River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Northwold Parish Council - June meeting minutes

September 2018

Northwold and Whittington Parish Council – Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 5th June 2018, 7.30pm Christ Church, Whittington

PRESENT: Cllr R Crisp, Cllr C Anderson, Cllr M Peake, Cllr S Smith, Cllr I Quinn, Cllr G Gillett, Cllr D Human, Cllr N Nickles, Cllr C Pointeer, Cllr H Hogan. Mrs N Cooper (Clerk)

There were 9 members of the public.

1. Formally request acceptance of office as Vice Chair from Cllr Anderson This was accepted.

2. PUBLIC FORUM (15 MINUTES) The Parish Council was welcomed to Whittington Church and thanked for installing the defibrillator. There was a complaint about the grass cutting in Northwold, it was felt that the playing field is not being cut carefully enough and the weeds have not been sprayed. The two pieces of grass either site of the cemetery entrance need to be cut. *Clerk asked to contact TTSR about this and to request that the grass either side of the cemetery driveway be cut. This is not on the schedule and will be funded separately if necessary.

3. ACCEPTANCE OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE These were accepted for Cllr Sharp

4. MEMBERS’ DECLARATION OF INTERESTS and DISPENSATION REQUESTS (for items on the Agenda) Nothing was declared.

5. TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING held on 1st May 2018 The minutes were approved by all Councillors present and the minutes were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting held on 1st May 2018. The final version will be available on the website.


7. LOCAL AUTHORITY REPORTS a. Norfolk County Council – representative not present b. Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk – nothing to report

8. CORRESPONDENCE a. Newsletters CPRE, Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Association of Local Councils b. Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day, noted c. STANTA Tour 8th August, *to be placed on noticeboards d. Email regarding FP6 being overgrown and query as to why the footpaths are not signposted. *Clerk to report both issues to highways. e. Email complaint with regards to the grass cutting at Northwold recreation ground. Clerk has already contacted TTSR with regards to the complaint. They have sent a photo of the recently cut recreation ground and have suggested a site visit at the end of June to sort out any issues. There is an extra cut in the agreement with TTSR which can be used when necessary. *Clerk to organise for TTSR to meet with Northwold Cllr on site. f. Email regarding road damage outside 22s High St Northwold – Clerk has forwarded to Highways. g. Letter from Whittington Resident regarding the grass verge on A134 through Whittington badly needs cutting and it making pulling out dangerous. * It was noted that this is a highways area and the complaint will be forwarded on to NCC highways and copied to Cllr Storey. The bus stop at Whittington was queried. *Clerk to follow up on this and put on July agenda. 9. Money Claim for costs relating to gate posts and hinges, Inghams Lane – moved to end of meeting by agreement with the Chair.

10. Parish Issues raised by email from resident – Ingham’s Lane and Common Drove The responsibility for the upkeep of Ingham’s Lane and Common Drove was discussed, it is believed that the County Council could have a responsibility for the surface as it is understood that these are rights of way. The gate at Inghams Lane was originally installed by one of the landowners either side, NCC advise that this should not be there as there is no history of approval for this. * Clerk to refer all of these issues to NCC Public Rights of Way Officer as it is not the responsibility of the Parish Council. Clerk to also ask about the approval process for gates across rights of way for future reference. It was noted that NCC have already ordered a new footbridge for Common Drove but a date for installation is not available.

11. School Lane car park update a. The original Planning Application as submitted in April has been updated to resolve a number of issues regarding entry / exit points and visibility splay. The plans have now been approved by Planning Committee. The approved plans vary from the original plans with the need to pull back the fence along School Lane, removing of a conifer tree, widening of existing track, removal of gates and fencing / gating of the eastern access. There still needs to a resolution with regards to a Right of Way on the eastern access point. A member of the public noted that there are believed to be access rights along this eastern point. Cllr Anderson to discuss with NCC. The cost of the project is now expected to be higher than the original estimates but exact costs have yet to be determined. Golden Tree Surgeons visited the site with Cllr Anderson a while ago but quotes have not yet been received. 3 estimates are needed. Cllr Peake has asked a contractor to visit the site to quote. * Clerk to chase Golden Tree Surgeons for quote and also ask NCC Highways if they can quote or assist in any way. b. Although the costs are not yet known they are expected to be higher than the grant secured from the National Lottery. The grant cannot be added to but the original grant can be rejected and a new application submitted. Decision on this to be made once quotes are received.

