War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council Minutes of September meeeting

November 2018

STOKE FERRY PARISH COUNCIL Draft Minutes Subject to the Approval at the next Meeting Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council Wednesday 5 September 2018 at 7.00 pm Stoke Ferry Village Hall

Attendance: Cllr Sue Lintern (Chair) Cllr Jim McNeill (Vice-Chair) Cllr Daphne Clements Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey Cllr Mandy Leamon Cllr Gail Reeve Cllr Grant Tomkins Helen Richardson Parish Clerk and Financial Responsible Person

Also, in attendance: Cllr Martin Storey Norfolk County Councillor Cllr Colin Sampson Borough Councillor, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Mr Chris Philpott Footpath Warden

Members of the Public: 22

182/18 Apologies and Welcome There were apologies accepted from Cllr Trudy Mann.

183/18 Consider Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requests Cllr Grant Tomkins declared an interest in relation to item 12a on agenda Planning Application: Installation of ground mounted solar PV array, underground cabling, fencing and switch gear housing at Water Treatment Works School Lane Stoke Ferry Norfolk. Dispensation forms had been received from all Councillors present for approval in relation to Budget and Precept gathering, allocation and distribution of funds and 2agrictulture mill and any associated planning applications. Cllr Sue Lintern proposed to approve the dispensation applications, seconded by Cllr Jim McNeill, all were in favour.

184/18 Minutes of the Meeting dated 1 August 2018 The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 1 August 2018 were approved as a true record. Proposed by Cllr Grant Tomkins, and seconded by Cllr Gail Reeve, five were in favour, 2 abstained.

185/18 Matters Arising from the Minutes (Clerks Report) The Clerks report was circulated with the agenda which included the following: 1) Dukes Head and Other Listed Buildings – No update from Conservation Officer at Borough Council. Cllr Jim McNeill suggested that we write a letter to them to try and increase the priority of the preservation of the building. Cllr Jim McNeill agreed to draft a letter for approval at the next meeting. 2) Indigo Road – The Clerk advised that the developer had confirmed a contractor was now in place and available to cut the overgrown brambles and plants and would keep in touch until complete. 3) Village Gates - The Clerk was drafting a letter to the Leader of the Norfolk County Council in respect of Village Gates and will be sent as per minute 127/18. 4) Bench for Square near the Garden – Clerk would progress its installation. 5) Cemetery Bin – The Clerk would progress its purchase. 6) Air Quality Monitoring in Buckenham Drive – The Borough Council had since installed the equipment. 7) The Clerk would be arranging time for the Councilors to review policies. 8) Lynn Road was due to be resurfaced in October. 9) The one Parish Councillor vacancy was currently being advertised with the Borough Council. 10) The Clerk agreed to report the blocked drain in the High Street on the Norfolk County Council defects area of their website. She urged the resident to also report themselves and Cllr Jim McNeill agreed to feedback to them.

186/18 Gardens Area Watering in September Cllr Jim McNeill advised that he had checked the gardens area he believed they didn’t need watering. The Councillors agreed not to water from September.

187/18 Buckenham Drive Grass Cutting The Clerk advised that the Parish Council wished it to be on an agenda item for discussion to push forward the cutting of the grass behind some bungalows in Buckenham Drive. Cllr Colin Sampson advised that he was due to receive a report on the Borough’s grass cutting regime and once it had been received they would be pulling the information together to respond to cut the grass and sort financing. Cllr Colin Sampson advised that it was on a meeting at the Borough Council’s agenda in November and he hoped that the logistics of it be worked through over the winter months before grass cutting needed to start again, he thought that December meeting at Stoke Ferry would be a good time to discuss again. Cllr Colin Sampson shared that a strong letter of support for putting a joint grass cutting regime would be good and to copy him in. The Clerk agreed to contact the Borough Council and share that the Stoke Ferry Parish Council were in support of the scheme.

