War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes of January Meeting

February 2020

Page 1 of 6 STOKE FERRY PARISH COUNCIL Draft (until approved at the next meeting) Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 8 January 2020 at 7.00pm in Stoke Ferry Village Hall Present: Cllr Sue Lintern (Chair) Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey Cllr Trudy Mann Cllr Jim McNeill (Vice Chair) Cllr Gail Reeve Cllr Donna Stocking Cllr Janet Taylor Helen Richardson (Parish Clerk and Financial Responsible Person) Public: 4 Also, in attendance: Chris Philpott, Footpath Warden Cllr Colin Sampson, BCKLWN 01/20 Emergency Evacuation Procedures was read by the Chair. 02/20 Openness and Transparency Notice - The Parish Council record the meeting. The Chair notified the public of this. The Chair also advised that any aggressive or abusive behaviour towards members of the Parish Council, staff or members of the public will not be tolerated. If this happens you will be asked to leave and if necessary, the meeting will be suspended. 03/20 To receive and accept apologies for absence – Cllr Mandy Leamon was absent. The Chair advised that sadly Cllr Daphne Clements had decided to resign from the Parish Council on health grounds. The Parish Council wished to thank her for her devoted work to the Community and Parish Council, and in looking after the cemetery and being a welcoming member of the village for the newcomers. The Chair advised that any decisions would be ratified at an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council next Wednesday 15 January 2020 due to an error in publishing the agenda. 04/20 To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed Cllr Trudy Mann declared an interest in a planning application contained within the Clerks report. Cllr McNeill declared an interest within the payments for approval and agreed to abstain. 05/20 To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 3 December 2019 – The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 3 December 2019 were proposed for approval as a correct record by Cllr Janet and seconded Cllr Gail Reeve, six were in favour, one abstained due to being absent at the meeting. 06/20 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting (And Clerks Report) Clerks Report (Matters Arising) – January 2020. Footpath 5 (FP5) – Public Rights of Way Officer of Norfolk County Council confirmed that a promise had been made to install some steps at FP5 and the works have been programmed. But a further email on inspection advised they had not been installed adequately and he would be chasing up the works team for resolve. Buckenham Drive Land Transfer – The Clerk responded to the Borough Council as per minutes in November and is yet to receive a response. The Clerk wrote to all residents in the area to inform them that any garden waste could be taken to the local waste site or via purchase of a BCKLWN brown bin, but not to be deposited on the land behind. The Clerk will chase for a response. Planning Queries by Cllr Kit Hesketh Harvey – BCKLWN advised early December that they would deal with the enquiries as a complaint which the Parish Council have received a response. Cllr Hesketh-Harvey stated that two others in the public gallery had heard the same comments from the Planning Committee Chair. Page 2 of 6 Post Box at Bradfield Place – The Clerk emailed Royal Mail to request a larger post box to be installed at Bradfield Place. The Royal Mail confirmed on 2nd January that they had received this request and were investigating and would respond when possible. Village Gates – The Clerk was awaiting a response from Highways for installation and continues to chase for the two gates to be installed on Lynn Road and Bridge Road. Two pairs of gates have been painted with posts and are in storage. Once installed Furlong Drove and Wretton Road will be considered further. Indigo Road Streetlights – There was no update at this time due to the Christmas period, but the Clerk will continue to chase for updates. Dog Bin on Bridge Road – This will be discussed further when utility plans are received from Highways. A dog bin cannot be installed on the post identified as there is an electric connection within it. Parish Partnership Funding Form – The Clerk submitted the application form as agreed at the December meeting for the 2020/21 funding bid and response is due around March 2020. Planning Decisions Received: 19/01748/F Stoke Ferry Lodge House Oxborough Road Stoke Ferry King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 9TA - Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 19/00896/F: Proposed rear single storey flat roof extension with glazed lantern Application Permitted 29 November 2019 Delegated Decision 19/01772/F Stoke Ferry Bluebell Inn Lynn Road Stoke Ferry King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 9SW - Change of use from public house to single detached residential dwelling Application Refused 12 December 2019 Delegated Decision. Cllr Jim McNeill advised that the owners were appealing the decision. 