River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Green Living

September 2001

Ideas for the Reluctant Environmentalist

This is the first of a regular column dedicated to sharing advice on how to live in such a way that we limit our impact on the world we depend upon. Simple living may be a noble goal, but most people wouldn't consider it an option. We like our comfortable lifestyle and are not ready to give it up. The aim of this column is to publicise good ideas for both the committed and the reluctant environmentalist. I have some ideas to contribute but for this to really work I will need your ideas too. So please write to me at the address below and together we might just make a difference.

Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling.

I have many more ideas that I will be sharing with you in the future but I don't know it all. You will have great ideas that I haven't even dreamed of. So don't keep them to yourself - let us all know by e-mailing me.

Revd Nigel Tuffnell

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