Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish Council July meeting minutes

September 2014


Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

8th July 2014 at 7.30pm

Wereham Village Hall

Attendance: Cllr Jo Bruce JB Chair Cllr Dave Deighton DD Vice Chair Cllr Gail Koopowitz GK Cllr Brian Bruce BB Cllr Roger Lankfer RL Nicola Cooper NC Parish Clerk (Minutes)

Also in attendance: Cllr Martin Storey MS NCC Chris Smith CS CGM

Members of the Public: 1

Action 1.0 Welcome, Introductions and apologies

1.1 JB welcomed all. Apologies for absence were noted from Karin Newell

2.0 Minutes of Previous Meeting

2.1 To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of Wereham Parish Council held on 13th May 2014 and the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 10th June 2014. An amendment was made to 7.2 of the Annual Parish Council minutes to record that there were 6 in favour and 1 against the motion to replace the streetlights as and when they fail. The minutes were then accepted as a true and accurate record. Prop. JB 2nd DD All agreed.

3.0 Resignation of Cllr Phil Norris

3.1 This was formally noted and thanks were minuted for all the hard work and dedication from Phil both for the Parish Council and the other village committees that he has worked on. Clerk to send a letter of thanks. NC

4.0 Formal Notification of a Council Vacancy

4.1 The formal 14 day period of notification of a Casual Council Vacancy will run until 28th July. After this period, if 10 electors have formally requested an election then this will be held within 60 days of this notification. If an election is not called then the Council will co-opt to fill the vacancy at the September meeting. It was noted that the previous election for a casual vacancy cost the Parish £1,200 and that electors should keep in mind that the whole Council will be up for re-election May 2015. Clerk to progress.


5.0 Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items and Dispensation Requirements


5.2 No interests were declared.

GK stated that she has sought advice from Norfolk ALC and been advised that she has no interest to declare with regards to the Village Hall.

6.0 Matters Arising Not dealt with elsewhere on agenda

6.1 Poplar trees – report has not yet been filed. Clerk to maintain pressure on this. NC 6.2 Dog waste bins are with Bonnets but have not yet been installed. Clerk to chase. NC 6.3 Manor House wall. Clerk reported that the planning enforcement case has been reopened on this as she has been advised that the wall formed a separate planning application to the mews houses. She has contact details for the landlords and letters from tenants to support the walls completion. Clerk to continue to pursue.

NC 6.4 Property on Western Boundary of playing field. The Clerk sent a subsequent letter to the owners but has not received a response. Clerk to contact NALC for legal advice on the compromised boundary. To send copies of the letters and the Heygates agreement.

NC 6.5 Litter bins. The details have not been received from KN. It was agreed that two bins would be required, one on the playing field and one near the pond. Clerk to check with BCKLWN re: requirements for location and distance to the road and request the dimension details from KN. NC 6.6 Garden of Remembrance. Clerk to ask KN if she would like to pass the information over for the Clerk to complete.

NC 6.7 Internal Drainage Board membership. The Clerk has spoken to BCKLWN who have advised that they would be willing for RL to use the vacant Council space on the Stoke Ferry IDB. Clerk to pursue. NC 6.8 The Royal Mail details were printed in G4. 6.9 Church Road renumbering, Two votes for renumbering and two votes against were received. GK also stated that she had been approached by a number of residents from the affected houses and they have stated that they are against any change due to the inconvenience of needing to change their address with various other parties. It was agreed that no action to change the numbers would be taken. Clerk to send a letter to let residents know and advise changing to a house name if they are concerned about the numbering.

NC 6.10 The Play Area Inspection checklist has been created and use of this started in June. 6.11 There is now a Wereham Parish Council Facebook page.