188/18 The Battle’s Over a Nation’s Tribute and Remembrance Sunday 11 November 18 There was discussion in relation to arrangements for Remembrance Sunday. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey suggested a poem of a local person Rupert Brooke who lived 25 miles away. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council had signed up to the lighting of a beacon for the ‘Battles is Over Tribute’ on the 11th November at 7 pm, Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey shared that his property could be used to light a beacon. It was agreed that the same format and booklet be used again as it had worked well but it would be good to add a couple of new things to the service held just before 11 am. Cllr Jim McNeill agreed to lead on the service with assistance from Cllr Sue Lintern. It was agreed that any other services could follow on from Stoke Ferry Parish Council’s.

189/18 Any Handyman, NCC Rangers or Public Right of Way (Footpath/Bridleway) Issues and Potential Volunteer Maintenance in the Village Rangers – The Clerk agreed to start a list again for next quarter. Borough Council - The road sweeper had been in the village during the week. Public Right of Way – David Mills, Public Right of Right had been investigating the pathway on the north side of the cut, not the common side, the other side, as a registered footpath. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that the walking booklet was coming along and could be shared within the next month. She added that if anyone noticed anything to get in touch. A parishioner shared that this was on the North side and Cllr Sue Lintern agreed to double check.

190/18 2Agrictulture Mill and Stores Housing Development Meeting Cllr Sue Lintern advised that the Parish Council had received a notice which had come from Pegasus Group which advised the following on email ‘I am writing regarding the 2Agriculture animal feed mill on Lynn Road and the associated storage site on Furlong Road, Stoke Ferry. On the proviso that a suitable planning consent can be obtained, our client is looking to relocate the mill and the storage facility. The proposals for both sites are for residential development and indicative layout plans are attached. We would be keen to engage with the Parish Council at this stage to discuss the proposals for the site and the strategy for public consultation ahead of any planning application’’. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that a meeting would be held on Wednesday 26 September, 7 pm in the Village Hall, which there will be a presentation, with time for Councillor and the public questions. She added that it was a pre-application discussion and were not at the point of conducting a full public consultation at this point, but they wished to engage with the Parish Council ahead of a public consultation. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that it would advertised, and any questions could be forwarded to the Parish Clerk in advance for efficiency.

Cllr Jim McNeill shared that the painting of the Georgian houses on the high street still hadn’t been painted as they were promised in the summer and the Clerk agreed to follow up.

191/18 Planning Application: Installation of ground mounted solar PV array, underground cabling, fencing and switch gear housing at Water Treatment Works School Lane Stoke Ferry Norfolk Cllr Sue Lintern reminded Councillors that Cllr Grant Tomkins had declared an interest and wouldn’t be taking part in discussions or decision and left the table and joined the public. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that she had received various communications from members of the public, including a petition signed by 101 people against the development. There were several comments and letters from the members of public on the planning portal. Cllr Sue Lintern had pulled together a list of various comments received from members of the public shared them in the meeting:

Solar plan comments • 2.1 Site description " The Water Treatment Works is entirely surrounded by arable land." - what about the two houses? • 6.11 - adjacent to footpaths 12 & RB14, are visible to users. • In the landscape & visual impact document it states: Table 4 - visual receptors Users of School Lane River Drove - Users are predominantly motorists which is not the case. It is used by dog walkers, walkers, cyclists, horse riders and people having picnics. • The land proposed for the installation is currently meadow land and paddocks, and is directly adjacent to Stoke Ferry common,

Residential and other properties: • Residents of River Drove - "Residents of River Drove will have clear views of the Site from upper storey and ground floor windows. The views will be important to the individuals concerned and appreciated daily." If views are important to the planning process, then this is important that it will be visible from downstairs.

Also noted: • Panels to be facing south - will this cause glare for two homes.

Wild frontier document: • The document mentions badgers, newts, reptiles, trees, fauna, birds, bats – misses owls and hawks, but it misses humans and their houses.

Hazardous chemicals • While these may not be used on the new solar field, nitrates and phosphates have been found locally in both the river and soil, and hazardous chemicals are in the existing water treatment works.