19/01773/O Stoke Ferry Land Off Little Lane Stoke Ferry Norfolk – Outline Application: three-bedroom bungalow Application Permitted 16 December 2019. Boughton Hedge – There had been leaf fall from the cutting of the hedge, there was enough access for a resident to wall along, slippery from leaf fall. The Clerk agreed to contact Norfolk County Council to ask that they clean the pathway on Boughton Road. Horticultural Report, 8th January 2020: Cllr Jim McNeill Communal shrubbery beds • All communal beds have been kept tidy with dead-heading/pruning where necessary • As planned in November 2019, the bed by the church has also been partly dug over and weeded. Weeding, digging and raking will be completed by the end of January and it has been arranged for free woodchip to be applied in early February. • In the Spring there will be a further pruning of the buddleia shrubs in all beds. • Over the next 6-8 weeks there will be a continuation of cementing the remaining gaps be-tween the paving slabs and around edges of the walls of the shrubbery beds. Cemetery • A 5m hedgerow of green beech has now been purchased (£14.85) and planted, as agreed. Thanks to local resident for their assistance. • The hedgerows planted in 2019 have continued to be weeded and bramble kept in check. 08/20 To Approve the Grounds Maintenance Contract 2020/21 The Parish Council agreed the quote for grounds maintenance received from its current contractor for the next financial year ‘Mr. Sparkle’, the approval was proposed by Cllr Donna Stocking, seconded Cllr Sue Lintern, all were in favour. Page 3 of 6 09/20 To Receive: Update from the Neighbourhood Working Group Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Report to SF Parish Council Meeting Wednesday, Jan 7, 2020 1. Working Group The Working Group met on 19th December 2019 and were joined, via FaceTime, by consultant Rachel Leggett. 2. Grant Funding & Appointment of Consultants On 16 December 2019 the Parish Council received the first tranche of Locality/Groundworks funding of £4,028 for NP work up to the end of March 2020. As a result, we now recommend that the Parish Council sign the necessary Draft contract with Rachel Leggett & Associates/Compass Point to support NP work over the next 18-24 months. Copies of the Draft contract have been supplied to Councillors present at the PC meeting. 3. Declaration of Interest Forms A form has been agreed and all members of the Working Group will complete their individual forms by January 18th. Copies will be kept on file by the Parish Council Clerk. 4. Working Group Workshop In line with the Draft contract with our consultants, there will be a planning workshop for Working Group members on Saturday, January 18th at the Village Hall 5. Parish Online www.parish-online.co.uk This is a very useful on-line mapping tool ~ it uses digital maps to store asset registers, produce neighbourhood plans and engage with the public. The Parish Clerk will obtain the tool on a 30-day trial period starting immediately. The Working Group will explore its potential and decide whether to recommend that the PC agree to the annual cost of £30/year at its February Meeting. 6. Neighbourhood Plan website The use of the PC website was discussed at length and the following recommended: • All content would conform to the Parish Council’s agreed Communications Policy. • All content would be signed off at the monthly Parish Council meetings. • The existing Parish Council hosted website in its current form was considered unsuitable for the future needs of the NP as Rachel Leggett explained, interactive surveys and questionnaire capability would be required going forward. Jim McNeill has created a mock-up website, using WIX. This would be linked to via the SFPC website and vice-versa. The Annual Fee (including a domain website address) would be £8.50p/month. Access to the NP website would be limited and controlled by Jim McNeill. Jim McNeill Chair, SFNP Working Group 10/20 To Approve: Agreement between the Parish Council and Rachell Leggett Associates/Compass Point/Emma Harrison for the Neighbourhood Plan Project The Parish Council had received the agreement prior to the meeting, the approval of the agreement was proposed by Cllr Gail Reeve, seconded by Cllr Sue Lintern, all were in favour. The agreement would be signed after the extraordinary meeting. 