7.0 Correspondence Received

Norfolk Association of Local Councils Weekly Updates (All forwarded on to Councillors) Letter from Woodstock Touring Park, Gibbet Lane, giving appreciation of support for Planning Application.( forwarded on to Councillors) Thanks from Village Hall committee for arranging extra grass cut prior to the Village Fayre. G4N article ‘Better Broadband for Norfolk programme passes 50,000 premises milestone’ (forwarded on to Councillors). Norfolk Constabulary – Watlington Snap meeting agenda and poster for July meeting and Minutes of May meeting. (forwarded on to Councillors) Emails from two separate residents confirming that they have complained to Royal Mail about the loss of the Post Box on Flegg Green but have been advised that it had to be removed due to structural damage and the current posting facilities meet the guidelines under business and Ofcom regulation. Highways Rangers – request for specific works. Email from resident regarding the grassed area between the Village Hall and the main road.’ I know it is cut once a year just before Open Gardens, but would it be possible for it to be cut at least three times (Spring, Summer and Autumn).  It would look a lot better, considering it is the 'gateway' to the Village Centre, it doesn't give a very good impression of the area.  Several people have mentioned how untidy and messy it looks.’ Request from resident to hold a ‘Boot Camp’ on the playing field. See item 8.5. NPFA Newsletter and notice of AGM 17/7/14. Barclays – Confirmation of new signing arrangements, Norfolk RCC – Information sheet about Complaints Advocacy. Resignation Letter from Councillor Philip Norris. Letter from Jane Edwards PCSO with some information about home security products available to buy via Norfolk police. FLP Outdoor Play Solutions brochure. G4 Meeting dates – (Circulated to Councillors as necessary and available from Clerk.) 7.15 A letter has also been received with regards to the WW1 commemorations planned in the village. There is also a possibility that funding could be secured to professionally clean (sand blast) the war memorial. The Council has been asked to approve this. All agreed that conditional on a reputable firm being used and the letterwork being protected that this could go ahead and were thankful for the offer. Prop JB, 2nd GK All agreed. The letter also asked Councillors to provide support to the evening. This was noted for consideration by all.

8.0 CGM Tree Management Plan

8.1 Chris Smith talked through the results of the Tree Management plan as circulated to Councillors. A basic inspection was undertaken looking at condition and long term management. A programme of works has been identified. It was requested that each element should be quoted on by CGM and advice be included on the timeframes of when the work should be undertaken. Chris will return this to the clerk. Clerk to add this to the agenda for September’s meeting and seek two additional quotes for this work from Andy Campbell and CP Tree Services.


9.0 Village Hall

9.1 With regards to the transfer of management responsibility for the land registered as NK408732 VG confirmed that it would be in the interests of the Village Hall Committee to take this land on as the village needs are greater than the area available at the Village Hall. It was agreed that the issues around this subject are too complex to discuss at a Parish Council meeting and that a working party would be set up to discuss this separately. This will be held on Tuesday 26th August, 7pm at JB’s office.

9.2 Clerk to update the address on title numbers NK408732, NK127127 and NK393387. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. NC

9.3 The replacement of the gas heaters in the Village Hall was discussed. VG confirmed that they have received a grant of £2,000 from Love Norfolk to help cover the £3,900 bill for this. The Parish Council agreed that the Clerk would investigate if the bill could be paid through the Parish Council and the VAT be claimed back and returned to the Village Hall Committee as the Parish Council’s contribution. This would provide a £650 contribution. Clerk to investigate. Prop JB, 2nd RL, All agreed.


9.4 GK reported that the Village Hall Committee is meeting regularly in the appraisal of village needs and the build up to the submission of the lottery application. Lots of work is being undertaken and structural surveys on the hall continue to be undertaken to ensure safety.

10.0 Village Management Issues

10.1 The maintenance of the grassed areas between the Village Hall and the A134 were discussed as a result of community enquiries. Highways provide two cuts per year for these areas. It was agreed that the condition of these areas would be included on the monthly play area checklist. Clerk to action. Prop JB, 2nd DD, All agreed. NC

10.2 The quotation from CGM to clear the brambles from around the pond from the dead willow to the first of the big willows was discussed. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask for comparable quotes from Holly Landscapes and CP Tree Services and add this to the September agenda. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed.


10.3 It was agreed that the Clerk would send a letter to Royal Mail and OFCOM providing a photo and complaint about the lack of disabled access to the new post box by the pond. Prop JB, 2nd DD, All agreed. NC

10.4 The condition of the play area and play equipment on the field was discussed. A new surface needs to be planned for: Clerk to contact NPFA to seek advice on best type of flooring, where to go for quotes and ask if there are any grants available. Clerk to ask CGM to undertake a moss and algae prevention spray at the time of the last cut of the season and request confirmation of application. The multi sports goals and football goals need repainting. The railings around the pond also need repainting. Clerk to investigate if there are any community service schemes that can be tapped into. DD to look into National Citizenship schemes. Bike racks are bent and unusable. DD to look into this.



