West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council Minutes

August 2004

Minutes of the West Dereham PC July Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of the West Dereham Parish Council held on Thursday 8th July 2004 in the Village Hall at 8.OOp.m.

Present: E. Drew - Chairman, M. Grief, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Cairn, Mrs. Fisher, Miss Richardson, B. Glover, P.C. Bell and a member of the public.

Apologies: None

Minutes: The minutes of the Parish meeting held on ~ 2004 were agreed and will be signed at the next Parish Meeting.

The Annual Parish Council Meeting minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record.

P.C. Bell was required to be elsewhere and therefore the Agenda was rearranged. He reported that the abandoned cars in St. Andrews Close had now all been removed. With reference to speeding in the Village he had carried out a speed check in Station Road and the fastest vehicle was recorded at 27 m.p.h. also he confirmed that it was not possible to carry out a speed check in Hilgay Road because there is only 1/10th of a mile within the Speed limit and the minimum required to carry out such a test is 2/10th. He was asked the question as to what can be done about vehicles parked on a main road and the answer is nothing if the road is within a 30p.m.h. speed limit area.

Matters Arising: The footpath at White Horse corner has now been completed and the Allotment path has been cut. The hedge along this path is under review as to it's ownership and therefore responsibility.

Footpaths and Bridleways - Miss Richardson reported that all is well at present.

Planning: Mr. & Mrs. D. Moore, 5 Ryston Road - extension to dwelling -recommend approval.

Payments: C.G.M. Ltd. Grass and Grounds maintenance £896.56 - proposed M. Grief seconded Miss Richardson - pass for payment. West Dereham Plant Ltd - Fencing along Allotment footpath and rolling Planings £ 887. 13 - proposed B. Glover seconded Mrs. Berry. Internal Audit fees - £20.00 proposed B. Glover seconded Mrs. Cairn, Macmillan Cancer Relief - £30.00 proposed C. Cann seconded M. Grief.

Correspondence: Countryside Agency - Rights of Way and Common Land map was checked and found to be in order. Norfolk County Association of Parish and Town Councils - request for suggestions for books for the new library which is being provided with monies collected for Joan Jenkins retirement - Mrs. Cann is going to suggest titles. Norfolk County Council - Winter Maintenance Questionnaire - completed at the meeting by the Chairman. Norfolk County Council letter reference the state of Station Road plus a copy of their reply to Mr. & Mrs. B. Thompson. A letter from Mr. & Mrs. Thompson reprimanding the Parish Council clerk for not replying and asking for the outcome of a meeting with the County Council which they understood was to to take place towards the end of June. Notes of a meeting which took place on 30th June 2004 between J. Eastgate and N. Tupper of the Norfolk County Council, E. Drew Chairman of the Parish Council, M. Grief Parish Councillor and J. Cowieson Clerk to Parish Council.

Any Other Business: None

Meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

Parish Clerk

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