West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council Minutes December 19

February 2020

DRAFT MINUTES OF THE WEST DEREHAM ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT WEST DEREHAM VILLAGE HALL AT 7.30 pm ON THURSDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2019 PRESENT (Five Councillors):- Annie Barber (AB), Tom Foy (TF), Stuart Glover (SB), Keith Gore (KG) and Lorraine Hunt (LH) Chair In attendance: Peter King, Parish Clerk, and 14 members of the public. The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the Parish Council Meeting. Guest Speaker – Lisa Auker Taking a stand against Scams’ Lisa Auker from ‘Friends Against Scams’, an organisation that is an initiative by the National Trading Standards spoke about its aims to help protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams. Lisa addressed the following: A scam can happen to anybody of any age and any professional background. Older victims are more likely to be targeted because they are at home and can be approached on the doorstep or by telephone. Increasingly, the 17 to 48 year old generation are the largest age group to fall foul of scammers as users of modern technology i.e. mobile phones, tablets and computers. Also a lot of scams happen through social media. Only 5% of scams are reported to the authorities i.e. banks and police mainly due to feeling embarrassed and it is believed that 5 to 10 billion pounds worth of scams are taking place each year. There is something called a Circle of Victimisation – A victim first responds to a scam by providing personal information. The details get added to a criminals list. For as little as 30p that information can be sold on for identity theft. This can happen by responding to telephone calls, emails or completing and returning mailed items with personal information. Telephone scammers can listen to background noises during their calls and direct their conversations accordingly to gain trust i.e. noise of children in the background. Scare tactics can be employed e.g. your phone line will be cut unless.., there is a problem with your computer and warnings relating to bank accounts, then requesting account details. Main forms of Scamming: Postal – Notification of prize wins of sums of money, but requesting personal and financial information. Telephone – Line/broadband problems, reported computer problems, software problems (frequently claiming to be Microsoft) and taking control of personal computers by being allowed to download scam software that can then access personal and financial information. Even Flu-jabs from somebody purporting to be from the local GP surgery! Be very careful to always ensure that a telephone ringtone is always present before making a follow up call on an enquiry requiring a return call. ALL banks and building societies have pledged that they will never use a website link in a text message inviting the user to go an on-line banking site – If concerned or in doubt go to the main website via a separate route/search. ALL banking debit and credit cards have a customer service contact number on their reverse side. 2 Doorstep – Beware of rogue traders who offer to carry out work. They can either make a large charge, not carry out any work, or in some cases keep returning when not required. Beware of callers who distract on the doorstep – do not leave an open front door and walk away from it and be aware of the dangers of a second person entering through another door of the property. On-line – Generic emails are sent out in the hope of someone responding and entering information on a false link to a form or website. Even messages purporting to be from HMRC asking for financial information Social Media has become a source of available personal information, i.e. date of birth, if the privacy settings have not been set up carefully. Some business emails have been hacked releasing personal and financial details. Other – Fake catalogues received through the post – research and check details. Romance Scams – social media or dating website, suddenly receive requests for help with medical bills, etc. What you can do – Check your passwords for resilience – try howsecureismypassword.net Safe website should have a ‘closed padlock’ in the search bar – fake websites would not Check whether your email address has ever been compromised – try haveibeenpwned.com (if it has, probably best to change any associated passwords). Top-Tips. If you receive a mobile call never key in security or personal information during a call. The caller can recognise the change in the tones of your keys. Don’t be rushed, listen to your instincts and stay in control Report any concerns to Action Fraud – www.actionfraud.police.uk Ensure that your bank always is holding your latest contact details in case they need to ring you or vice-versa. Further information will be added to the West Dereham Parish Council website when available. MINUTES FROM THE MEETING 1. Apologies for absence: Councillor Susan Pepper 2. Declarations of interest on agenda items The Parish Councillors confirmed that they had no personal interests for items coming up on the agenda. 3. Notice regarding use of social media, audio recording of Parish Council meeting and invitation for public contributions. LH asked “Will anyone present be filming, recording, blogging, or tweeting during this meeting?” There was no response from the members of the public present. LH advised members of the public that if they wished to comment on any item, before a decision was made, they should raise their hand and they would be invited to speak. 4. Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 10th October 2019 LH confirmed that all Councillors had seen the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th October 2019. The Councillors agreed that they were content that the minutes should be signed as a true record. LH as Chair signed the minutes. 3 5. Matters Arising 5.1 War Memorial, St Andrew’s Churchyard - The Parish Clerk reported that he was somewhat puzzled that the loose name lettering appeared to have been stuck back. The Parish Clerk noted he would again review the work required. 5.2 Ditches, Church Road - The Parish Clerk reported that he had received a response from and BCKLWN Environmental Health Department (BCKLWN-EHD) noting that after carrying out tests to on the effluent discharged into the Church road ditches, but reporting they had been unable to identify the source of the problem . The Parish Clerk added that he had contacted NCC Flood Department (NCCFD) to ascertain if they were taking any further actions. 5.3 Mick George Ltd. – The Parish Clerk reported that he had extended a new invitation to Mick George, company owner and a senior colleague to attend the next Parish Council meeting on 5th December and that he was waiting for confirmation. 5.4 Norfolk County Council - Highways Department (CC-HD), recent village actions – The Parish Clerk reported that the Highways Rangers had visited the village on 11th October and had carried out a range of requested work items including the filing of potholes in Church and Basil Roads. The Parish Clerk noted that the inspection of the bridge in Church Road that had several cracks was still to take place and had requested attendance to the tarmac pavement on the bend of Church Road that was covered in moss and weeds and the growth of trees and shrubs overhanging the road in the lime kiln area of Lime Kiln Road. The Parish Clerk added that he understood that NCC-HD had written to the tenant responsible for the lime kiln area requested that they take remedial action. 5.5 NCC Consultation – Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Preferred Options Consultation - The Parish Clerk reported that a letter had been circulated to every Parish household in advance of the Consultation deadline of 30 October and noted that on checking the NCC Planning website that any submitted comments were not recorded. LH noted that there may have been a change in the process of submitting and recording comments to NCC Planning. A Parishioner asked if the Parish Council had submitted any comments. LH responded that the Parish Councillors felt that they would respond individually if they had wanted rather than as a collective response. The Parishioner expressed her surprise that the Parish Council had not submitted a response on this occasion. The Parish Clerk added that he had contacted the Clerks and noted the websites of Crimplesham and Wereham Parish Councils and gathered that both Councils met bi-monthly and their meetings fell outside of the consultation period and the matter was noted for retrospective discussion. A Parishioner commented that he had spoken with Gressenhall Museum Service and they had assured him that the Norfolk County Council archaeological people would check the site before any final decisions were agreed. 5.6 Silver Birch Tree, Recreation Ground area – The Parish Clerk reported that he had visited the Parishioner who had raised concerns about children climbing up to 20 feet off the ground on a nearby silver birch tree to obtain more details. The Parish Clerk suggested that the Handyman might be asked to cut off a few of the lower branches to prevent access to the upper tree. Parishioner Councillors voted by a majority to not cut any of the branches from the tree. Another Parishioner raised a concern that she had seen children walking across the top of the goalpost in the recreation ground area. TF suggested a sign should be attached to the goalpost stating “Do not climb”. 6. Reports 6.1 Chair’s Report LH had no report to make. 6.2 Parish Clerk’s Report 4 6.2.1 Parish Paths’ Seminar – The Parish Clerk reported that he had attended a Norfolk-wide pathways seminar noting that the session had been both detailed and complex. The Parish Clerk noted two items of particular interest that affected the Parish Council from an information pack circulated to delegates and read out extracts to the meeting; 1. Unrecorded Public Rights of Way – if historic (pre 1949) Public Rights of Way are not registered on the Norfolk County Council Definitive Map of Public Right of Way by 1 January 2026 they will be extinguished forever. 2. Parish Council Role – Parish Councils have no specific duties for rights of way unless they are landowners. However, owing to the legacy going back centuries where parishes were responsible for highways management (until 20th century) parish councils still have many powers that they can choose to exercise to improve local paths. Additionally, the power of wellbeing provides town and parish councils with a general power to spend on any activity which adds to the wellbeing of its community. A parishioner requested a map of the West Dereham local footpaths and rights of way. The Parish Clerk agreed to provide the parishioner with a copy. KG noted that a few years ago, there were finger signs for the public footpaths but noted that a lot of them had been knocked over by the landowners and as a result the paths had become lost. KG added that the landowners should cut a swathe through the grass to keep the path open, but many are not tended to deter the public from using them. 6.3 Handyman’s Report 6.3.1 Strimmed the grass verges around the bridges the phone boxes, the safety signs and bend of Church Road/Lime Kiln Road Checked the three main areas and carried out any litter picking in the allotments, recreation ground and cemetery. 