West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council August Meeting

September 2014




PRESENT (6 Councillors): - Pam Bullas (PB), Claire Cann (CC) – Chairman, Lorraine Hunt (LH), Paula Kellingray (PK), Claire Page (CP), Pam Walker (PW)

Clerk: - Sarah Thorpe

8 members of the public were in attendance.

Papers presented to Councillors: (i) Financial Management Report (spread sheet); (ii) expenditure (for approval);

(iii) Glazewing Report.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting.

  1. Audio recording of PC meetings in response to Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

CC advised that Parliament has extended new freedoms to the public at local government proceedings that would appear to be laudable were it not for the fact that Parliament has not been prepared to extend the same degree of transparency to its own proceedings.

Members of the public (including journalists) may use modern technology & communication methods such as filming, audio recording, blogging & tweeting to report the proceedings of council meetings.

To ensure absolute accuracy of reports of its proceedings, Cllrs were asked to consider allowing the Clerk to digitally record PC meetings. This was agreed by all.

Cllrs were further asked to consider beginning each meeting , one item ahead of the Cllrs declaration, with a question to all those gathered, in the same spirit of transparency espoused by the Government “Will anyone present be filming, recording, blogging or tweeting during this meeting?” This was agreed by all.

At this point recording of the meeting was commenced.

  1. Apologies for Absence. Apologies have already been accepted for Cllr Tom Foy during his deployment in Afghanistan. Apologies were also received from Cllr Trevor Manley (TM) (Borough Council) who was attending another meeting that had been previously booked.

  1. Declarations of Interest. No declarations were made.

  1. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7 July 2014. The Chairman confirmed all Councillors had seen the minutes of the last Parish Council (PC) meeting held 7 July 2014. These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

  1. Reports.

5.1          Chairman’s Report.

5.1.1.     Willow Lane footpath. A meeting took place on 28th July between the PC and Karl Rands (KR), Area Manager West – Highways & Transport, NCC; David Mills, PROW (Public Rights of Way) Officer, NCC; & Cllr Brian Long (BL). The PC have been asked to agree to a stopping up order to remove vehicular access across Willow Farm and the PC has already agreed to this last year; however the second issue is the removal of the obstruction to the footpath. This was discussed at length and possible solutions to the problem were considered. CC advised that she had spoken to the owners of Willow Farm since the meeting to update them on the current options. These options are being considered and it is

expected that a resolution to the issue can be reached in the near future. In the meantime, due to the recent removal of the permissive footpath by the landowner of the adjoining farm, access to this footpath is suspended until this matter is resolved.

A query was raised by a member of the public regarding access to other footpaths in the village that are not being kept clear by the owners of the land. CC advised that a pamphlet is to be produced of all footpaths in the village and any such issues will then be addressed.

5.1.2.     Commemoration of World War 1 on 4 August 2014. A commemoration took place at the War Memorial at 22.00 on 4 August. It was well attended and lots of people came to the Village Hall after the event. Thanks were expressed to all who attended.

5.2          Clerk’s Report.

5.2.1      Grange Farm. A meeting has taken place with Cllr Brian Long to raise all of the concerns regarding pig farming in the village. He was given a list of questions and a map showing the site of the estate. He will try to obtain answers to the questions raised.

An email has been received from the Environment Agency confirming that the waste material has been removed from the old lime pit. A full report is expected from them after 8th August 2014.

5.2.2      CGM Landscapes Ltd. A meeting took place with CGM to discuss the issue of attribution of payments made over the winter months. Evidence held by CGM and the PC seemed to confirm that these payments were for work completed in 2013. The new payment system of invoicing for work that is completed each month means that no payments will be due after work stops this autumn. It was also agreed that the hedge at the allotment site would be cut and that grass cutting at the cemetery would be increased to weekly as this was included in the original contract but has not been done or charged. The hedge has been cut since the meeting but not all of the debris has been removed. Clerk to ask CGM to remove.

5.2.3      Highways safety issues. Karl Rands from Highways has replied to a request for a 20 mph speed limit throughout the village by advising that the requirements for getting a speed limit changed are very strict and further information is available online under speed management strategy.

He has also provided a letter in response to the request for additional safety measures at the junction of West Dereham Road/Church Road. He believes that a STOP sign is not possible as this would not be approved by the Secretary of State as the view at the junction was not sufficiently obstructed. However he has agreed to replace the warning triangle and look at the height of the existing kerbing to see if this could be improved.

5.2.4.     Cemetery Pillars. One quotation has been received so far. Clarification to be obtained by the Clerk on the details of this quotation. The Clerk confirmed that she had chased up the other two quotations.

5.2.5.     Pear Technology. The digital mapping software is still being installed on all Councillors computers and training took place on 1st August. The second draft of the Cemetery map has been received and further information needs to be gathered by the PC to pass on to Pear Technology.

5.3          Handyman’s Report. No report as there is currently no Village Handyman.

5.4          Police report. PK reported on actions and matters of concern raised at the last SNAP meeting on Wednesday 16th July at Watlington Primary School. None of these issues related to West Dereham. The new priority is anti-social behaviour in open spaces across the region during the summer period.

5.5          Village Hall Report. PK advised that there has been several successful events during July including the WW1 commemorations, Barbecue and Bingo. Some minor repairs are needed in the hall and are currently being considered.

5.6          Broadband Report. PW advised that there has been no further update from BT following the very comprehensive update received last month; however BT Open Reach vans have been seen in the village and cabling work has started in Wereham.

