War Memorial Gary Trouton

Wretton PC Minutes

December 2008




Present: Cllr D Llewellyn - Chairman,

Cllr M Peake, Cllr S Briston, Cllr L Peake, Cllr B Glover

5 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Cllr G. Mansell, Cllr A Box. County Councillor Mr. T White, Borough Councillor Mr. C Sampson.

2. No Declarations of Interest made.

3. Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the 08/07/08 were confirmed as a true record of the meeting.

4. Matters Arising:

 The Clerk has spoken to the Highway Technician about the possibility of replacing the weight limit sign on the West Dereham Road and has been told the sign will not be replaced.

 Telephone boxes, due to be removed by BT, can be adopted by local authorities either with or without a phone line. The cost of adopting a box is to be £1.00 p.a. plus maintenance costs. To keep a phone line would be £500 p.a. As it was reported the telephone has not been used for the past six months it was decided to register an interest in keeping the box in Wretton but with no phone line.

 Footpaths around the parish are in need of clearing. Children walking from Wrettton are forced to walk on the road on their way to James Bradfield School as the footpath is overgrown. The Highways Department will be contacted again about this and so will County Councillor Mr. White. Stoke Ferry Parish Council and the Road Safety Committee (chaired by Borough Councillor Mr. Sampson) will be approached for support to put pressure on the Highway department to clear footpaths.

5. Chairman's Report:

 Mr. G Mansell has forwarded his resignation as a Parish Councillor to the Chairman and thus the Borough Council will be informed so the process of co-option to fill the vacancy can be initiated.

 Permission was given by the Chairman for Games on the Green to be held. This successful event was held on September 6th and Wretton Church and Wretton Historical Association will benefit from the proceeds.

 The Chairman remains in contact with the Borough Council Environmental Team regarding sewerage problems in the parish. No odour has been reported recently.

Clerk's Report:

It has been suggested Parish Councils should respond to the current proposals outlined by the Boundary Commission for a Unitary Norfolk. Some discussion thus took place regarding maintenance of the present three tier council system. It was agreed a letter will be sent to the Secretary of State at the relevant time in the New Year supporting the status quo.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

Clerk's wages/expenses (July, Aug.) £125.85

MHB Services x2 £32.50

Internal Audit £40.00


VAT return £237.65

Finance - @ August 31st 2008

Community Account 2755.94

Business Premium Account 1679.09

Business Reserve Account 813.34

Business Premium Reserve Account 12103.48


6.1 Some discussion took place regarding how reserve money (around £12000) held by the Parish Council should be allocated. Councillors were asked for ideas as to what projects might be undertaken by the Parish Council. The reserve money should be spent on capital projects and not used to support the precept. Any suggested projects submitted and the precept request for 2009 will be agenda items for the November meeting.

7. Correspondence:

1. Norfolk Matters - copy for Councillors

2. Removal of BT Kiosks - Field Lane, Wretton

3. EDP Pride in Norfolk Awards 2008 - Wretton was not a winner in 2008 but through this year's experience the village will be better prepared for another attempt next year.

4. Local Government Review - www.norfolk.gov.uk - links to be put on the Wretton website

5. Review of East of England Plan - www.eera.gov.uk

6. Hazardous Household Waste Amnesty Days 2008

7. Norfolk Annual Emergency Preparedness Study Day

8. Annual donation request from West Norfolk CAB

9. Mayor's Civic Awards for Voluntary Service

10. NCAPTC Norfolk Link etc.

11. Mobile Police Office timetable - to display

12. The Playing Field Newsletter

13. Council meeting agenda

8. Planning:

Notice of decisions received

 First floor extension to dwelling at Pangle Cottage, Church Road, Wretton 08/01323/F - planning permission granted

 Proposed development of 5 units (3 new proposed dwellings & barn conversion into 2 dwellings at Church Farm, Low Road, Wretton 08/1745/F - planning permission granted

9. Rubbish bins at the Play area:

Mr. Whyatt was thanked for emptying the rubbish bin by the play area. There is concern that more rubbish is being discarded by youngsters using the play area and drinks cans may cause a hazard if they are shredded by the grass cutter. It was suggested the present bin could be modified to encourage use (Mr. M Peake offered to undertake alteration to the bin) and a new bin may be purchased to be placed adjacent to the teen shelter. The Clerk will investigate the price of bins and this matter will be an agenda item for the November meeting. It may be necessary to also purchase trade waste sacks for collection of the rubbish if this is to be undertaken by the Borough Council.

The meeting was suspended for a short while at 8.10pm to allow Mr. Whyatt to speak. He is concerned that the teen shelter may attract youngsters in vehicles. This is a matter for the Police if it is deemed to be causing problems. The Safer Neighbourhood Team will be approached and a request made for them to attend a future Parish Council meeting.

10. The Green and byelaws:

Discussion took place as to whether or not any motorised vehicles should be permitted on the Green. On rare occasions Church users park on the Green and of perhaps more concern it has been reported that a go-cart has been driven on the grass. There is little parking space in the village but the farm yard opposite the Church is likely to be available for parking if prior agreement has been obtained from the owner.

Talk ensued as to whether a sign (or fencing) should be erected stating no parking on the grass and whether a byelaw would be needed to enforce this. Advice has been obtained that it is illegal for motorised vehicles to be on a recreation area and therefore a byelaw would be unnecessary. The Police will be asked to clarify the position and a decision regarding vehicles on the Green will be made at the November meeting.

11. Other Reports/items for the next agenda - for information only:

11.1 The footway from No.6 All Saints Place to the post box is in need of repair and hedges need trimming.

11.2 A request has been made again for the street name sign for All Saints Place, which is attached to the end house at All Saints Place, to be relocated. Post has been delivered along Church Road instead of All Saints Place and it is felt this may be happening because the present position of the sign causes confusion.

11.3 Lime House Drove is in a poor state of repair.

11.4 Posts have been installed opposite Fendick's Cottage to stop parking on the verge. However vehicles are still parked on this dangerous corner.

11.5 Comment was made regarding possible encroachment of a Bridle Path along the West Dereham Road.


Discussion took place as to possible future community use of All Saints Church. If pews could be repositioned more space would be available so the Church could possibly be used for functions other than services. If more community use was made of the Church the Parish Council would be willing to contribute to the upkeep of the building as a resource for the village. It was suggested that an agenda item for the November Parish Council meeting should be ideas for possible community uses for the Church.

Parish Clerk

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