River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Northweold PC Meeting November

March 2019

Northwold and Whittington Parish Council – Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 6th November 2018, 7.30pm Northwold Village Hall

PRESENT Cllr C Anderson, Cllr M Peake, Cllr S Smith, Cllr G Gillett, Cllr N Nickles, Cllr H Hogan, Cllr C Pointeer, Mrs N Cooper (Clerk) There were 0 members of the public.

Before the meeting started Cllr Anderson advised that Cllr Crisp has been unwell and in hospital. All agreed that Cllr Anderson should send a card to her from the Parish Council. Cllr Anderson (Vice Chair) to subsequently Chair the meeting.

1. PUBLIC FORUM (15 MINUTES) No public present.

2. ACCEPTANCE OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE These were accepted from Cllr Crisp, Cllr Sharp, Cllr Quinn and Cllr Human. It was noted that Cllr Martin Storey from NCC also sent his apologies.

3. MEMBERS’ DECLARATION OF INTERESTS and DISPENSATION REQUESTS (for items on the Agenda) Nothing was declared.

4. TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held on 2nd October 2018 The minutes from the meeting held on 2nd October 2018 were agreed by all Councillors present (Prop. CP, 2nd GG, All agreed). The minutes were signed by the Vice Chairman as a true record of the meeting. The final version will be available on the website.

5. REPORTS AND MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (for information only) 7b: Love West Norfolk. This information has been sent off and Plough Monday will be included in the press release. 19d: A response to the questions had been received and circulated. This was discussed as it is understood that the land between the footpath and the building is included within the site envelope. Safety issues and parking were discussed. It was resolved not to pursue an objection to this (4 in support, 1 against, 1 abstention).

6. LOCAL AUTHORITY REPORTS Nothing to report

7. CORRESPONDENCE a. Newsletters: Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Association of Local Councils b. Email from resident ref speeding on B1122 Whittington and removal / replacement of Whittington bus shelter i. Clerk asked to refer to Highways and advise that the Parish Council proposed a continuation of the 40mph speed limit from the roundabout to past the bus shelter. c. Email from resident ref. planning application N of 2 Pinfold Lane i. It was noted that this planning application had been called into the Planning Committee meeting for further discussion but was subsequently approved. d. Email from Methwold PC with forwarded query from resident ref. Mill Drove i. Clerk asked to refer the issue to Highways. Cllr Nickles to check what designation Mill Drove has. Land owner not known. Clerk to refer. e. Emails from resident ref dog waste & dog bins i. There have been complaints that the Ingham’s Lane dog bin is overflowing and that the new Pinfold Lane is not being used. It was confirmed that the alternative site was selected to respond to resident concerns and widen access to a bin. Cllr Anderson will monitor the situation. f. Emails ref cattle loose on Ingham’s Lane i. A number of issues were noted about cattle being loose on Ingham’s Lane. It was noted that the sign to advise persons that cattle should not be taken across the bridge had been damaged. This was agreed for replacement. Clerk to action. Cllr Anderson has spoken with the owner of the cattle. The calves are escaping through small gaps of loose barbed wire and the mothers are pushing through to follow. The owner advised that installation of electric fencing is planned. Cllr Anderson will maintain contact with the owner until the situation is resolved. g. Norfolk County council 2019-20 Budget Consultation. To be included as a Dec Agenda item. h. Letter from owner of damaged memorial cross at Northwold cemetery. The Cross has been further damaged. Clerk asked to contact TTSR again and send a further letter of apology. Grass cutting to be monitored more closely (see item 19).