12. Northwold Sports and Social Club roof repairs a. Estimates not yet received. *To place on July agenda.

13. GDPR Review of actions undertaken and consider adoption of Email Policy All actions have been progressed. The privacy statements have been sent out and the Clerk is awaiting return of some of these. All previous Councillors have been contacted. The Email footer addition is in progress. The proposed Email policy was accepted and adopted by resolution of all Councillors present. The Clerk was thanked for progressing this. *Email policy to be placed on website

14. Constables Charity Tenancy Agreement The tenancy agreement runs until 1.1.19. The terms of the agreement were summarised and read out. *Clerk to contact the Charities Commission and ask whether the land can be sold and for guidance on this. To be put on July agenda.

15. Planting of Trees in Parish Clerk provided some information from The Woodland Trust regarding free trees for communities. It was agreed that a Copse package including 10 Silver Birch, 10 Rowan and 10 Wild Cherry trees should be applied for planting in the allotment land next to the proposed car park on School Lane Northwold, * Clerk asked to make the application. (Note subsequent to the meeting Planning will be asked if this is allowed before the application is made)

16. Northwold Car and Bike Show: 18th August Cllr Anderson has received some enquiries as to whether exhibitors can camp on Northwold Recreation Ground the night before the event. There will only be a handful of people and they will camp away from the houses in Hovel’s Lane. This was approved.

17. UPDATE ON CURRENT WORKS a. The location for the new dog bin location in Pinfold Lane was advised to nearby residents via letter. There have been no objections. *Clerk to ask BCKLWN if this can now be installed. b. Parish Partnership Projects – the cheque for the Trod has been sent off. The locations for the SAM2 have been agreed by Highways at a site meeting with Cllr Nickles and Cllr Pointeer. *Clerk to progress to order the SAM2 and also ask for an extra bracket for the Methwold Road post instead of one of the posts originally bid for. c. Tree works – these have been completed. The tree overhanging the fence at Northwold Old Cemetery remains an issue. *Clerk to raise this with TTSR and ask for it to be looked at during the site visit. d. Play area repairs – awaiting works

18. CROWN INN UPDATE On Bank Holiday Monday a share issue launch was held where people were invited to change their pledges into cash. It was a big success and £18,000 was donated, with this sum rising to £35,000 since. The original pledges totalled £70,000 so there is still some way to go. £130,000 is still needed to enable a bid to be made on the pub and for initial refurbishments to be funded. At the Northwold carnival the steering committee will be selling prosecco to raise further funds. http://savethecrowninn.uk/

19. CEMETERIES: Monthly safety review of sites and any other issues requiring action. The overhanging trees at the old cemetery were noted as per 17c. The fifth headstone has been anchored. One of the newly anchored headstones is loose, *Cllr Gillet to contact Richard King memorials for a follow up visit. No issues raised with grass cutting. No issues raised for Whittington Cemetery.

20. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE - Discuss any current issues requiring action. The 3m of grass either side of Northwold new cemetery drive, all the way to the cemetery gates, need to be added to the grounds maintenance contract. *Clerk to contact TTSR.

21. HIGHWAYS and STREETLIGHTING – discuss any current issues and resolve on any action required. a. There is a streetlight not working on the High Street Northwold on the corner of Church Lane. *Cllr Nickles to look for the number so it can be reported. A complaint about a streetlight between 62-64 West End has been received. It is noted as shining into a property. *Cllr Anderson to determine the location and the issue and advise the Clerk further. b. Noted that Cllr Nickles asked Andy Wallace about the status change for the A134. This is currently in a consultation stage and would get more funding for road improvements if it is approved.

22. PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND UPDATES The following were discussed: a. 18/00879/F VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 16/01016/F: Construction of two storey dwelling Prospect Villa 4 West End Northwold Thetford Norfolk IP26 5LE No objections raised. b. 18/00734/F Erection of steel framed building for storage of vintage tractors. at 44A Methwold Road Northwold Thetford Norfolk IP26 5LN No objections raised but plans used are not up to date. c. 18/00957/F Construction of storage building/workshop and solar panel array at Fendicks Fisheries Methwold Road Whittington Norfolk PE33 9THTo discuss new planning applications and note all new planning decisions. No objections raised.

23. FINANCES: a. Free Northwold hall hire for the defibrillator training was noted and appreciated. b. Long Range Financial Planning was discussed. Cllr Nickles asked that all Councillors have a think about any projects that could put financial pressure on the Parish Council in the future and should be budgeted for at an early stage, for example the proposed amenity land at Whittington attached to a new housing development and long-term amenity improvements *Clerk to place on July agenda. c. The accounts to 5th June 2018 were accepted and cheques to be signed and payments approved in accordance with the table on the next page. It was noted that the current bank statement and the next cheque book have not yet been received and are being chased. The accounts are reconciled to the bank statement dated to 20.4.18. The last two cheques as on the table below will be written and signed as soon as the cheque book is received. This was approved.


Receipts for approval 05.06.18 Paying In slip From Description Amount 500133 Hire of Chalk Pit 61.20

£61.20 Payments/cheques for approval 05.06.18 Direct Debit Payee Description Amount DD EON Electricity April 91.76 Subtotal Direct Debits 91.76 Cheque Payee Description Amount 2196 Came & Company Annual Insurance Premium 2018-19 1599.86 2197 Westcotec Streetlight Maint May 18 19.10 2198 Norfolk ALC Being a Councillor Training x 4 264.00 2199 Richard King Memorials Remove & refit 1 memorial 198.00 2200 Mrs N Cooper Clerk Hours May 18 357.09 Clerk Mileage May 18 11.25 Clerk Expenses May 18 16.69 1 TTSR Grounds Maintenance Invoice 1 of 4 1182.00 2 Golden Tree Surgeons Treeworks 3096.00 Subtotal Cheques 6743.99 £6,835.75 Cash sheet Balance and Bank Reconciliation 5th June 2018 31st March 2018 YE Balance Brought Forward £31,140.00 Add Total Receipts to date £18,748.20 £49,888.20 Less Total Payments to date £8,891.27 CASHBOOK BALANCE 5th June 2018 £40,996.93

Bank Balance @20.04.18 Statement no.6 £52,248.24 Add uncleared receipts (as above) £61.20 £52,309.44 Minus uncleared approved payments from end 17/18 £2,426.74 Minus uncleared approved payments as approved May 18 £2,050.02 Minus direct debits not yet cleared bank statement (as above) £91.76 Minus new payments for approval (cheques as above) £6,743.99 £11,312.51 Reconciled Balance 5th June 18 £40,996.93

24. TRAINING The new Councillor training was noted a being very useful. NN asked to be made aware of any new dates.

25. ITEMS FOR AGENDA OF NEXT MEETING: TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY 3rd JULY 7.30pm, Northwold Village Hall FIT Payments for Northwold Village Hall and Northwold Sports and Social Club

The meeting was closed to the public at 8.55pm. Councillors to resolve that members of the public be excluded under section 1 of the 1960 Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act due to the confidential nature of the matters to be discussed within the next item.

9. Money Claim A money claim has been submitted against the Council for the cost of gate posts and hinges. The Parish Councillors present discussed the claim in detail and agreed to make a Without Prejudice offer to avoid further unnecessary legal costs for the Parish.

With nothing more to discuss the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Chairman: __________________________________ Date: __________________

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