West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

St Andrews Newsletter

August 2003

Farewell to the Isaacs


Vicar: The Rev'd John Isaacs, Tel: 01366 - 387727

(also St. Mary's, Denver; St. Mary the Virgin, Bexwell and St Michael's Ryston)


Saturday 2nd August:

2pm(probably): Wedding of Thomas Taylor and Julia Alexander

5pm Wedding of Vicky Hurley and Michael Mott

Sunday 3rd August:

11am Family Service

6.30pm Evensong at St Mary the Virgin, Bexwell,

Sunday 10th August:

9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 17th August:

9.30am Family Service

Wednesday 20th August:

7.30pm Healing Service with Holy Communion

Sunday 24th August:

9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 31st August:

9.30am Holy Communion

Friday 4th September:

7.30pm PCC West Dereham

Sunday 7th September: (Rev'd John Isaacs last Sunday)

11am Family Service

2 - 4pm Farewell Party. Denver Village Hall

6.30pm Evensong at St Mary the Virgin, Bexwell

Friday 12th September:

Harvest Supper: West Dereham Community Centre

Sunday 14th September:

6.30pm Harvest Festival

7.30pm Refreshments and auction of produce


Mr Graeme Pressley, "The Plot", Church Road, West Dereham 01366 - 501179

Mrs Christine Vincent, "Aspen", Ryston Road, West Dereham 01366 - 500283

INTERCESSIONS: Please let one of our churchwardens know )see tel. nos. above) if you, or anyone you know, needs prayer. For sickness, or any other personal or family problem (in absolute confidence): No details are needed or made public unless you wish it) No details are made public unless you wish it) We will gladly add any names to our weekly intercession list.

We believe that Our Loving Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers according to His plan and purpose for each of our lives.


With finance at hand and the plans passed by the Diocesan Advisory Committee, we are well on the way to giving the go-ahead to our local heating contractor to begin installing the heating. One boiler, in the E. vestry will heat the chancel area, via a large fan-radiator: The other boiler, outside the blocked North door, will heat the rear of the church, via a similar fan-radiator.


Designs are in hand, but needing approval, for replacement lighting in the Nave and over the font

ALPHA NEWS: For news of the next series of Alpha Suppers contact the Rev'd Alan Molineaux: 01366 - 386265


When John and his wife Philli-Jane move back to Ely after the final services on September 7th it will seem to many of us that a part of ourselves goes with him. John has been with us for about 10 years: In that time he has been gentle yet firm, loving and encouraging, helping us to have a more robust faith and application. He has stood no nonsense, needed no frills.

We have all been challenged by the directness of his sermons, recognizing the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking through him. He has taught us with the experienced touch of a teacher, the measured, thoughtful care of a pastor and the vision of his undoubted Lord, Jesus.

We have all benefited from his appreciation and encouragement: He has used his talents to the full and urged us to do the same. His has been a ready ear in trouble, a stalwart friend with an acute perception of the real needs of those who came for his counsel. He has shared his own faith readily and joyfully, always giving grateful thanks for the way he felt God had guided and upheld him.

John has been keen to initiate new things in the parish which were of real spiritual worth: Regular Bible study at weekly fellowship meetings at West Dereham: the annual Lent groups, so well-led by him: our Parish days at Stradsett, when he devised new and thoughtful ways to incorporate the service of Holy Communion into our days discussions: The monthly healing services instituted in the past year have been of great help and comfort to many, and a very practical demonstration of the faith which John wanted to deepen in all of us.

Now, as Philli-Jane has come to the conclusion of her full-time teaching career, so has John also come to retirement from parish ministry (though one expects that Bishops Anthony and John will find new avenues of service for them both):It is with our love and best wishes for a long and happy life ahead that he and Philli-Jane return to Ely.

Chris Young

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