6.3.2 Moved the speed monitor from Station Road to Hilgay Road and changing the battery before the move to the next site and trimming back the nearby hedge to improve vision of the monitor. 6.4 Police Report The Parish Clerk noted he had no information to report. 6.5 Village Hall Report The Parish Clerk read out the following report received from the Secretary of the Village Hall Management Committee: Since the last meeting of the Parish Council the Village Hall has continued to be the venue for regular users such as Café Cre8, The Heritage Group, Yoga, U3A Quilting Group, U3a Crafting Group. These regular groups provide an opportunity for people to meet together and develop friendships. They are a real asset to our community. The bar has been open on Friday Evenings and Sunday afternoons. Private functions hosted by the Village Hall have been an Engagement Party, they were so happy with the evening that they will be looking to book the hall for the Wedding Reception. There was also an afternoon organised by Cre8. Cre8 is run by St Andrew’s Church and provides a free afternoon for families to join together and enjoy crafts, stories, songs and a meal. There were 30 children at the October event, 'Hidden Treasure’ along with parents, grandparents. The hall itself has run two events; a Sunday lunch and a Supper and Quiz Night. By the end of this week our gas supplier should have been changed resulting in a reduction of the hall's overheads by around £1000 per year thanks to the work of Peter Bolton. Many thanks to the people who help to make all of these things happen and also to the people who come along and use the hall. 5 In addition it was noted that the village hall were holding a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 16th November between 11.30 and 3.30 with stalls, Father Christmas, lunch, cakes and seasonal music. A Parishioner noted that change in the gas supplier had been deferred to the following week. LH noted that the Village Hall Committee were getting together a good calendar of events. 6.6 Glazewing Report The Parish Clerk reported the proposed ‘liaison’ meeting with Glazewing management and other local authority officers on 24th October has been cancelled and a new date was set for 12th December, to be attended by Councillors Keith Gore and Susan Pepper from the Parish Council. 7. Finance Report 7.1 Accounts for October 2019 – Payments 7.1.1 Cash Flow October 2019 – The Parish Clerk distributed copies of the Cash Flow to the meeting. The Parish Clerk noted income of £1,500 from the second payment for this year’s farm tenancy, £203.35 from a UK Power (Wayleaves) and £150.00 receipt of a cemetery fee for a burial tablet providing a total of £1,853.35. The Parish Clerk noted that the October expenditure aggregated to a total of £1,546.95 with a deferred payment due from the October Parish Council meeting 7.1.2 Cheque Payments for Approval for October 2019 – The Parish Clerk displayed the itemised pending payments on the overhead projector. The Parish Clerk noted the following payments that were due. Payee Cheque No Net VAT Gross Remarks PKF Littlejohn LLP 101119 £200.00 £40.00 £240.00 External Audit - 2018/19 Holly Landscapes 101121 £487.50 £97.50 £585.00 Ground Maintenance - October 2019 R. Poole 101122 £49.94 £0.00 £49.94 Handyman's Payment &Travel Oct19 Royal British Legion - Poppy Appeal 101123 £25.00 £0.00 £25.00 Poppy Wreath West Dereham Village Hall 101124 £68.60 £0.00 £68.60 Meeting Hire - October 2019 Norfolk Association of Local Councils 101125 £23.94 £0.00 £23.94 NALC Training Publications HMRC 101126 £36.04 £0.00 £36.04 Parish Clerk's PAYE & NIC Peter King (Parish Clerk) 101127 £758.43 £0.00 £758.43 Staff Salary & expenses Oct19 Total £1,649.45 £137.50 £1,786.95 7.1.3 LH asked Councillors present if they were content with the payments. All Councillors noted that they were content. LH noted that the cheques and control processes would be signed off as soon as possible. 7.2 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2018/19 – External Auditor’s Report The Parish Clerk reported he had received the External Auditors (PKF Littlejohn LLP) final report. The Parish Clerk commented that there had been a delay in meeting the July deadline for the submission of the AGAR as a result of the Parish Council being unable to meet at that time and noted that the Parish Council has legal duty to display in public (noticeboards) and on the Parish website the ‘Exercise of Public Rights’ advertising the dates for the public access to inspect the accounts, if they so wished. The Parish Clerk continued that once the Parish Council was able to then meet, the Exercise 6 of Public Rights requirement, it was advertised commencing 9th September, however, this created an overlap of time whereby the closing date exceeded the legal external audit date of 30th September 2019. The Parish Clerk read out to the meeting a section from the ‘Final External Auditor