11/20 To Approve: Annual Subscription to Parish Online for the Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Sue Lintern proposed that the Council immediately signs up to the free trial of Parish Online for 30 days, seconded by Cllr Jim McNeill, all were in favour. The Clerk agreed to action. Page 4 of 6 12/20 To Approve: Creation of a New Website for Neighbourhood Plan The Chair advised that videos, context, on-line surveys, etc., for the Neighbourhood Plan would be better within a new website, with the Neighbourhood Working Group administrating it and the content being subject to Parish Council approval. Cllr Jim McNeill advised that he had circulated a draft WIX website to the working group and received good feedback, he confirmed that the website for the Neighbourhood Plan would only be needed whilst the project live. Following a question about public consultation Cllr Jim McNeill shared that the first consultation with the public via a workshop would be in February. The Chair shared that a note could be placed on the Parish Council’s agenda to remind the public that the Neighbourhood Working Group meets immediately prior on the same evening, should anyone wish to attend to observe. Cllr Sue Lintern proposed that a new website be created for the Neighbourhood Working Group and a link to it be placed on the Parish Council’s website, Cllr Jim McNeill seconded, all were in favour. 13/20 To Discuss: Ownership of Footpath 17 and Approve Related Costs, if any Cllr Jim McNeill advised that necessary papers had been provided to the appointed solicitor who was dealing with the issue and the Council awaited further information. 14/20 To Note: Contractor/Supplier List The Parish Council noted the list created to be kept on file as an administration tool. 15/20 To Approve: Purchase of a Projector and Screen, and Mic Stands and Repairs to Notice Board Using Transparency Funding Grant Cllr Jim McNeill and the Clerk advised that they trial it first in the day and night and defer the decision until this was confirmed. 16/20 To Approve: Move to One Bank Account instead of Two as Part of Online Banking Registration It was agreed to only open one online bank account for payments, Cllr Donna Stocking proposed, seconded Cllr Sue Lintern, all were in favour. The Clerk agreed to add the savings account item to a future agenda. 17/20 To Approve: Grant Funding Request from Stoke Ferry Playing Field Trust for costs towards their Annual Insurance Premium The Parish Council had received a request form the Stoke Ferry Playing Field Trust for the year who were separate to the Parish Council as a separate entity at the end of November in the region of a £1000 for their annual insurance premium. The Parish Council had provided grant funding most years for this. Cllr Donna Stocking questioned the donation from the village fete. It was noted that they did struggle to raise funds for the outgoings that they had for the running of the playing field. Cllr Janet Taylor proposed that the payment in principle of their insurance up to £1000 for the following financial year as budgeted, seconded Cllr Kit Hesketh, all were in favour. 18/20 To Approve: Budget and Precept 2020/21 Cllr Jim Proposed, seconded Cllr Janet, all were in favour. Cllr Sue Lintern proposed £15,835 which does not change the Council Tax Band D per annum, seconded Cllr Trudy Mann, all were in favour. Following a query from a Councillor the Clerk advised that the Parish Council could apply for any grant funding providing that it funded Parish Council’s as part of its criteria. Following discussions about eco funding becoming available to tackle climate change to be aware of the Clerk shared that the Parish Council could consider Climate Change being a focused meeting in the year. It was confirmed by all that Councillors should not to print anything unless necessary and anything to be shared to be sent on email in advance of the meeting. 19/20 To Approve: Payments and Accounts Reconciliation to Date The Parish Council noted the reconciliation to 2 December 2019 they had received from the Clerk prior to the meeting on email and printed for circulation in the meeting as an extract of the cashbook. 