War Memorial Gary Trouton

Letter from Pat Holton

August 2005

Pat helps praise on Kit Heskith-Harvey for the refurbishment of the SF Church and on Brian Harrrison for the SFRA Open Meeting

Dear Ray

Following the Meeting of the Stoke Ferry Residents' Association at All Saints' Church on the 16 June and the letter in the last issue of the Village Pump from Kit Hesketh Harvey, I would like to express my thoughts and appreciation on these two issues.

Firstly, having seen the interior of the Church just prior to any restoration, I was very impressed and delighted to have the opportunity to view the progress made to date. The Church was in a dreadful condition before Kit took it over and I know that I am not alone in my gratitude to him for taking on such a project and for his commitment to it for the future benefit of us all. He deserves all the support he can get.

Secondly my thanks to Brian Harrison for a difficult job in chairing the June Meeting at the Church and for all the work he and helpers put in behind the scenes to arrange this Meeting. Also for the follow-up letter to those people who left their names as being interested in the future of the village. If they cannot access the Village Design Statement from the Web site of www.stokeferry.com (or even if they can) I hope that many people will take the opportunity of borrowing a copy of the Village Design Statement from the various addresses shown in the follow-up letter and peruse it in the comfort of their own homes.

There is no doubt that Stoke Ferry faces many changes in the future - we must do our best to ensure that they are ones we can be proud of.

Pat Holton

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