Flood risk • Anglian Water have flooded the area twice in less than two years. • The surrounding landscape and river are designated areas of importance. Stoke Ferry is in a conservation area. • Isn’t there enough roof space to accommodate solar panels at the treatment works rather than using the field? • Implications of increased traffic, noise and disruption caused by the installation, maintenance & general day to day running of the installation. • Property value of the two houses close to it will be affected. • We are also surprised and concerned at inconsistencies in documents pertaining to the application. The address on the application is incomplete, the proposed site location is stated as the water treatment works, School Lane, (which should be River Drove) and not land adjacent to our property on River Drove.

• Is there a security risk? Adding razor wire would be unsightly. Cllr Kit Hesketh-Harvey felt that it was an intrusion of the Breckland, which it was felt should be a site of special scientific interest, it seemed to be the time to cease what amenities the village had and resist it. He added that it would make a large visual impact effecting those who live in the village and nearby, and those who may consider moving here. He added that we needed to treasure it rather than it be destroyed.

Cllr Sue Lintern allowed the public to share any other comments if they wished: • A parishioner queried how it might be noisy as in their view solar panels generally weren’t. And commented that the footpaths were on the other side to the Solar Panels. • The Footpath Warden commented that there was no public right of ways in the vicinity. • A parishioner questioned the security of the site and shared that they were concerned that if there were issues more fencing then might be added later to what was currently within the plans. A parishioner advised that he spoke to Anglian Water and they were going to install a three-metre fence and they seemed to be happy to discuss alternatives to seek people’s views. They shared that they had land behind the water works that has no housing.

Cllr Kit Hesketh proposed to object to the application, seconded by Cllr Daphne Clements, six in favour, 1 abstained.

Cllr Grant Tomkins re-joined the table at this point.

Cllr Colin Sampson agreed to call it in on request of the Parish Council.

The Parish Council noted the following decisions received from Borough Council Planning: 17/00469/F Stoke Ferry Land Between Bramcote House And Village Hall Lynn Road Stoke Ferry Norfolk - VARIATION OF CONDITIONS 8, 9, 14, 21, AND 29 OF PERMISSION 16/00493/FM: Proposed residential development (29 dwellings) with minor demolition of former opening in boundary wall for access to plot 24. To include parking and access to existing village hall Application Permitted 13 July 2018 Delegated Decision 18/00893/F Stoke Ferry Swift Cottage 2 Lime Kiln Lane Stoke Ferry Norfolk PE33 9UA - Construction of wooden shed with area for nesting swifts Application Permitted 13 July 2018 Delegated Decision 18/00128/TREECA Stoke Ferry 4 Buckenham Drive Stoke Ferry King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 9SG - T1 Sycamore - Remove one of three trunks and thin tree within a conservation area Tree Application - No objection 1 August 2018 Delegated Decision 17/02402/RMM Stoke Ferry Land South of Lark Road Stoke Ferry Norfolk - RESERVED MATTERS: Residential development for 14 plots Application Withdrawn 10 August 2018 Withdrawn Application.

192/18 Update on the Neighbourhood Plan A parishioner who was involved in the group shared that a flyer had been created which was the first part of the process to let all villagers know what was happening and what a neighbourhood plan was. He added that it asked for volunteers to create the steering group to deliver the neighbourhood plan. The plan once created would be voted in by the village before being adopted. He was hoping to hold a meeting early October. The Parishioner shared that the leaflet could be circulated the following week and had volunteers in place for leaflet dropping.

193/18 To approve payments of bills for August 2018: The Chair shared the following items for payment for August: Payee Payment for Net VAT Total Clerk Clerks Wages and Expenses - August 18 274.66 0.00 274.66 HMRC August 018 64.40 0.00 64.40 Glazewing (DD) Cemetery Bins 16.04 3.21 19.25 EON (DD) Streetlights Electricity - August 2018 65.28 3.26 68.54 Didlington Nurseries Supply of Plants for Garden Areas 595.00 0.00 595.00 Mr A Stannard Handyman- August 18 36.00 0.00 36.00 Mr Sparkle Grass cutting 174.00 0.00 174.00 SF Village Hall Village Hall Hire 30.00 0.00 30.00 Total 1255.38 6.47 1261.85

Cllr Daphne Clements proposed payment of all bills presented, Cllr Jim McNeill seconded it, all were in favour.