08-Jan-20 Payments for Approval Payee Payment for Net VAT Total Clerk Clerks Wages and Expenses -Dec 19 303.68 0.00 303.68 HMRC Dec-19 67.00 0.00 67.00 Wave Cemetery Water 7.68 0.00 7.68 Page 5 of 6 EON (DD) Streetlights Electricity - Dec 19 78.00 3.90 81.90 SF Village Hall Village Hall Hire 30.00 0.00 30.00 NALC Clerk Training Costs 58.33 0.00 58.33 Cllr J McNeill Refund of NP Plan Stationery and Three Shrubs 43.83 0.00 43.83 As at 3 Dec 2019 Business Account 31945.10 Community Account 4734.09 36679.19 Payments were proposed for approval Proposed by Cllr Donna Stocking, Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey, six were in favour, one abstained due to making a declaration of interest being a refund payment for themselves. 22/20 Urgent Matters – Chairman There were none. 23/20 Receive items of concern & matters to be included on the next agenda from the Parish Council and note forward items The Clerk agreed to add weeds clearance on graves at the cemetery and permissions from Grave Owners to the next agenda. The Clerk agreed to discuss with the Factory the fact it had emitted smells during the evening around 6.30 pm which were unpleasant. Regarding maintenance and repairs to the grade 2 listed buildings owned by 2Agriculture on Lynn Road, the Factory Manager had advised the Clerks that works had started the day before agreed with English Heritage. The Clerk agreed to contact English Heritage to ask if they were satisfied with the timescale of the agreed works to be taking up to three years. The Clerk agreed to ask the factory whether they were making all the buildings watertight at once. Cllr Jim McNeill agreed to email the Clerk the Terms of Reference to the Mill Liaison Committee and the Clerk agreed to ask the Mill Manager about it reconvening as there had not been a meeting arranged for some time. Cllr Jim McNeill shared that he had noted in minutes from 1985 the previous owners of the listed buildings being a previous factory company at that time had consulted with the village on even what colours they wished the buildings to be painted which he found interesting. Cllr Jim McNeill shared that the Dukes Head had been sold subject to contract. It was noted that the Bridge Road pavement was all cracked though it had been repainted. The Clerk agreed to follow up with NCC. It was noted that NCC had done a good job of painting the railings on Bridge Road. 24/20 Cllr Colin Sampson (BCKLWN) and Cllr Martin Storey (NCC), if in attendance Cllr Martin Storey was absent. Cllr Colin Sampson advised that: • Buildings - Cllr Colin Sampson advised to contact the conservation officer regarding listed buildings too. • Tree Planting – The BCKLWN supported the NCC tree planting policy and were in the process of developing their own one which would cover the borough. The idea was that anyone that had a piece of land and wanted to explore planting trees on it to get in touch with the tree officer at the BCKLWN for assistance, the details were being determined. The Clerk agreed to share the information with the Stoke Ferry Playing Field Trust. • VE Day commemorations – 8th May 2020 – the Parish Council may wish to commemorate. • Bus Service on Market Day – The Clerk agreed to check with NCC if Stoke Ferry were affected by the bus service changes and to let the Parish Councillors know. The Chair advised that depending on the outcome of that she would work with the Clerk on compiling a communication from the Parish Council to share concern of the issue in terms of the service that the community has already being very limited and the fact that climate change agenda meant that we should be encouraging more use of public transport. Page 6 of 6 • Parking at the Doctors – There was an issue with this at Boughton and he believed that the Parish Council there may get in touch with Stoke Ferry. 25/20 To Adjourn the meeting to allow for public comments 26/20 To approve Change of Meeting Date from 4th November to 11th November 2020 Agreed to defer to defer to February. 27/20 Confirm the Date of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 5 February 2020 at 7 pm, Ordinary Meeting of the Stoke Ferry Parish Council The Chair further advised again that decisions had been taken in note form only at the meeting to be ratified at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council on 15 January 2020 at 6.15 pm in the Stoke Ferry Village Hall due to agenda advertisement error. Meeting Closed at 9.06 pm

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