West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham PC Minutes

November 2005

Minutes of the October meeting

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council

held on Thursday 13th October 2005 in

The Village Hall at 8.OOp.m.

1. Present: E. Drew -- Chairman, Miss Richardson, Mrs. Cann, Mrs. Berry Mrs. Fisher, B. Glover, P.C. Bell together with 5 members of the public.

2. Apologies: M. Grief

3. Minutes: It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th September 2005 be signed as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising: E. Drew reported that the Allotment hedges have been cut, water is to be laid on to the Cemetery, British Telecom have stated that B.T. Broadband will work in West Dereham and that the telephone wires in Lime Kiln Road which are barely underground have been reported. The clerk confirmed that the area of grass in front of the Old Forge from the road edge to the house boundary wall belongs to the Highways Authority and instructions are to be given to their Contractors to cut that area of grass when the other areas in the Village are cut. The extension to the Cemetery is now fenced, seeded and ready for use only the original fence is still to be removed. Station Road and Lime Kiln Road pot still need to be filled. There is bad 'ponding' of water on the Hilgay Road / Ryston Road corner - clerk to contact the County Council on all highway matters.

5. Planning: B.S.C. pie - Bio- Ethanol production and storage plant - as the plans are now on disc these are to be viewed on Monday evening at the Chairman's Office.

6. Payments: Royal British Legion £33.00, Hodson Office Supplies £25.38, T.B. Bonnett £381. 64 - proposed B. Glover and seconded by Miss Richardson - pass for payment.

7. Correspondence: Local Works - Sustainable Communities Bill - meeting to be held in Dersingham on Friday 4th November 2005 at 7.OOp.m. - Mrs. Cann and Mrs. Fisher volunteered to attend. Norfolk Link - noted. Mrs. Fisher wrote requesting donations to Charities - Clerk to produce a list of names of Charities which have received donations during the past two years.

8. Any Other Business: Mrs. Cann asked about the additional area of Churchyard grass which needs cutting -- Chairman confirmed that the mailer had been passed to the Church Warden and the grass cuffing Contractor and that the Church was going to pay the additional costs, The Cemetery hedge needs cuffing and thinning - Chairman agreed to organise. A lump of metal has fallen off a buy possibly going to Glazewings - the Police Officer said regrettable as this was unless the vehicle registration number was known it is impossible to do anything about the mailer. A letter is to be sent to Mr. J. Eastgate requesting an update on the situation in Station Road and what has happened to the special machine which was promised and which was going to re-surface the road. The Police Officer reminded the Council meeting that the Hare coursing season has now started and he asked the public to notify the Police immediately if they saw anything suspicious happening.

Due to the fact that the Chairman and the Clerk will both be unable to attend the November meeting it was agreed that there will not be a meeting in NOVEMBER. Any planning applications which need a decision during the period will be dealt with as a special item.

The meeting closed at 8.55pm

Parish Clerk

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