and Certificate 2018/19 in respect of West Dereham Parish Council NO0507’. External auditor report 2018/19 – On the basis of our review of Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR, in our opinion the information in Sections 1 and 2 of the AGAR is in accordance with Proper Practices and no other matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. Other matters not affecting our opinion which we draw to the attention of the authority: The smaller authority (West Dereham Parish Council) has confirmed that it has not complied with the governance assertion in Section 1, Box 1 because it failed to approve the AGAR in time to publish it before 1 July 2019, the date required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015. We note that the smaller authority did not comply with Regulation 15 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 as it failed to make proper provision during the year 2019/20 for the exercise of public rights, since the period for the exercise of public rights did not include the first 10 days of July. As a result, the smaller authority must answer ‘No’ to Assertion 4 of the Annual Governance Statement for 2019/20 and ensure that it makes proper provision for the exercise of public rights during 2020/21. 7.3 Setting of the Precept 2020/21 LH reminded the meeting that the Parish Council sets the annual precept at the December meeting and invited any comments to be submitted. The Parish Clerk confirmed that the setting of the new Precept had been advertised in the past two issues of the village newsletter and would be again in the next edition. 8. Defibrillators in the Village Councillors had no updates to report. 9. To consider Parish Council Internal Affairs and Policies 9.1 West Dereham Cemetery Regulations LH asked the Councillors present if they were content with the revised West Dereham Cemetery Regulations. All Councillors noted they were content. LH noted that the West Dereham Cemetery Regulations had been revised. 9.2 Standing Orders LH noted that amendments and updates were required to sections 12, where a check was required on whether the Parish Council held a retention policy, 18a, 20, 21 and 23. The Parish Clerk was requested to carry out the amendments for the next Parish Council meeting. 9.3 Financial Regulations The Parish Clerk noted several possible amendments proposed and taken from the National Association of Local Council’s Model Guidance Template. It was agreed that Councillors would require more time to review the range of amendments 10. To comment on planning applications currently received - 19/01796/F – Woodside Barn, The Row, West Dereham PE33 9RH - Single storey extension to dwelling The Application was supported by the Parish Councillors. 11. Correspondence. 7 The Parish Clerk reported that no correspondence had been received. 12. To receive further reports/items of business for the next agenda 12.1 KG requested that the fencing at the allotments is added to the next Parish Council agenda. 12.2 AB requested that Defibrillators is added to the next Parish Council agenda. 13. Date of next meeting LH noted that the next Parish Council Meeting is due to be held on Thursday 5th December 2019 at 7.30pm. LH added that the start time is subject to whether Mr Mick George is able to attend to give a presentation in which case the meeting will commence at 7.00pm. 14. Open Forum 14.1 In response to a question from a Parishioner, LH commented that the Parish Council usually increase the Parish Precept in line with the cost of living and consider a budget forecast prepared by the Parish Clerk that will be before the next meeting. LH noted that any increase to the Parish Clerk’s pay is governed by the nationally agreed NJC guidelines affecting all local government officers. 14.2 A Parishioner raised concerns about the level of field mud deposited on local roads, particularly Basil Road where farm vehicles where recently accessing adjacent fields. TF suggested that local farm owners should be emailed advising them of their responsibilities to sweep the roads. KG commented that during the next day there was a programme organised by the Highway Rangers in Basil Road to clean out the drainage grits. In response to a question from a Parishioner, KG stated that there is a statutory requirement to clean the road and the Police can be contacted and involved on the matter. LH commented that it was about reminding landowners of their responsibilities. 14.3 A Parishioner requested that the trees around the Cemetery were due their annual autumn cutback. 14.4 A Parishioner noted that a strip of grass opposite her property in St Andrews Close required cutting. LH noted that this matter had been considered in the past and ownership of the land had not been identified by a local authority. LH commented that Freebridge and BCKLWN could be approached again noting that the matter had been raised once again. 14.5 A Parishioner raised concerns about continuous blocked drains at the east end of Hilgay Road noting that whilst they are frequently emptied by NCC Highways, as soon as there is a further heavy rainfall the drains become full again and flooding occurs suggested there is a more serious problem. 15 Close of Meeting. The Chair thanked everyone for attending and final closure of the meeting was at 8.58pm Parish Clerk: Peter King – Email: clerk@westderehamparishcouncil.uk Telephone: 01366 502110

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