB Services x2 £31.80

NRCC subs. £15.00

Post Office Ltd. IR £42.15

C.G.M £456.84

Internal Audit £40.00

Finance - @ June 30th 2009

Community Account £297.41

Business Premium Account (1) £1685.63

Business Reserve Account (2) £12246.40

Business Premium Reserve Account £4395.82

6.1 Discussion took place regarding membership of CPRE. It was decided the Parish Council would not become a member of CPRE.

6.2 The Annual Return Form was completed and duly signed by the Chairman.

7. Correspondence:

1. Register of electors - canvassers required

2. Standards Committee agenda

3. CAG meeting dates/mobile Police Office timetable

4. Council meeting agenda

5. Opportunity Awards 2009

8. Planning:

Mr. S Briston left the meeting at 8.25pm.

Replacement brick built garage and brick wall at Harringay Farm, Low Road, Wretton 09/01119/F

Parish Council supports application

9. Other Reports/items for the next agenda - for information only:

10.1 Comment had been raised that shrubbery was overgrown in an area of the Churchyard. The area has been cleared and will be maintained in future.

10.2 A leaflet will be produced by the Parish Council to promote the suggestion that members of the public should contact the Parish Council if they would be interested in allotments being made available in the parish. This will be an agenda item for the next Parish Council meeting.

10.3 Public Participation (to be limited to fifteen minutes) will be at the start of future Parish Council meetings rather than at the end.


(Limited to 15 mins)

* It is planned to hold Games on the Green on September 16th with money raised to be donated to Church funds. This event will be publicised in the Parish Council leaflet.

* Wretton Historical Organisation is hoping to obtain funding for an event to be themed around WW1/WW2 to be held in the village in May 2010.

* The Parish Council leaflet will also request suggestions from residents as to what should be done with the pond area on the Green.

* It was reported that there has been a problem with dog mess not being cleared in Church Road. The Parish Council leaflet will remind dog owners to act responsibly and clear up after their animals.

Parish Clerk

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