Wretton Sign Gary Trouton


December 2006

Minutes of the September meeting of the Wretton Paris Council



WEDNESDAY 13th September 2006

Present: Cllr D Llewellyn - Chairman,

Cllr M Peake, Cllr N Pilgrim, Cllr B Glover, Cllr I Mack, Cllr L Peake

Cllr T Manley - Borough Councillor

5 members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence accepted from:

Cllr S Bristow

2. Declaration of Interest:

None stated

3. Approval of Minutes:

Apologies for the July meeting from Cllr L Peake had not been recorded so were added to the minutes before approval.

4. Matters Arising:

 It was felt further reports from previous meetings need to become agenda items for the following meeting - so this practise will be adopted.

 Vegetation along footpaths is still in need of cutting back although Highways have been notified. Trimming of hedges is however restricted to protect wildlife.

 Complaints have again been received regarding light pollution emanating from Cromer Lane. The Borough Council Environmental Health Department has advised that individuals need to report the matter to them and residents can face fines of up to £5000 for failing to comply with new laws on light pollution. The Parish Council have also been asked to take a local approach and contact the resident concerned.

5. Chairman's Report:

The Chairman has now registered the domain for Wretton Parish Council website and a holding page exists at www.wretton.org.uk. The site should be live in two weeks. Comments were asked for regarding content of the website. The package includes twenty e-mail addresses and both the Chairman and the Clerk can be contacted - chairman@wretton.org.uk and clerk@wretton.org.uk.

Clerk's Report:

Railings from the river bridge have recently been removed but are now replaced, although gates adjacent to the railings have also been damaged.

The police have been informed of this.

6. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment.

Cheques for approval of payment

Clerk's wages/expenses (July/August) £112.11

Inland Revenue (Aug. Sept. Oct) £46.35

MHB Services x2 £32.50

Grass Cutting £453.20

Bus shelter repair £121.02

Internal audit £35.00

Website £58.50

Accounts summary attached.

The internal auditor advised that regular checks on the play area need to be documented and Cllr M Peake agreed to take on this responsibility.

6.1a/b Annual Audit Return Form Sections 1 and 2 approved and completed.

7. Correspondence:

1. Norfolk Link etc.

2. SLCC Regional conference

3. Mobile Police Office Timetable

4. Planning Consultation Protocol

5. NAPTC AGM - 04/11/06

6. Norfolk Accident Rescue Service request for donation -to put on agenda for November

7. Southern Area Road Safety Committee - Next meeting 21/09/06

8. The Playing Field Newsletter

9. Have Your Say - Emergency Response Standards www.norfolkfireservice.co.uk

10. Revisions to the Local Development Scheme for King's Lynn and West Norfolk

11. NRCC workshop/Signpost

12. Mayor's Civic ceremony invitation and Civic Awards for Voluntary Service nominations request

13. Adult Education changes 2006/07

14. Norfolk Matters etc.

15. Home Watch Roadshow invitation

8. Planning:

Notice of planning decision:

Permission given for construction of single storey extension to side of dwelling at Melford House, 36 Church Road, Wretton.

20.05 meeting suspended to allow Public participation:

 A report was given regarding the present situation of the sewerage odour problems. Anglia Water has tripled the dosage of chemicals added to the system at Flegg Green and it is hoped this has solved the problem. There appears to be a significant improvement and no further complaints have been received so far. Anglia water has offered residents six months free of any sewerage charges in the form of compensation. The Environmental Health Department has been made aware of the problem and it is now a case of waiting to see if the solution has worked. Some smell however is still being experienced near the old Red Lion, but it was felt this may have been present before the new sewerage system was installed and that foul water may be being added to the surface drains. Environmental Health will be asked to check this again and the chairman asked for more details from parishioners.

 A parishioner asked about rules governing the Jane Forby Charity as a piece of land owned by the charity (but leased out) is in an untidy condition. This matter has been raised before and the parishioner was asked to write to the charity. The trustees will then meet to discuss the situation. It was felt the Environment Agency should be made aware of the possible pollution that may be occurring on the land which is situated along Lime House Drove. Cllr Manley offered his assistance to try to sort this matter out.

 Comment was made that Wissington Sugar Factory is to produce bio-ethanol and concern was voiced that rotten smells may result. An Environmental Impact Assessment has been produced relating to this project and therefore measures should have already been taken to avoid such nuisance.

20.20 meeting reconvened.


9. Village Green and Sign:

* Transfer of the Green is still ongoing and hopefully the transaction is near completion. Cllr Manley was asked to look into why it is taking so long for the Borough Council to sort this matter out.

* Discussion took place regarding the design of the base for the village sign and the chairman will now draw plans as agreed by councillors.

* The question arose as to what will happen to the pond on the Green once the Parish Council has ownership. This will need discussion at a future meeting.

10. Other Reports - for information only:

10.1 A drain cover that was stolen has now been replaced.

10.2 Highways need contacting again regarding the overgrown footpaths.

12.3 One councillor is concerned about the Borough Council apparently giving planning permission across village land and is acting on his own regarding enquiring into this issue. Actions of councillors as individuals are not the responsibility of the parish council as a body and this matter is not being undertaken with the approval of the council. Cllr Pilgrim stated that Church Farm and Anglia Water have encroached on village land.

Meeting closed at 20.55.

Parish Clerk

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