West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council - March Meeting

April 2015




PRESENT (6 Councillors): - Pam Bullas (PB), Claire Cann (CC) – Chairman, Tom Foy (TF), Lorraine Hunt (LH), Claire Page (CP), Pam Walker (PW)

Clerk: - Sarah Thorpe Cllr Brian Long (BL) – County Councillor

11 members of the public were in attendance.

Karen O’Kane (KOK) from Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) was in attendance to give a presentation and answer questions. She explained why there had been a delay in bringing Superfast broadband to West Dereham. Properties in West Dereham are mainly served from a secondary cabinet in the village which is connected via copper to a primary cabinet. The primary cabinet (Stoke Ferry 4) is in Church Rd near the junction with Lynn Rd, Wereham. The only way to achieve Superfast speeds is to convert the current secondary cabinet to become a new primary cabinet (Stoke Ferry 8) and add a new fibre cabinet. The location of the new cabinet is on the verge of Station Road, opposite the junction with Hilgay Road. This section of the highway has a Section 58 restriction which means that permission is needed from Highways to carry out any work. The work that is required is to install 3 kilometres of fibre spine extension to West Dereham via West Dereham Road from Wereham; replace the current secondary cabinet; install a new fibre cabinet; and connect the power the new fibre cabinet. There are currently two issues that need to be resolved which are permission from Highways to carry out the work, and making a decision on the best way to connect the power. An initial proposal for connecting the power is very expensive and other options need to be explored before a final decision is made. KOK advised that no current timescale is available on when work will be starting, but the funding is definitely in place to bring Superfast broadband to West Dereham, and this work will be completed by the end of 2015. Finally, Stoke Ferry cabinet 4 is ready but properties in Wereham and Crimplesham cannot have services until the new Stoke Ferry cabinet 8 is live. Questions from parishioners followed the presentation. Concern was expressed on the speed that would be available for some areas of the village. KOK agreed to provide information for residents on several locations if the addresses were passed to her. It was also agreed that information on the presentation would be passed to the Clerk so that it could be shown on the PC website. CC thanked KOK for attending.

Papers presented to Councillors:  (i) Financial Management Report (spreadsheet); (ii) expenditure (for approval);

(iii) Glazewing Report.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting.

  1. Apologies for absence.  Apologies had been received from Councillor Paula Kellingray (PK), due to illness and

Borough Councillor Trevor Manley, due to other commitments.

  1. Declarations of interest. No declarations of pecuniary interest were made.

  1. Use of social media and audio recording of meeting. CC asked “Will anyone present be filming, recording,

blogging or tweeting during this meeting?” No member of the public present at this stage advised that they would.

  1. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 February 2015. The Chairman confirmed all Councillors had seen the minutes of the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on 5 February 2015. These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5.1         Chairman’s Report.

5.1.1      Elections Training. CC advised that she had attended a course on 25 February. The PC has places for 7 Councillors and she confirmed that all of the current Councillors would be standing.

5.1.2      NALC Area meeting. CC advised that she had attended the meeting, along with PB, LH, and the Clerk which was held in Downham Market on Monday 16 February. It included a presentation on Neighbourhood Planning from George Moore from Department of Communities & Local Government. Councillors are interested in considering a Neighbourhood Plan for West Dereham and further information sessions are available at the end of March. Item to be added to the next agenda and village notice.

5.2         Clerk’s Report.

5.2.1      A134 additional signage. The Clerk reported that she had spoken to Andy Wallace—Highways Engineer—twice on this matter since the last meeting. He is currently awaiting a decision from above but hopes to be able to install an extra sign in April 2015 (?”no right turn for HGVs ahead”).

5.2.2      A134 Road Traffic Collisions. Information on incidents that have occurred over the last ten years can only be obtained from the police by a freedom of information (FOI) request. The PC has made a FOI request and is awaiting a response to this request.

5.2.3      Training. CC and the Clerk have attended Elections training events. CC, PB, LH, and the Clerk attended the NALC area meeting in Downham Market on 16 February, which included the presentation on Neighbourhood Planning.

5.2.4      PC elections. These will take place on 7 May, along with parliamentary and borough elections. The nomination period opens on 16 March and runs to 4pm on 9 April. If anyone is eligible and interested in becoming a Parish Councillor further information and nomination packs are available from the Clerk or BC Electoral Services staff by calling 01553 616200 or visiting the BC website.

5.2.5      Visit to West Bilney. CC, PB, PW, and the Clerk visited neighbours of the pig farm at West Bilney on 7 February, to see the situation from the neighbours’ perspective. Dates to be arranged shortly for members of the PC to visit Grange Farm.

5.2.6      Conservation work in West Dereham. The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) have been in contact to ask if the PC has any further need of conservation work, this is because MARS is offering funding for work on sites within 15 miles of its factory in King’s Lynn. The PC is currently investigating options, and looking to see if this funding includes purchase of materials or is just for the labour.

