War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council - January Meeting

March 2016

STOKE FERRY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting held on 13th January, 2016 Attendance: Chairman Vice Chairman Councillors Mrs D Clements MrsCHardy MLeamon J Nicholas-Letch M Precey Mrs JTaylor C Sampson M Storey Mrs J M Markwell 10 Borough Councillor County Councillor Parish Clerk Members of the public 1. Emergency Evacuation Members and members of the public were advised of the emergency evacuation procedures for the Village Hall. 2. Apologies Cllr Mrs S Lintem - Work Commitment The apologies were accepted. 3. To received Declarations of Interest from Members on any item to be discussed There were no Declaration of Interest 2. To agree Minutes of the last meeting 9th December, 2015 Proposed - Cllr Precey Seconded - Cllr Nicholas-Letch 'That the minutes on Wednesday 9th December, 2015 be approved' For-5 Abstention - 1 3. Matters arising Item 14 - ellr Sampson asked if there had been any support from the village with regard to the village games. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised that the information had been forwarded to the Academy and it will be included in their next newsletter. A meeting with the Academy will also be arranged. If necessary Cllr Nicholas-Letch stated that a leaflet drop could be done so that all residents would be aware of the games. County Cllr Storey advised that he was currently looking into the cost of the refurbishment to the reception in County Hall, Norwich. He has asked for a complete breakdown and will give the full details as soon as he receives them. Signed by the Chairman . Date .

Page (002) 16 Item 5 - Public Rights of Way, it was confirmed that the letter from the Council will be forwarded J( within the next week. Item 14 - The salt bins had still not been filled at Bradfield Place and Oxborough Road. The Clerk jC. will contact NCC Highways and chase this up. Cllr Nicholas-Letch advised members that the Planning Inspector had finished his consultation on the Preferred Options for Site Allocations within the Borough Council. There was currently a small window of opportunity to comment on his findings, but this was limited to those who attended the hearings. 4. To discuss and agree the budget for the financial year 2016/2017 The current precept is made up of a grant of £ 1 000 for the financial year 2016/17 and precept figure agreed from the budget figures. Each member had been given a copy of a draft budget and each item was discussed in full. Proposed - Cllr Mrs Hardy Seconded - Cllr Mrs Taylor 'That the precept for the financial year 2016/2017 is £18050 plus the grant of £1 000' For-5 Against - 1 5. To consider Public Rights of Way (FootpathslBridleways) Contact had not been made with the Public Rights of Way Officer in Norfolk County Council. This would be done in the near future. It was considered that members should walk the 'bounds' of the Parish at least once a year. This was thought to be a good idea and would be followed up. This would highlight any problems in particular with footpaths and the signage. Cllrs Mrs Clements and Mrs Hardy had attended a Public Rights of Way Course which had highlighted many interesting facts on ownership and responsibility of PROW. 12 To Approve Payments to be made Proposed - CUr Hardy Seconded - Cllr Precey That the bills as per the attached schedule be approved for payment. All in favour 13 Correspondence Received All members had received a copy of recent correspondence received. Signed by the Chairman .•...•..•...................................................... Date .

Page (001) 16 14 To receive Further Information or suggested items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda (CouncillorslPublic) It was agreed that events for the celebration of the Queen's 90th Birthday would be an agenda item. It was also suggested that the Council's website should be discussed Parking was highlighted outside the School as it was making it difficult for larger vehicles to turn ,)( into and out of Oak Road, as cars were parking immediately opposite the entrance. It was stated that if there is a public space protection order it would be easier to deal with dog fouling. Cllr Sampson advised that if a map of the ward of Stoke Ferry could be obtained it could show where grass cutting takes place and in whose ownership the land is in eg BCKL& WN or NCC. Cllr Storey advised that NCC would be holding their budget meeting in February, 2016. conbcem was raised that the footpath thin front of the Fish and Chip shop has potholes and also the y... ker stone in front of the garage near e shop is damaged. It was noted that the Christmas Tree would be taken down within the next few days. 'f.. The telephone box is emitting a high pitched noise at times. 15 Date and time ofnen meeting- Wednesday 11th February, 2016 at 7.30pm The meeting closed at 9.00pm. Signed by the Chairman .....................................•...............•...•..... Date •....................•..........

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