Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council July meeting

September 2006

The busy labours of local Parish Councillors are reflected in these latest minutes.


Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre At 7.30pm on Wednesday 26 July 2006

1. Those Attending: Mr M Ferrie (Chairman), Mrs T Mann, Mr M Precey, Mr M Mycock, Mr D Summers, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) 4 members of the public.

2. Apologies: Were received from County Councillor T White, Borough Councillor T Manley, Mr J Preston and PC Jackson.

3. Minutes of the last Meeting: Mr M Precey proposed the Minutes be adopted seconded by Mrs T Mann.

4. Matters Arising:

a) The "No Motorised Vehicles Sign" had been erected again but within days the sign had been removed from the post. It was agreed to put a note in The Pump stating there would be a £10 reward for any information as to the whereabouts of this sign.

b) Caravans - are being monitored by Planning, everything seems under control at the moment.

c) Village Liaison Meeting - minutes of the last meeting are being sent round in the diplomatic bag. Letters had been received from the Environmental Health Department at Borough and the Environment Agency in response to those sent by the Parish Council. It would appear everything is being done to monitor the emissions from Favor Parker factory.

d) Bridge Road - No further information at the moment, CC White to be contacted. The Dyke at the School, a request was made for this to be piped and filled in, which would prevent children falling into it, also rubbish being thrown into the dyke. The Clerk to contact CC White in the first instance.

e) Disabled Bus Stops - the Clerk to chase up CC White to see what response he had from Planning and Transportation.

f) Footpath between Wretton Road and Buckenham Drive - this has now been cleared of weeds, it was reported to the meeting that this was done by Mr Gerald King not the Borough Council. A letter of thanks to be sent to Mr King, also a letter to Borough reminding them it should have been their responsibility.

g) The Common - non collection of rubbish - Councillor Manley reported this is still being investigated, also the Head of Waste and Recycling informed him that they may have some lockable bins for which the Service Team could hold the keys. The Clerk to enquire whether these bins are of sufficient size or would there be a need for two.

h) Naming of Roads - The Agreement for the Parish to have a licence to name and number roads in the village had been received. It was unanimously agreed that the Agreement should be signed

i) Planning - Wells Homes site in Lynn Road - Cllr Manley still investigating with Planning Department as to whether planning permission is required to start clearing the site.

j) Trees/shrubs growing over footpath/road in Boughton Road still not cut back, Clerk to write again

k) Trees overgrowing the footpath from Favor Parker Depot in Furlong Drove to the By-pass still not cut back - Clerk to chase up Highways. The uneven road surface at the end of Furlong Drove still not been attended to.

l) Road signs for Boughton Road and Bradfield Place/Fairfield Road still not been reinstated.

5. Notice Board:

Two further quotations had been received, one for a wooden construction and the other a metal construction. After discussion it was unanimously agreed to accept the quotation of Thomas B Bonnett in the sum of £395.75 for making and fitting, to be concreted into the garden area near the Bus Shelter

6. Cemetery Layout:

Mr Mycock informed the meeting that he had not done a layout plan at the moment, but did suggest that when this is done instead of posts numbering the plots, a better way would be for a small brick embedded in the ground with the appropriate number, which would make it easier for grass cutting. The chain link fence round the Garden of Remembrance could be removed now the area is almost full.

7. Stoke Ferry Festival:

In the absence of Mr Preston, Mr Summers asked the meeting if the Parish Council would be prepared to have a stall at the Festival. It was pointed out that the Parish Plan Steering Committee, which is part of the Parish Council, were joining with the Residents Association for this event. It was also unanimously agreed that no donation be given.

8. Lay-by in Lynn Road

Mrs Mann declared an interest in this matter. The question was raised as to why a bus stop had been placed by the lay-by when this was being removed when development of the shops takes place. Highways would not agree to keep the lay-by for reasons of visibility, but there would be parking spaces at the rear of the new development.

9. Planning:

The building/shed at Meadow View Bridge Road is permitted development.

