War Memorial Gary Trouton

Letters to the editor

July 2001

Fundraising, dog walking, dog fouling and pedanting

Dear Ray,

Please convey my thanks to all Pump readers who contributed items for the Hilgay Book Sale. I am delighted to tell you that the event raised £2,515.

I would like to express my special thanks to Linda and Steve Curd who ran the Bar-B-Que.

We are still taking books, jigsaws, records, videos and cassettes for our next sale in October in aid of Cancer Research.

Yours sincerely,

Ali Dent

Dear Sir,

I have just taken my friend's dog for a walk and it has helped me to come to terms with my condition. I find it very therapeutic when I am out with the dog. Many thanks to my friend who himself is unable to take the dog himself.

I would also like to express a personal thank you to my friend for helping me. If there is anything I can do in return I will be glad to do so.

Yours sincerely,

John (full name and address supplied)

The Editor, Village Pump

May we, the undersigned, put in a request for residents of Stoke Ferry to stop their dogs from fouling the highways in the village. It is an offence and is liable to a £1000 fine if reported. It also carries a health risk with the danger of toxicants infecting humans; children being the most vulnerable.

We, the residents of Furlong Road, would like to plant bluebells and other flowers on the banks of the road, but when there are anything up to 11 lots of fouling in the 25 feet we find it rather a put-off. Also visitors to the road do not want to step out of their cars and into a dog's mess.

Using a plastic bag to remove the mess is a very common practice in other areas.

We would thank you for your co-operation. Thank you.

RP Stockinger, PR Slot, D Stockinger, M Stockinger, H C Taylor, MA Hall, Donna Roberts, Chris Stocking, C Willis, MR Mycock, Jane MacLean


Referring to A.N. Anorak's latest letter, I must firstly apologise for the tenor of my last epistle. I imagined that I knew who he was but I now find that not to be the case.

I agree that this ridiculous correspondence has gone on far too long and, after the letter in the June's edition of the Pump, words fail me.



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