8. FINANCES: a. The Financial Working Group (FWG) has met once between meetings and intends to meet again before feeding back fully. They are looking at income / expenditure and possible projects. They propose that project budgets be set separately to essential expenditure. They will examine the effect of inflation on all costs and will propose that cemetery fees and the Sports and Social Club rent should be raised in line with this if possible. Clerk to check agreements on this. They also propose that the sale of Constables Land be expedited and the proceeds should directly support the progression of the car park on School Lane. These items were agreed in principle. The group will develop and circulate a 5Year draft budget, including a projects budget, to inform Precept setting for 2019-20. Finances will remain as the first item after correspondence on the agenda. Cllr Pointeer agreed as Chair of the FWG by all Councillors present. b. Precept setting for 2019/20 to be agreed in December following receipt of the above. Dec Agenda. c. 2019/20 Parish Partnership Funding – School Lane Car Park discussed. Agreement deferred until December. Dec Agenda d. Insurance requirements for users of the NW Sports and Social Club was discussed. The Tennis Club does not have insurance in place but the Bowls Club does. The Parish Council public liability insurance covers users of Parish Council owned buildings and equipment, including the Sports and Social Club, but individual user groups are responsible for insuring their activities. The tennis courts are not included in the Parish Council schedule of insurance, the Tennis Club maintains the courts and therefore should have insurance in place to cover the court, equipment and public liability. Clerk to advise the Tennis Club of this and also to change the term ‘Sports Pavilion’ to ‘Northwold Sports and Social Club’ within the insurance schedule to avoid confusion. e. The accounts to November 6th 2018 were accepted, cheques agreed for signing and payments approved in accordance with the list prepared by Responsible Finance Officer. The S137 payment for the Poppy Wreath was agreed (Cllr Anderson to lay the wreath).

9. NORTHWOLD TENNIS CLUB a. Not present and no update received.

10. NORTHWOLD SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB a. Item mislabelled on agenda and is actually the Northwold Village Hall roof: dislodged roof tiles are thought to be as a result of the Solar Panel installation in 2016 but have only just become evident as the tiles have fallen into the gutter. Investigations have confirmed that the installation warranty from Lightsource expired August 2018 (2years). Clerk to advise Village Hall trustees of this. b. An email from Bowls Club about the new padlock queried the security of using a combi code padlock rather than a key. They have also advised that the gate is not always secured correctly. It was agreed by the Councillors that the padlock was sufficiently secure. Clerk asked to contact the Sports and Social club, the Tennis Club and the Bowls Club to make them aware that users are not always securing the gate correctly, to ask them to ensure that it is locked as per the photo provided by the Bowls Club and that the numbers are muddled up each time. Also, to readvise TTSR. c. Date of renewal of ‘Agreement between Northwold Parish Council & Northwold Sports & Social Club relating to use of the Pavilion building’ noted as 31/03/22

11. PLAY AREAS a. Cllr Anderson has reviewed the inspection reports 2018 and advises that there are no additional items to that contracted with Play Maintain. The contractors have still not undertaken the work. Clerk asked to email them to make them aware that if the work is not undertaken by the end of November 18 then other contractors will be approached. b. Whittington Play Area Survey has been sent out to 82 residents with a return deadline of 18 Nov. Dec Agenda.

12. ANNUAL RISK ASSESSMENT This has been undertaken by Cllr Anderson and was reviewed at the meeting. The grit bin at the corner of School Lane / Methwold Rd needs replacing. Clerk asked to determine ownership for replacement. At Northwold closed cemetery the wooden benches are rotten and need removal. All agreed for Cllr Anderson to action as they are not memorial benches. Quotes are needed to level the area under Whittington Swings. Clerk asked to get a cost for this as part of the play area repairs. Cllr Anderson also agreed to cut back ivy and brambles at West End.

13. SCHOOL LANE CAR PARK Cllr Anderson is awaiting a quote from GG Fencing who have advised they can do the whole job. Dec Agenda.

14. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Deferred to Dec Agenda.

15. CONSTABLES CHARITY The notice of non-renewal of the tenancy agreement has been sent to the tenant and acknowledged. The solicitors at Metcalfe Copeman & Pettefar LLP advise they would charge £200 per hour for an initial maximum of 2 hours work to look into the sale of the land. All agreed that the next step should be to write to the Charities Commission to advise that the land is to be sold by auction and to ask if there are any constraints on how the net proceedings could be spent. Clerk to action.