194/18 Urgent items as agreed by the Chairman Cllr Sue Lintern shared an update on the latest Village Sign design which was being progressed and ready for the October meeting.

195/18 Forward Agenda Items Cllr Jim McNeill suggested the Parish Council discuss the creation of working Committee, the Parish Council agreed to add to the November meeting agenda for discussion.

196/18 Public Participation - To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting including Cllr Colin Sampson (BCKLWN) and Cllr Martin Storey (NCC), if in attendance

Councillors There were no items shared.

Cllr Colin Sampson update: • The Borough Council now had a Tree Strategy in place. The Borough had an Arboriculture Officer. Cllr Jim McNeill shared that he thought including land ownership within the neighbourhood plan for reference might be a good idea.

Cllr Martin Storey Update: • On 17 August he had met with Karl Rands, Highways Manager to discuss Stoke Ferry and the surface of the road on Lynn Road and the way the diversion had been put into action recently and ways to avoid similar occurrence in the future. Highways were acting swiftly to get the resurfacing complete by mid-October. • Traffic Regulation Order that was currently in place had two errors which would be corrected but at a large cost of between six to ten thousand pounds, but it hoped when funds were available to correct in future. Cllr Martin Storey shared that it didn’t affect how HGVs moved around the village. He shared that he had allocated his six thousand pounds per year for projects this financial year, and if in future years there was funding he would consider depending on priorities. • Police and Crime Commissioner Lorne Green was currently carrying out a consultation with the public ending today regarding the sharing of services between the Police Force and Fire Service. There was a meeting to discuss the consultation results the following week. • County Council meetings were now up and running again following the summer break. • Norfolk County Council had been putting on numerous events in the county at ten museum sites across the county which was being run very well. • If anyone had any issues he could help with to get in touch.

Members of the Public • Following a query, the Clerk agreed to contact the Borough Council to ask if all air monitoring equipment was being used. • A parishioner shared concerns about lack of police presence generally in the Borough. • A parishioner shared that material planning reasons should be shared regarding planning applications. • Following a query the Clerk shared the budget and earmarked reserves from the finances, and shared that it was in a healthy financial position should there be any projects that the village or Parish Council wished to put in place. • It was confirmed following a query that there were no CIL payments due to the village currently. • The grass at the bottom of Buckenham Drive was a concern in relation to fire safety and suggested, the Clerk agreed to include in the communication to the Borough Council. • A parishioner advised that they knew of a parvo virus outbreak within West Norfolk and dog owners should collect their dog waste to avoid contracting and spreading. If dogs contracted the virus it would be deadly. • A parishioner shared that there did seem to be lots of dog waste in the village. Cllr Colin Sampson shared that if anyone knew of incidents to report it to the Borough Council who would consider investigation. Cllr Grant Tomkins shared that when he moved to River Drove it was a real problem, but with talking to people there had been less by putting signs up and educating people. He added that the Common was still an issue however in volume of dog waste. • A parishioner shared that Anglian Water had attended because of smells in the village, and there had found to be wet wipes in the system and people needed to be reminded not to place them down the toilet. • The Footpath Warden shared that he was looking for information relating to Footpath 5 and its history. Cllr Sue Lintern shared that there were issues on whether it was on the farm side or woodland side. And if anyone had any information that could help to verify to get in touch.

Following a query from Cllr Jim McNeill the Clerk shared that information about election costs had circulated to the Council verified by the Electoral Officer at the Borough Council.

197/18 Date and Time of Next Meeting – Ordinary Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 3 October 2018

Meeting closed at 8.26 pm

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