Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes

December 2005

Minutes of the SF PC Meeting held on 12 October 2005

Minutes of Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre

At 7.30pm on Wednesday 12 October 2005

1. Those Attending: Mr. M Ferrie (Chairman), Mr. Mycock, Mrs. M Leamon, Mrs. T Man, County Councillor T White, Mrs. C Hardy (Clerk), 18 members of the public. Mr. D Robson and Ms J Murfitt from the Environmental Protection Department.

2. Apologies: No apologies were received

3. Declaration of Interest. Mrs. T Mann in respect of Change of Use for Shop in Lynn Road, Mrs. M Leamon and County Councillor T White in respect of Planning Applications for the Landfill Site on the A134.

The Chairman welcomed Ms Jacqueline Murfitt and Mr. Dave Robson from the Environmental Protection Department at the Borough Council who had kindly agreed to answer questions from Councillors and the public in connection with emissions from the factory. The main concern is what is contained in the emissions and are they harmful to the public. The factory meets the requirements of the Government and is not exceeding emission levels. Any antibiotics and prescribed medicines used in feeds are all regulated by doctors. Red dust seen could be tracozones; vegetable matter, wheat husk, will consist of iron oxide rust but nothing was found at the factory following tests, the dust could have blown in the wind from the fields or anywhere in the vicinity. Mr. Robson advised the meeting that a Dust Monitor has been set up in Furlong Drove and felt this should be in place for 12 months, it has been in place for one month. The consensus of opinion was that it had been sited incorrectly (contrary to the wind modelling), Oxborough Road was believed to be where the wind funelled to from the factory area, but possibly could not be described as the area with the most dust problems as it is dependent upon various factors, as pointed out to the meeting. Perhaps it could be 6 months in one place then moved for the further six months, maybe to Oxborough Road. A site available for anyone concerned to check - Services A-Z Air Quality, Air Quality Report for Favor Parker. No tests carried out based on water soluble toxins, Environment Department cannot make Favor Parker do this there is no remit. Data will be available to Liaison Committee Meeting. A new regime will be introduced in the future with different controls covering noise and water.

4. Minutes of the last Meeting: Mrs. Leamon proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Mrs. Mann with the following amendments - Matters arising c) remove the words "feeder pillar". Village Design Statement - amend last sentence to One Councillor "had not read the amendments in the final" document.

5. Matters Arising:

a) Street Lighting - all lights reported have now been attended to and in working order.

b) Village Design Statement - this has now been approved by the Parish Council

6. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes:

a) Grassed Area by Bungalows in Buckenham Drive: Cllr Manley had spoken with the Borough and they in turn would speak to Freebridge Housing to ask for a hard stand parking area when the handover of council properties takes place.

b) Chapmans Field Footpath: The Countryside Officer has written to the farmer concerned reminding him of his duties - hopefully no more problems.

7. Highways Matters:

a) Footpath in High Street - Highways report that the new surface is within specification for the type of application. It was felt this was not satisfactory, a further letter be sent.

b) Grassed Area/Footpath in front of Fish Shop/Hairdressers: Highways response was "this may have historically been used as a shortcut by pedestrians but is not a designated footway. It was agreed a further letter be sent to Highways stating that this path should be recognised on the plan as a "footpath".

c) The request for a 20mph speed limit in Wretton Road and Buckenham Drive has been turned down by Highways.

d) Bus Shelter Rubbish Bin/Bus Shelter Roof Repairs: One quotation has been received so far, further quotations to be sought before a decision is made. A quotation had been received from Thomas B Bonnett to re-site the rubbish bin for £44.00 plus VAT, this was accepted, Mr. Ferrie to meet with Mr. Stocking to agree a suitable position.

8. Outstanding Planning Matters:

Caravans in Bridge Road - one has submitted an application for a certificate of lawful use and the second one is submitting an application to retain the caravan. The Oxborough Road caravans are still being investigated.

9. Election of Vice-Chairman:

County Councillor T White nominated and Mrs. Mann seconded Mr. Mycock but he did not wish to stand. Mrs. Mann nominated and Mrs. Leamon seconded County Councillor White who accepted but would only stand until next May.

10. Co-option of Parish Councillors:

There are three vacancies to fill. Letters of application had been received from Mr. M Precey, Lord Guy de Montfort, Mr. W Alderson and Mr. J Preston. The Councillors left the room to discuss the applications and vote. Those to be co-opted were Mr. William Alderson, Mr. Michael Precey and Mr. John Preston.