16. CROWN INN The structural survey has been undertaken and there are no major issues, however the vendors have not supplied requested safety certificates. Next steps are uncertain. The pub has ceased trading now.

17. CEMETERIES a. Monthly safety review results - no issues raised b. Christchurch wall – Golden Tree Surgeons have not responded to Cllr Smiths phone call. Clerk to chase. Quotes for replacement have been sought but only one received at present which was rejected by the Councillors as being too high. The wall can be cleared by volunteers and it was agreed that the most cost-effective solution is to replace this with a wooden fence with concrete posts. Cllr Smith to seek a further quote from GG Fencing.

18. HIGHWAYS AND STREETLIGHTING a. Flashing Speed Sign A134 update – highways awaiting response from Westcotec. Dec Agenda. b. Extra grass cuts for highways land – awaiting advice from highways. Dec Agenda. c. Grit Bin Whittington. Update on purchase – awaiting approval from highways. Clerk to chase. d. It was noted that cars are parking on Whittington Hill pavements which causes a hazard for pedestrians as they have to step into the traffic to get past. Clerk asked to refer this to the Police District Engagement Officer as part of Duty of Care.

19. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE a. The Councillors are on the whole content with the delivery of Grounds Maintenance in 2018 by TTSR and unanimously resolved to take the option to extend the Grounds Maintenance contract for the second year, as left open at the December 2017 meeting and based on the costings provided in the original tender for Year 2. The option to continue with Year 3 as per the final costed year in the tender will be reviewed again at the end of 2019. Clerk asked to advise TTSR of this and to ensure that School Lane Cemetery Driveway, both sides, is included within the schedule for 2019 and that trimming Christ Church hedge is included alongside shrubs pruning. b. It was agreed the Grounds Maintenance contract in 2019 should be monitored more proactively. TTSR to be asked to make both Cllr Anderson and Cllr Pointeer aware via text 2-3 days ahead of planned works. This will enable before and after inspections so that the works can be correctly appraised. c. No additional work required.

20. PLANNING a. Commented on between meetings: i. 18/01793/F Proposed alterations and extensions at The Old Rectory 63 High Street Northwold Thetford Norfolk IP26 5NF. No objections raised. b. New Applications for Comment i. 18/01541/F Removal / variation of Condition 9 of planning permission 07/02097/F Construction of 3 dwellings at land north of 62-64 West End Northwold. Councillors asked to submit any comments via email to clerk within the next week as the notice of application was received 6.11.18. c. Decisions i. 18/00389/F Northwold, Meadow Farm Lodge Church Lane Whittington Norfolk, New development of 6 new houses with new vehicular access, Application Permitted ii. 18/01495/F Northwold, Land Copse And Pond SE of Heathlands And W of A134A New house and garage Application Refused iii. 18/01619/F Northwold, Millennium Cottage, 1 West End Removal of existing conservatory and construction of rear single storey extension Application Permitted iv. 8/00173/TREECA Northwold The Old Rectory 63 High Street Tree Application No objection

21. STANDING ORDERS: It was resolve to remove the stated necessity for a Data Protection Officer, item 21. Clerk to action.

22. TRAINING: No new requests

23. RECONFIRM date for January Meeting - the 7th January is Plough Monday. Clerk to recirculate possible dates, Cllrs to respond with availability.

24. ITEMS FOR AGENDA OF NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY 4th DECEMBER 7.30pm, Northwold Village Hall a. Cllr David Human has submitted his resignation from his position as Parish Councillor. Clerk to commence process of notifying the Borough Council and advertising for a replacement. b. Cllr Gillett asked whether a Christmas tree is being purchased for Northwold Church as usual. This was not provided last year as there were Church renovations ongoing. Due to the tight deadline for this Cllr Anderson agreed that this should be considered as an exceptional item for approval. All agreed. Purchase to be agreed for reimbursement at the next meeting. Dec Agenda.

With nothing more to discuss the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Chairman: __________________________________ Date: __________________

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