5.7          Glazewing Report. Glazewing had issued their August report by email, it covers the period from 28 June to 25 July. It advises that no comments have been received from the PC residents over this period.

It was agreed that there was no need for the Clerk to print this report in future if it contained no comments.

  1. Finance.

6.1          Accounts. Accounts for approval and the monthly financial management report were submitted by the Clerk. She advised that the income and expenditure for June 2014 has now been confirmed and that estimated figures for July have been inserted based upon invoices received.

PayeeCheque NoNetVAT Gross
West Dereham Village Hall – Village Hall support1007491250.00  1250.00
Clerk’s Salary & expenses for July 2014100750592.69  592.69
Norfolk Association of Local Councils – Summer Conference attended by Clerk & two Cllrs100751135.00  135.00
Thomas B Bonnett – repairs to cemetery gate10075212.002.40 14.40
Pear Technology Services Ltd – Digital mapping100753400.0080.00 480.00
CGM Ltd – Ground maintenance for April-June100740516.20103.24 619.44
Total 2905.89185.64 3091.53

The first four payments were considered and approved. The Clerk advised that although the cost of attendance at the NALC Summer Conference was £135.00 the actual cost to the PC was only £7.50 as both Cllrs who attended had agreed to refund the amount to the PC and the Clerk had received a contribution of £37.50 from her other PCs. The remaining two items to be considered below. Cheques to be signed at the end of the meeting.

6.2          Payment to Pear Technology. It was agreed that a further part payment should be made at this time for the training, which has now taken place, and technical support. This totals £480.00, including VAT. The Clerk advised that Pear Technology had confirmed that the technical support started from 1 August 2014 and not 1 April 2014 as previously advised. It was felt that the payment for the cemetery map should not be authorised until the work has been completed.

6.3          Payment to CGM Ltd. Invoices have been received for work completed in April, May and June totalling £619.44 including VAT. The meeting with CGM had taken place and evidence supported the fact that all of this amount was due. It was agreed to make this payment.

  1. Insurance cover for adopted BT telephone boxes.

Clerk has contacted the insurance company regarding cover for the boxes. They will automatically be covered for public liability as they are a PC asset. There is no additional charge for this; however if the PC wishes to cover them for damage or replacement the PC would need a valuation and this would increase the PC premium. Information obtained suggests that valuations range from £800 to £3000. It was agreed that at this stage it was not necessary to cover them for damage or replacement but the PC may wish to consider this in future when they have been renovated. BT have advised that they are unable to provide information on whether lead paint has been used on the telephone boxes.

  1. Review of PC documents and policies.

8.1          Financial Regulations. A new model document had been provided by NALC. This had been reviewed and a draft document produced and circulated to all prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all to adopt this new document.

8.2          Parish Council Risk Assessment. The current document had been reviewed and amended then circulated to all prior to the meeting. It was agreed by all to adopt this new document.

8.3          Allotment contract and fees. Amendments had been made to the allotment contract in April 2014. It was agreed that no further amendments were needed at this stage. It was also agreed that fees would remain the same for the next year.

8.4          Publication Scheme. The current document had been reviewed and minor amendments made prior to circulation to all. It was agreed to adopt this new document.

  1. Planning Applications.

9.1          14/01030/A – Advertisement application for two hording signs at Camping Site, Woodstock, Gibbet Lane – The application was discussed and concerns were expressed about the illumination of one of the signs. A vote took place and by a majority it was agreed that the PC would make NO OBSERVATIONS on this application.

  1. Correspondence.

No new items of correspondence have been received.

11.          Parish Council assets

11.1       Repairs to Cemetery gate – This had already been approved under item 6.1.

11.2       War Memorial – Following a lengthy discussion on the original intentions behind the siting of war memorials the

PC was informed by the Church Warden that he had now discovered that the War Memorial appears on the assets

register and insurance policy for the Church. Therefore it is not necessary at this stage to add it to the village

asset register held by the PC. PB agreed to look into the history of the War Memorial and to discuss again when

information received.

11.3       Gates for Cemetery – CC had provided sketches of possible options. One of the options was preferred with

suggested amendments. To be considered again at the next meeting.

11.4       Village Gateways – To be considered further at the next discussion group.

  1. Other Business – Any Additional Reports and Items for Inclusion on the next Agenda.

12.1.      LH advised that she had looked into several possible options for hiring a skate ramp but these had proved unsuccessful in the short term. However it was agreed to invite Bob Casey from the Youth Advisory Board to attend the open session prior to a PC meeting to discuss this further.

12.2        PK offered her apologies for the next PC meeting.

The official meeting concluded at 8.47pm and was opened to the floor for general comment.

Open Forum.

  • Overhanging hedge on Ryston Road was reported. Clerk to ask Highways to trim.
  • A branch from tree overhanging highway on Ryston Road following trimming from Highways. It was noted that this would be a suitable job for the Handyman.

  • A member of the public present advised that he was willing to take on the role of Village Handyman following discussions a few days ago with CC. Clerk to obtain email address and forward paperwork.
  • Concerns were expressed about the PC hiring a skate ramp. It was agreed that this would be thoroughly investigated and assurance that sufficient safeguards would be in place before any decision was made.

  1. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and final closure of the meeting was at 8.54pm.

Next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is on Thursday 4 September at 7.30pm with Open Surgery from 7.00pm.

Clerk: Sarah Thorpe

Email: clerk@westderehamparishcouncil.com

Telephone: 01945 430930

Chairman’s signature ……………………………………             Date ……………………………

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