11. Appointment of Parish Council Representative to Liaison Committee:

It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Ferrie and Mrs. Mann be appointed to attend meetings of the Village Liaison Committee.

12. Planning:

Stoke Ferry Landfill (North) Land adjoining A134 - Use of alternative access to

serve existing landfill and waste sorting operations Approved by Parish

Change of use from Retail to Takeaway (Class A3) Self Stores Lynn Road Approved by Parish

Outline Application - Construction of dwelling South of Mon Ami Wretton Road 50-50 vote by Parish

Construction of 4 dwellings Land South of Bewenjon Wretton Road, amended layout Approved by Parish

Temporary standing of Mobile Home at Cherry Tree Farm Bridge Road Refused by Parish

Grant of Planning Permission Dwelling Land adjoining Cullens Cottage Boughton Road Approved by Borough

Quarry South of A134 Lynn Road (southern side), Continued Crushing & Recycling

of construction and demolition wastes until 5 April 2012 Approved by Parish

Landfill Site adjoining A134 (southern side) Lynn Road, Sorting of recyclable Materials

with Retention of Existing Storage Buildings Approved by Parish

13. Liaison Committee Meeting:

Minutes of the last meeting were passed round for all to see during the meeting. Mr. Alistair Inskip has agreed to attend Parish Council Meetings and field questions from Councillors with regard to matters concerning the factory. Members of the public who have any questions for Mr. Inskip should pass them to one of the Councillors, at least one week before the meeting.

14. Notice Board:

Following the vandalism of the Parish Notice Board it was found to be beyond repair two quotations had been received for the construction of a new board. After considerable discussion County Councillor White kindly agreed to buy the wood if someone in the village was prepared to make it. Mr. Summers very kindly agreed to make the new Notice Board.

15. Payments for Approval:

Mr Gerald King £240 for keeping village tidy

NCAPTC £6.50 for copy of Standing Orders

MHB Services Ltd £65.79 Lighting Maintenance 13 September-12 October

Mrs. M Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Mrs. T Mann

16. Correspondence:

Democratic Services Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk - Development Control Board Site Visit Arrangements in respect of Planning Applications - noted

King's Lynn & Wisbech Samaritans requesting a donation - no action

Mr. R Thompson regarding damaged steps at the foot of Great Mans Way which provides access to Whittington have been damaged - notify highways

Mr. B Harrison confirming his resignation as Parish Councillor

Mr. M Evans confirming his ineligibility to continue as a Parish Councillor

Norfolk County Council Children's Services - Local Democracy Week involving young people - agreed to invite Mr. Hanson to next meeting.

Patient & Public Involvement in Health Forum Queen Elizabeth Hospital meeting on 20 October 2005, notice on board - noted

17. Councillors Other Business:

a) Mr. Mycock reported caravans in Fairfield Road which appear to be used as residential accommodation. Borough to be informed.

b) Mrs. Mann raised the question of grass cutting in the playing fields, it was agreed to suspend this until further notice, also to remind CGM to cut back shrubs.

c) Mr. Ferrie informed the meeting that Highways had been in touch with a ball park figure for the flashing speed sign which would be in the region of £4000. This would be for the sign, post and connection. As soon as the official quotation from EDF is received this will be passed on to Favor Parker. This sign will be located near the school when travelling from Wretton.

18. Public Other Business:

a) Some tarmac was sucked up by a road sweeper in front of the garages in Buckenham Drive leaving potholes - Highways to be notified. Also white lines still not reinstated at junction - highways have been reminded.

b) Overhanging shrubs making it difficult for drivers to see traffic when exiting from Furlong Road on to by-pass - highways to be notified.

c) Planning - the size of individual plots was raised some seem to be on the small size. Another point raised was could notices be put up in the village notifying various developments. County Cllr White stated that all planning applicants have to display notices at the site and they are also notified in the press.

d) A large number of HGV's appear to be using Bridge Road/High Street even though the weight limit sign is displayed. The police to be notified of this.

e) Cars parking the wrong way on various roads in the village at night and also on footpaths - again the police to be notified.

f) The new takeaway in Lynn Road opening times displayed do not comply with the planning approval - planning to be notified.

g) Considerable amount of standing water on road outside 24 Buckenham Drive - Anglian Water to be notified.

h) The amount of standing water/mud on the road in Lynn Road near entrance to Whiteaway Waste was raised. It was agreed to ask highways if anything can be done in respect of drainage along this section of road.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Next Meeting:

It was agreed the next meeting would be on Wednesday 23 November 2005 commencing at 7.30pm.

Chairman:......................................... Date...........................................

Parish Clerk

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