War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - June meeting

September 2017

Page 021 (2017)


Minutes of the meeting held on 7th June, 2017

Attendance: Chairman Cllr S Lintern Vice Chairman Mrs J Taylor Councillors Mrs D Clements Mrs M Leamon Mrs T Mann Borough Cllr C T Sampson County Cllr M Storey Parish Clerk Mrs J M Markwell

Footpath Warden Mr C Philpott

Members of the public 5

1. Emergency Evacuation

Members and members of the public were advised of the emergency evacuation procedures for the Village Hall.

2. Apologies

There were no apologies for this meeting.

The Chairman advised the meeting that Mrs J Lawson had resigned from the Parish Council.

3. To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed

There were no declarations of interest

4. To agree Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd May, 2017

Proposed - Cllr Mrs Taylor Seconded - Cllr Mrs Clements

'That the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd May, 2017 be approved'

All in favour

5. Matters arising

Litter Bin – the bin on the hill has now been replaced and a key given to the Clean Up Team so they can empty it. The first walk on Sunday 21st May was a great success and would continue monthly. A response is still awaited from the West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group: The Chairman would now take this matter forward. Norfolk County Highways had been in contact with the owner of the field in School Lane where the tree fell down and he had agreed to make the area safe. The Chairman had been in contact with 2Agriculture and was advised that their field is cut twice a year. The noisy pumps have been removed. Concern was still raised that the ‘middle’ field still needed to be cut. Cllr Lintern would check into this.

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6. To receive report on Public Rights of Way (Footpaths/Bridleways)

The first walk had been very successful with 27 people attending.

The next walk will be on Sunday 9th July, meeting at the 11.00am.

Confirmation of ownership of the land either side of the ‘cut’ had been confirmed as a permissive footpath. (it is not a bridleway).

7. Update on the Website

Members had met with Ocean Remix regarding the new website. The new site would be user friendly and would be able to give information regarding events etc in the village as well as documents from the Parish Council.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded – Cllr Mrs Mann

‘That the sum of £600 is agreed for the development of the Parish website’

All in favour

8. Clerk’s Hours

It had been agreed that the Clerk’s hours would be reduced to 16hrs per month, with Councillors agreeing to take on specific tasks. The Clerk would be responsible for meetings, minutes and the finance of the Parish Council. Councillors agreed to oversee the Cemetery, maintenance issues (including reporting of potholes and street lights) and actions from the meeting.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Taylor Seconded – Cllr Mrs Clements

‘That the hours of the Clerk are reduced to 16hrs per month’

All in favour

9. To discuss job list for village Handyperson

Current work involves the railings around the village sign and the ones near the bus stop, weed killing around the village and general cleaning and tidying in the Buckenham Drive/Wretton Road area. Also the War Memorial would be kept in a good state of repair. Borough Cllr Sampson advised that he would check when the grass cutting would be done in the village.

10. Parish Council Training - LCPAS

It was agreed to delay Parish Council training until Autumn 2017.

11. To discuss Summer Fete for 2017

There is to be a meeting on 12th June at 7pm to finalise the organisation of the fete. Both Brambles and the Cat Sanctuary had agreed to have stalls. The Playing Field Committee would provide tea/coffee and soft drinks.

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Cllr Lintern is organising the bar and would arrange for a delivery of beer, wine and cider etc from one of the supermarkets. Treasure hunt is arranged, together with the raffle. Cllr Mrs Taylor would be the first aider on site.

12. To approve updated notice for the cemetery

There was a discussion on a slight amendment to the regulation for the Cemetery. It was agreed that ‘new graves should be allowed to settle for six months’ should be amended to twelve months.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Mann Seconded – Cllr Mrs Leamon

‘That the regulations for the Cemetery be amended to show ‘twelve months’ for settlement of graves.’

All in favour

13. To discuss formulating an assets list of Parish owned street furniture, street lights and bins

There are plans already for the street lights in the village, although it was agreed that they should be checked and brought up to date.

Spreadsheets should be formulated with all the information on street furniture, lights and bins and then it would be easily accessible.

Cllr Lintern had already started on a new spreadsheet for the Cemetery and a meeting was arranged to visit the Cemetery and check the current records to ensure that they were correct.

14. To agree a list of items to be undertaken by the Rangers during their next visit

There were no further items to be added to the list.