5.3         Handyman’s Report. A report provided by the Handyman was read out by the Clerk.

_“This month I have recovered the conifer from the ditch, where it had been thrown by vandals, and re-planted it in the planter closest to the Old School House in Church Road.  I checked the conifer on 1/3/15 and found that it appears to be surviving its ordeal. A footpath sign that was reported down in Station Road was searched for, but I was unable to find any footpath signs down.  I have since been advised that the footpath signpost is in place. I have removed all the glass from both the phone box in Church Road and Station Road.  I was able to remove all the glass without breakage and I can report there is sufficient glass to make one good telephone box.  All the glass is currently safely stored at my home. I carried out an inspection of the cemetery and found everything to be in order. The road sign at the far end of St Andrews Walk is still down, and the road sign at the entrance to Ryston Road at the

junction with Church Road is still leaning over badly. Some weeks ago I collected all the litter from Church Road and disposed of it.  Sadly there is again a lot of litter around the village, including in Church Road.”_ It was agreed that refurbishment of the telephone boxes would need further discussion and be added to the agenda for the next PC meeting.

5.4         Police Report. No police report had been received despite the Clerk asking PCSO Jane Edwards to provide one for the PC meeting. It was agreed that the Clerk should send a complaint to the police regarding the persistent lack of a report for the PC meeting.

5.5         Village Hall Report. PK was not present to provide a report; however a member of the village hall committee advised that there were several private bookings for events in the near future as well as the public events advertised on the PC website.

5.6         Broadband Report. This matter was covered prior to the start of the PC meeting by the presentation from KOK.

5.7         Glazewing Report.  Glazewing had issued their March report by email which covers the period from 26 December 2014 to 26 February 2015: it advised that there had been no reported complaints in the period. Their email also commented that Glazewing had been reported to Anglian Water for extracting water from the Cut Channel without permission. This was categorically denied. Anglian Water have visited the site and are apparently satisfied that this is the case. Their report also confirmed that the planning application for a building to cover their baling operation has been approved by Norfolk County Council (NCC) planning committee. BL was invited to speak on the approval of the planning application as he is a member of the planning committee. He said he had told the meeting about his concerns over the history of the applicants not adhering to conditions. He advised that although Glazewing’s operating license allows them to process 250,000 tons of waste per annum, the Planning Officer had recommended a cap of 125,000 tons of waste to be processed each year. BL had tried to get this level decreased to 100,000 but had been unsuccessful. BL suggested that Glazewing should have to provide details of the tonnage of waste processed each year to NCC and if this exceeded the 125,000 limit then planning enforcement action should be taken. A separate road to the site was suggested by BL but the planning officer would not consider this for this application. He was asked if there was any mention of noise nuisance in the decision but advised that there was no condition for this other than the normal limit that would apply for all noise that could be considered a statutory nuisance. LH referred to item 5 in the decision notice and BL confirmed that this applied to a restriction on the hours Glazewing could operate the baling machine.

6.1         Accounts.   Accounts for approval and the monthly financial management report were submitted by the Clerk. She advised that the income and expenditure for January 2015 has now been confirmed and that estimated figures for February have been inserted based upon invoices received. Cash flow remained good with income and expenditure as expected.

PayeeCheque NoNetVATGross
Clerk’s salary & expenses for Feb 2015 – 49.25 hrs.100784565.95565.95
Handyman’s contract for Feb 2015 – 7 hrs.10078552.5052.50
NPTP – Election training for CC10078630.0030.00
BCKLWN – annual rent for playing field1007875.005.00
Total 653.45 653.45

CC has refunded the PC for the Election Course. The above payments were considered and approved. Cheques to be signed at the end of the meeting.

  1. Purchase of additional dog waste bin. A quotation for an additional dog waste bin had been received. The current price is £217.09 plus VAT, due to a special offer in place at the moment. It was agreed by all to purchase an additional bin and locate it at The Row. Exact position of all three bins to be agreed at Annual Assets Inspection on 7 March, with the Handyman to then install.

The litter bin on the playing field has been emptied since the last meeting, but only once. The BC had advised that they had four litter bins on their list for emptying by their contractors. It was confirmed that the only litter bin in the parish which should be emptied weekly, free of charge, by the BC is the one on the playing field.  The bin at the cemetery should be emptied fortnightly. There is no bin at the churchyard, as this was removed by the contractors, and the bin on Church Road is emptied by the village hall. Clerk to contact BC to ask what has happened to the bin at the churchyard and ask for the weekly collections of the bin at the playing field to recommence. BL agreed to find out if the BC had a spare bin liner that would fit the Church Road bin as this would mean that a replacement was not needed.

  1. Grounds maintenance quotations for 2014. Four quotations had been received and circulated to all members

prior to the meeting. A discussion took place on the quotations. It was noted that the budget for ground maintenance was £3698 and that only one quotation was below this amount. It was agreed to accept the quotation from CGM for £3004.09 plus VAT by four votes in favour and two against.