Approved by Borough:

Construction of 2 shops A1 and A1/A5 and two first floor flats in Lynn Road

Conversion of agricultural barn to dwelling and erection of shed at Barn Oxborough Road (Mr Ferrie declared an interest in this item)

Conservatory extension at Wynbury Bridge Road

Approved by Parish:

Conservatory extension at Culpepper Place Bridge Road (Mr Summers declared an interest in this item)

Variation of conditions 10 and 15 of planning permission at The Quarry Furlong Road - the Parish unable to make a decision as insufficient information was received from the Planning Department.

Received since publication of Agenda - Construction of dwelling following demolition of existing barn at The Old Granary High Street.

10. Payments for Approval:

MHB Services Ltd - £65.78 - Lighting Maintenance July/August

Thomas B Bonnett - £12.22 - Welding work on Sign For The Common

Mr J Cross - £15.00 - Expenses incurred carrying out Internal Audit

Country Grounds Maintenance - £655.53 - Half year Grounds Maintenance

James Bradfield School - £11.90 - Hire of Hall June 2006

Mrs T Mann proposed approval for payment seconded by Mr Mycock

11. Correspondence:

Norfolk Constabulary - Reducing Crime & Disorder in West Norfolk, suggesting that Parish Council be a key contact that should be actively involved. Mr Ferrie agreed to attend the next meeting.

BCKL&WN Building Control Service - Notification of name for new property next to The Old Shop Oxborough Road - Lodge House. Clerk to point out that there is a property called The Lodge in High Street.

Mr A Chaplin Buckenham Drive regarding difficulties encountered getting around the village on a disabled scooter. Clerk to send copy of the letter to the Borough also to Cllr Manley.

BCKL&WN Finance & Resources - New Development off Wretton Road to be called Lark Road. No objections were made.

Mr & Mrs Hearne Oak Road - large number of cars, lorries, vans coming into the road not realising it was a "no through road", asking why this road sign does not stipulate this. Letter to be forwarded to Borough.

12. Councillors Other Business:

The Chairman raised the following points:

a) Community Decline & Charter 88's Campaign - report by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Small Shops concluded that unless urgent action was taken many high streets would be dead within ten years. It was unanimously agreed to pass a resolution to support this.

b) The cold water in the area is very cloudy taking some five minutes to clear. A letter to be sent to Anglian Water.

c) Bus Shelter - the some of the led had been pulled up again. Mr Mycock to enquire if there is a paint that can be used to prevent this re-occurring, and report back to next meeting.

d) Phone Box - this is constantly being vandalised, the handset had been removed, the Perspex panels constantly being broken. The Clerk to contact BT to find out if there is a more secure site in the village for this to be placed. It was agreed it should not be removed completely. A note to go in The Pump requesting information regarding the vandalism.

e) The Hill - Mr Ferrie queried to whom does The Hill belong. Mr Mycock confirmed that it belongs to the Parish Council, the only part that belongs to Favor Parker is the roadway alongside The Dukes Head. The Clerk will check details with the Borough Council.

f) Planning Applications - these are being held up on the way round and not getting back to the Clerk by the appropriate date for comments to be made to the Planning Department. Two days per person should be sufficient to get them round in 21 days.

g) Mrs Mann advised the meeting that she was going to resign as a Governor of the School, partly because of the time factor and personal family reasons.

h) Mr Mycock reported that the footpath from Boughton Road to the bye-pass is overgrown with weeds. Highways to be informed

13. Public Other Business

A request was made for the Hill to be used for the Festival in September - this was agreed. (Mr Summers declared in interest in this matter)

Where could waste bins be obtained for use on the Sunday of the Festival - contact be made with CC White by Residents Association.

Playing Fields - it was pointed out that there is no shade in the field, particularly during this hot weather. The Clerk to enquire from the Borough to see if there are any schemes available, also to make contact with the Playing Fields Association.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm

14. Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 6 September 2006 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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