Wretton Sign Gary Trouton

Wretton Parish Council May

August 2015


Present– Cllr David Llewellyn - Chairman, Cllr I Mack, Cllr Mick Peake, Cllr Mandy Peake, Cllr John Wyett.

Mr M Storey – County Councillor 9 members of the public

1. Election of Chairman It was proposed and seconded that Cllr D Llewellyn should remain as Chairman. With no other nominations Cllr Llewellyn was duly elected.

2. Chairman signed his Acceptance of Office.

3. Apologies for absence accepted from: No apologies from councillors. Apologies from Borough Councillor C Sampson noted.

4. No Declarations of Interest made.

5. Election of Vice-Chairman It was proposed and seconded that Cllr M Peake should remain as Vice-Chairman. With no other nominations Cllr Peake was duly elected. 6. The Minutes of the meeting held on 02/03/15 were agreed as a true record.

7. Matters arising from previous meetings • It was requested that evidence be obtained that the perceived encroachment of common land by Field Cottage has been registered by Norfolk County Council (NCC) and that NCC again be approached to remove the offending fence. • Issues identified on the play equipment inspection undertaken earlier in the year have been addressed. One further quote has been received regarding repair of the fencing around the play area. • Query was raised regarding whether quotes received should be considered without members of the public being present at the meeting and with this in mind the Parish Council Financial Regulations will be reviewed at the next meeting of the Parish Council. • It was noted risk assessment of the play equipment is undertaken on a regular basis and councillors also often inspect the area when passing. It was suggested the football goal posts should be included in any inspection. • Overgrown hedges have been previously reported but it is now the wrong time of the year for hedges to be cut. • Reported pot holes have been repaired. • It was reported that a dog has been seen inside the play area. 8. Reports 8.1 Chairman’s Report Having given a report during the Annual Parish Meeting (see minutes of Annual Parish Meeting) the Chairman had nothing further to report. It was noted however that as co-option to fill the vacancies remaining after the 2015 election had not been added as an agenda item at the meeting it will be an agenda item for the meeting in July. The vacancies will be advertised.

8.2 Clerk’s Report • The grounds maintenance contract has been received and is awaiting signing. • As already noted the phone box in the village has been purchased by the Parish Council. The box has had the equipment removed but the electricity to the box needs to be disconnected. • The Parish Council has received notification that a staging date of 1 April 2017 has been set for when the council will lawfully need to enrol any members of staff who are eligible into a workplace pension scheme.

• 8.2a It was agreed the date of the September meeting of the Parish Council would be moved forward a week and will be Monday 14th September.

8.3 Risk Assessment No issues to report other than matters raised under item 7.

9. Accounts were presented and accepted for payment. Cheques for approval of payment K & M Lighting x 2 £33.38 SJ Scarrott (March/April) £112.48 BCKLWN (emptying of dog waste bin) £108.00 Norfolk Association of Local Councils subs £106.88 E.on £166.24 Broker Network Ltd (insurance) £503.55 Padlock, key, chain £9.96 Stamps £5.30 Internal Audit £60.00

Financial position @ 30/03/15 Community Account Balance £1583.21 Business Saver Account (1) £687.72 Business Saver Account (2) £12281.72 Business Saver Account (3) £0.36 £14553.01

The Internal Audit having been satisfactorily completed the accounts for the year ending March 31st 2015 were accepted as presented. Comment was made by the Internal Auditor regarding the seemingly high amount of money held in reserve by the Parish Council. The Parish Council has always considered some of the reserve money could be allocated towards possible contribution to the planned refurbishment of All Saints Church if is to be used as a community building. The Internal Auditor also suggested more stringent internal control should be implemented and the Chairman will in future initial bank statements against the bank reconciliation presented. A copy of the recommendations will be forwarded to councillors to be acted on as appropriate.

The Annual Return Governance Statement was duly completed and signed (copies presented to Councillors).

10. Correspondence 10.1 CPRE Standard Light Pollution Clause text

11. Planning applications received for consultation. 11.1 15/00707/F Relocation of vehicular access at Myamber, Field Lane, Wretton No objection 11.2 15/00371/F Removal of condition 8 attached to planning permission 15/00371/F More information will be sought before any comment is made.

12. Reports from Councillors/items for the next agenda 1. Dog fouling to be an agenda item for the next meeting 2. The public bridleway sign on Fairhill Drive needs re-erecting. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION • It was suggested a warning sign to beware of horse riders is needed on Low Road by Fendicks Cottages. Chairman’s Signature……………………………………… Date……………

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