15. To approve payment of bills

Payment of Bills Nett VAT Total

Eon DD May - Street Lights 52.52 2.63 55.15 Glazewing DD Bin Emptying 22.68 4.54 27.22 HMRC 101598 PAYE June 2017 72.80 0.00 72.80 Jean Markwell 101600 Salary May 2017 291.20 0.00 291.20 Mr Sparkle 101601 Village Maintenance 321.00 0.00 321.00 Mr A Stannard 101602 Handyman 64.00 0.00 64.00 Westcotec Ltd 101603 Street Lights 15.44 3.09 18.53 Village Hall 101605 Hire of Village Hall 30.00 0.00 30.00 Zurich Insurance for Playing Field 101606 Insurance 777.48 0.00 777.48

Total £1,647.12 £10.26 £1,657.38

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Proposed – Cllr Mrs Leamon Seconded – Cllrs Mrs Clements

That the bills for June 2017 be paid with the inclusion of the Contractors invoice for the Cemetery work’

All in favour Income

Brett Memorial 80.00 80.00 Brett Memorial 140.00 140.00 Richard King Memorials Memorial 70.00 70.00 Richard King Memorials Memorial 70.00 70.00 Bowers Internment 360.00 360.00 Bowers Internment Ashes 180.00 180.00

Total £900.00 £900.00


Brett Memorial 80.00 80.00 Brett Memorial 140.00 140.00 Richard King Memorials Memorial 70.00 70.00 Richard King Memorials Memorial 70.00 70.00 Bowers Internment 360.00 360.00 Bowers Internment Ashes 180.00 180.00

Total £900.00 £900.00

16. To agree and approve financial statements for 2016/17

The Clerk had given all members copies of the income and expenditure, together with the final bank reconciliation. These documents were discussed in detail and it was noted that one of the figures had been put under the wrong heading, this was amended.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Mann Seconded – Cllr Mrs Taylor

‘That the financial statements for 2016/17 are approved’

All in favour

The Clerk had omitted to circulate the Governance Report so this would be approved at the next meeting.

17. To discuss plans received:

17/00870/O Outline Application: Construction of two storey dwelling and garage and lowering kerb to provide parking for existing donor property at Cob House, 50 Buckenham Drive, Stoke Ferry, King’s Lynn King’s Lynn, Norfolk.

Members discussed the plan and were aware that a similar plan had been refused many years ago. It was agreed that in principle nothing had changed and there the plan was recommended for refusal for the following reasons: Does not respect existing residential amenities Insufficient area for private garden and parking Dwelling does not respect character and layout of existing dwellings in the locality

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Taylor Seconded – Cllr Mrs Leamon

That planning application 17/00870/O is refused for the above reasons’

All in favour Page 025 (2017)

18. To receive correspondence

All correspondence is emailed to members

The Clerk had received a number of requests for inscriptions on Memorials in the Cemetery: these were shown to members.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Leamon Seconded – Cllr Mrs Clements

‘That all the requests for inscriptions on Memorials are agreed’

All in favour

It was agreed that in future that the Chairman/Vice Chairman and Clerk be given the delegated power to agree these and would only be brought to the meeting if there were concerns over the wording and size.

Proposed – Cllr Mrs Clements Seconded – Cllr Mrs Mann

‘That the Chairman/Vice Chairman and Clerk be given the delegated power to approve inscription on Memorials in the Cemetery’

All in favour

An email had been received from the Police asking for a local contact who would be willing to disseminate information in the village, should any incidents occur in the area.

Cllr Mrs Taylor agreed to be the Parish contact.

19. Urgent items as agreed by the Chairman

There were not urgent items

20. To receive information or suggested items to be considered at the next meeting (Councillors/ Public)

Phone Box – this should be painted before October 2017. It was noted that the phone does not work and has not done so for a long time. Cllr Mrs Mann agreed to contact BT to ask the connection to be repaired.

Borough Cllr Sampson advised that there was to be a new system for food waste whereby any plastic bag can be used and therefore the need to buy specific bags would not continue. The actual date this was to be implemented is not yet known.

A new air monitor has been fitted in the village to monitor the air quality adjacent to 2Agriculture.

County Cllr Storey advised that it is the responsibility of NCC to provided signage for PROW. Smaller signs are supplied to parishes to be placed on posts along the paths. County Cllr Storey advised that there is now a Conservative majority in the County Council and therefore there would be less opposition and therefore matters should be dealt with more quickly.

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He advised that he was now involved in the following departments:

Adult services and care Planning and Waste in the County Museums NCC Pension Fund All County Cllrs had been provided with new I-Pads

Comments from members of the public

Concern was raised that the speed of the lorries down Furlong Road is becoming increasingly fast. The lorries are larger and if cars are parked on the side of the road there is little room for them. It was felt that if a lower speed limit could be introduced it may help with slowing all the traffic down. The meeting was advised that evidence would be needed to make a strong case for NCC for the implementation of speed restrictions. It was suggested that the area of waste land adjacent to Indigo Road, could be cleared and used as a parking area. This would be investigated. It was reported that the middle supporting pillar of the bus shelter is beginning to show rust holes. This would be put on the maintenance schedule.

21. Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 5th July, 2017 at 7.00pm.

Meeting closed at 9.11 pm

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