Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham News

August 2005

Your monthly update from Wereham


Many of you will have enjoyed the marvellous displays in the church for our Festival Day in July. For most of the year St. Margaret's is more modestly decorated with flowers and/or foliage on the altar and perhaps an arrangement on the font or a windowsill or two. If the Festival has left you feeling inspired, please consider joining the flower rota at St. Margaret's Church. Getting involved in this important area of village life is an excellent way of making new friends and also an opportunity to mark special anniversaries, birthdays or the passing of a loved one. There is also the chance to get involved in more elaborate team displays for our Festival Day, Harvest and at Christmas.

To find out more please contact Ivy Humphries on 01366 501108

Ribbon Walk

Having completed the Ribbon Walk in aid of Breast Cancer, I would like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to all of you who gave so generously to this worthwhile charity. I raised £630, which I think is fantastic, so again thank you very much.

Patricia Evans

Wereham Open Gardens

Wereham held their Open Gardens on June 19th. A total of ten gardens were open with three opening for a first time. The weather was perfect although it was perhaps a little too hot for some!

A total of £354.90 was raised from the event. I would like to thank all those who so kindly opened their gardens and worked so hard on them getting ready. Thanks also to those who donated plants and cakes, to Howard & Sheila for manning the teapot and Jenny for taking the admission money. Apologies to anyone I may have missed.

We finished the day with a Gardeners' Songs of Praise with hymns that were chosen by the gardeners.

Liz Baddock

Hillcrest Primary School Silver Jubilee

On Friday 1st July, Hillcrest School in Downham Market (the school most primary-aged pupils from Wereham attend) celebrated its 25th anniversary. The day was packed with fun - lots of exciting events and ended with a fantastic summer-fair complete with a pet-show and stalls selling special anniversary teddies and pencils etc.

Of course, the school has changed over 25 years. There are now plenty of computers and technology such as interactive white-boards in some of the classrooms too. The school has grown in size recently, and as part of our celebrations, Mrs Howling, the current Head Teacher and Miss Lunn former Head Teacher, officially opened four new classrooms.

The highlight of the day came at 2:00 pm when over 300 pupils gathered in the shape of a number 25 (the lines had been already been drawn out on the field) and a Canberra from RAF Marham flew over us and took our picture from the air. The aircraft looped over us several times and we waved and cheered. To top it all off, all Hillcrest pupils made a huge circle and did some country dancing.

Eleanor Smith, year 5

1st Wereham and Wretton Scout Group

Cub Section - Cubs and leaders held a 'Pirate Camp' at the Wereham & Wretton HQ on 9th and 10th July. The weather was perfect and for once the tents and everyone's shoes stayed dry! This enabled a full programme of activities to take place, including a hunt for buried treasure, water games, campfire, night hike and craft activities.

Beaver Section - Beavers joined other colonies from the South West Norfolk District at the Annual Sports Day on 10th July. The weather was excellent and the event was well attended by parents and relatives. 1st place went to Runcton Holme, and Ashill, Feltwell and Wereham & Wretton jointly shared 2nd place.

Cubs and Beavers will be taking a break for the summer holidays, resuming weekly meetings in September. Both sections are keen to recruit new adult helpers. The Beaver section (for 6 to 8 year olds) is particularly keen to hear from adults prepared to assist in the running of weekly activity sessions. Please contact John Miller, Beaver Leader on 01366 500658.

Sue Smith

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