10.5 A completed booking form and a copy of insurance has been received to request use of ¼ the Playing Field for a Boot Camp Monday evenings 7.15-8pm throughout the summer. The booking was agreed and a charge of £10 for up to ten weeks used was proposed and agreed. Clerk to send a letter of agreement stating £10 for ten weeks charge and advising that access to toilet facilities would need to be agreed separately with the Village Hall committee. Also to let the Parish Council know if there are any instances of dog waste being found on the field. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed.


11.0 Parish Council Management Issues

11.1 RL to check the number of Street Lamp Posts under the responsibility of the Parish Council and NC to check with AON whether we are correctly covered. Prop JB, 2nd DD All agreed. RL NC

11.2 The Financial Risk assessment was proposed, agreed and signed. Prop.JB, 2nd DD All agreed. DD advised that documents which need to be kept historically should be scanned and kept electronically as a back up to the hard copy. NC to action. The boxes of historical documents which need to be sorted through are to be tackled by the Clerk prior to the next meeting where possible and documents which need to be kept taken to the Norfolk Records Office. Additional hours will be funded for this. Prop JB, 2nd GK All agreed.



12.0 Planning

Applications received: 14/00773/LDE Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the Existing Use of Land as Residential Garden Land at Rotherfield House,. The Row, Wereham. Response provided to Planning Authority with no objections. 14/00072/TREECA T1 Ash Tree - clearing dead branches and reducing large branches by 35% within Conservation Area. Scillionia Cottage 1 School Lane Wereham King's Lynn Norfolk PE33 9AW. Response provided to Planning Authority with no objections Planning Decisions received: 14/00237/F, construction of an occupational dwelling, Woodstock Farm, Wereham. Application Permitted.

13.0 Finance

13.1 Accept accounts to July 8th 2014 and agree cheques be signed and payments approved:


DIRECT DEBIT EXPENDITURE FOR PERIOD 14/05/14 – 08/07/14 14/05/14 £7.50 SLCC MEMBERSHIP 02/06/14 £189.60 CLERK MAY SALARY 11/06/14 £32.18 EON STREETLIGHTS 16/06/14 £7.50 MEMBERSHIP OF SLCC 01/07/14 £189.60 CLERK JUNE SALARY 02/07/14 £31.14 EON STREETLIGHTS £457.52 TOTAL DIRECT DEBITS


Balance as per cash book at 08/07/14 Business Saver £12,456.03 Community Account £2,911.90

Prop JB 2nd GK All agreed.

13.2 Clerk to ask Barclays if the Community Account can be a swept account and keep £2,000 in there at all times. Prop JB, 2nd GK, All agreed. NC

14.0 Councillor Concerns and Agenda Items for next meeting

14.1 The trees along the Row need to be pruned to allow large vehicular access. Clerk to send a letter to Mr and Mrs Ryan, Mrs Markwell and Mr and Mrs Ratsey. NC

14.2 The Willow Tree overhanging the A134 needs to be cut back as is a Health and Safety issue. Clerk to contact Highways.


14.3 There are a number of potholes along the Row and the culvert outside Row Cottage needs to be dredged. Clerk to report to The Rangers.


14.4 The Manor House is in a poor state of repair. Clerk to raise this with the Conservation Officer at BCKLWN. NC

15.0 Public comments / questions

15.1 Cllr Storey provided an update on NCC issues surrounding schools, Norwich Airport park and ride, Healthy Eating campaign, funding to enable Public Houses to offer other services (Clerk to highlight this to the George and Dragon and VG), funding awarded for WW1 commemorative events, funding for the Norfolk museums service, consultation on Norfolk roads and public transport and more information on the incinerator project. This information can be found on the NCC website.


21.0 Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 9th September 2014, 7.30pm Wereham Village Hall.

Meeting Closed at 9.10pm.

Confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting:

Chair……………………………………………………. Date……………………………………………..

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