9.1         Applications.

9.1.1      15/00318/F Two storey and single storey extension to dwelling at Chapel Farm House, The Row, West Dereham. The PC discussed the application; parishioners did not wish to make any comment. The PC made a decision to SUPPORT the application. No further comments were made.

9.2         Decisions.

9.2.1      C/2/2014/2016 Erection of a building to house a replacement waste baler and generator with associated improvements to bunding and landscaping along the southern site boundary The NCC have permitted this application.

10.1       An email had been received from a parishioner raising concerns over damage to Willow Lane caused by many lorry-loads of sugar beet being transported along this lane at the end of last week and over the weekend. PW agreed to have a look at the area and provide information on the situation.

10.2       An email had been received from NCC regarding an initial consultation on Norfolk Minerals Site Specific Allocations Development Plan – single issue review of silica sand. The consultation period is from 9 March to 20 April 2015. CC advised that she had been unable to view the documents on the NCC website due to the poor broadband speed in the parish and it was agreed that the Clerk would request a hard copy of the documents and the item would be placed on the agenda for the next PC meeting.

10.3       Letters had been received from Norfolk Citizens Advice Bureau and MAGPAS requesting a donation from the PC. It was agreed that the usual reply would be issued to such requests stating that the PC made no provision for charitable donations in its budget but giving information on the fish and chip charity evenings held at the village hall.

10.4       Information had been received from Wicksteed playgrounds on outdoor fitness equipment for communities.

  1. Parish Council policies and documentation.

11.1       Equal Opportunities Policy. The Clerk had been unable to establish the reason for the inclusion of the term “Irish Traveller” in the model document that the policy was based upon. It was therefore agreed to remove this term and approve the review of the document without any other amendments.

11.2       Media Relations Policy. The current document, which had been circulated to all prior to the meeting, was reviewed. It was agreed that no amendments were necessary.

11.3       Grievance & Disciplinary Policy. The current document, which had been circulated to all prior to the meeting, was reviewed. It was agreed that no amendments were necessary.

11.4       Cemetery Fees. The current document, which had been circulated to all prior to the meeting, was reviewed. There had been no amendment to the fees since 2013. It was agreed that each amount (except for parishioners’ burial of a still born or child under 12 years which are free) should be increased by £5.

11.5       Code of Conduct. An amendment had been made to the current document to include an additional paragraph at 3.3 to cover annual review of Councillors “register of interest” forms, the revised form had been circulated to all prior to the meeting. It was agreed to approve these amendments.

11.6       Co-option Policy. A new policy had been produced by the Clerk, based on one provided by PB, following a suggestion made on the election training course that all PCs should have a policy on this issue. This draft document had been circulated to all prior to the meeting. It was agreed to remove the first sentence of paragraph 4 which suggested that the press and public would be asked to leave the meeting for the PC to consider the applications as it was agreed that this was not necessary. It was agreed to approve the policy without any further amendments.

11.7       Lighting within the Parish Policy. A new policy had been produced by the Clerk from a draft document already held by the PC with some additions from information provided by PB. This draft document had been circulated to all prior to the meeting. It was agreed to approve this policy without making any amendments.

  1. Other Business – Any additional reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda.

12.1       Potholes were reported in three locations – near the bus stop in front of the village hall on Church Road; near Stocks Bridge on Church Road; and on Hilgay Road near the junction with Church Road. Clerk to report to Highways.

12.2       Fly tipping incident at a passing place on Lime Kiln Road. Clerk to report to the BC Clean-up team.

12.3       PW expressed concerns about the condition of the grass verges in the parish but it was agreed that Highways would not be willing to take any action on this matter.

12.4       TF gave apologies for the next PC meeting.

The official meeting concluded at 9.07pm, and was opened to the floor for general comment.

Open Forum.

  • Kerbing for the path on the corner of Station Road/West Dereham Road, near the Old School House, still needs repairing by Highways. Clerk to chase up this issue with Highways.
  • A member of public expressed concern over the PC discussing, and including in the minutes of a past PC meeting, the recent court case involving Glazewing being fined by the Environment Agency (EA) for dumping contaminated waste on farm land. He felt this was a private matter and of no concern to the PC. The PC advised that this information was in the public domain as it had appeared in the local press, on Look East and on the EA website. The PC said that as this information related to companies based in the parish it was of interest to parishioners. The same member of the public gave informal notice of his intention to apply to have wind turbines running the length of the village down the B1160. He had apparently been told that no notice would be taken of any objection by the PC.

Closure. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and final closure of the meeting was at 9.20pm.

Next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is on Thursday 2 April at 7.30pm with Open Surgery from 7.00pm.

Clerk: Sarah Thorpe

Email: clerk@westderehamparishcouncil.com

Telephone: 01945 430930

Chairman’s signature ……………………………………             Date ……………………………

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