River Wissey Lovell Fuller


September 2014

Councillors present: Cllr. R. Crisp – Chair (RC), Cllr. F. Eglington (FE), Cllr. A. Jenkinson (AJ), Cllr. G. Gillett (GG), Cllr. A. Muir (AM) & Cllr. M. Peake (MP).

Present: Vicky Bright – Clerk, Cllr. Martin Storey - NCC and 5 members of the public.

Cllr. Crisp welcomed all to the meeting.

Item Action
Public Forum – LGA 1972, Section 100(1):
A member of the public raised the issue of the Manor House and the complaints being made to the local authorities regarding the fires that had been burning to dispose of the waste in the House. The member of the public wanted to stress how important the Rodwell Project was to the village and the Manor House and asked that the Parish Council offered its full support to the Rodwells. The Chairman advised that she would be addressing the issue in her Chairman’s report later on the agenda.
Residents of Normandy Close advised that they had been in touch with BCKLWN and NCC and had been advised to contact their Parish Council regarding the parking issues in Normandy Close. The Clerk advised that a letter had been sent to both BCKLWN and NCC and she was awaiting a reply from them.
One member of the public asked if the Council would consider looking into having a Defibrillator in the Village. The Council asked the Clerk to look into the possibility and the implications and to report at the next meeting.
Local Authority Reports:
Norfolk County Council
Cllr. Martin Storey informed the Council that from 27th May, the County Council was now committee based and not run by cabinet. He hoped this would enable Councillor’s to have more input in decision making and therefore would have more contribution. He felt this would be more beneficial to the people of Norfolk.
The monies due for the incinerator project had now been met. From October 2014 NCC & BCKLWN can confirm that recycling in residential bins will now include glass and more types of plastic
Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk
No report received.
Norfolk Constabulary - SNT
No report received and no representative attending.
Accepted Apologies for absence - LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2):
Cllr. Alan Collins and Cllr. Sue Leet.
Members Declaration of Interest (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III:
Cllr. Peake disclosed an interest in Item 8 on the agenda and will not take part in any discussion or resolutions passed regarding Planning Matters.
Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th May 2014- LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2):
Resolved 14/06/5.01
The minutes of the last meeting held on 6th May 2014 were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chairman (RC).  
Reports and Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting (For Info Only):
Chairman’s Report
Cllr. Crisp confirmed that the complaint about the wood smoke at the Manor House had been resolved. A letter had been received from Professor Rodwell in which he explains the work to be carried out in the immediate future; bonfires will only be lit for a brief period and not continuously as
before. Cllr. Crisp advised that she had met with Professor Rodwell and although it will take longer than anticipated, he has much more rubbish to clear away than he realised, as BCKLWN had not cleared the site as stated in the Village Life newsletter, she believes he will continue with the project even though being quite disheartened by the work and complaints received. Cllr. Crisp urged the residents to offer their support along with the Parish Councils. Cllr. Peake voiced his concerns over the bonfires being illegal and nuisance for nearby neighbours.
Another complaint received is concerning a very large van parked at the junction of High Street/ West End and Methwold Road, it is making the turn towards the Church from Methwold Road, really hazardous. It has already caused a ‘road-rage’ kind of incident where tempers were lost and shouting occurred. The issue of parking in Northwold was raised generally, with highlighted problem areas being Normandy Close, Hovells Lane/Church and West End. The Clerk advised that she had raised the parking issues with BCKLWN and NCC. The suggestion of using the vacant allotments land for parking was raised. It was decided that the Clerk would discuss options and follow up with BCKLWN and NCC and invite them to the next meeting, it was agreed to also invite a representative of Norfolk Constabulary to the next meeting. The Clerk will look into Allotments Land Usage Guidance and costings for using the land for parking.
Clerk’s Report and Updates from previous minutes
Parking Normandy Close
I can confirm that I have sent a letter to BCKLWN Parking Operations and copied in Norfolk County Council Highways, with supporting evidence. I am yet to receive a reply from either authority.
Asset Register and Insurance
As you are aware the Council’s Asset Register was inaccurate. I have now determined the assets the council owns and their replacement/insurance values and the asset register have been updated. I will be working with the Insurance company to ensure that the cover we have is sufficient for the asset register value.
CGM Contract
The CGM contract has now been signed by both parties and I am in receipt of a copy. This agreement is for 3 years, as agreed. Carole at CGM will be sending me an amended invoice shortly. Cllr. Jenkinson met with Julie Glover and discussed the Parish Council’s concerns regarding the standard of the service supplied by CGM, it was confirmed that now the contract had been signed the schedule of works would be met accordingly.
Councillor Vacancy
I am currently working on adverts for the website, notice board and the newsletter to advertise the vacancy at the Parish Council, and hope to have these placed before the next meeting.
I am currently working on updating the website. I need all Cllr.’s to provide their contact details, (address, email, & Tel. No), and to indicate to me which contact detail they wish to provide to the public on the website and notice board.
Planning Applications:
Resolved 14/06/8.01
14/00700/F – Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 12/00985/F: to amend previously approved drawings at Sheridan School Thetford Road Northwold Norfolk IP26 5LQ – No objections were raised.
Parish Council Bank Balances and Reconciliation
The Payments and receipts from 7th May to 3rd June 2014 were scrutinised and approved. The Lloyds Treasurer account balance was confirmed as £37,639.72 as of 14th May 2014.
Resolved 14/06/9.01
That the Bank balances and reconciliation of payments & receipts be received and adopted and initialled as such by the Chairman (RC).
Cheques for signing and approval and to authorise payment of outstanding invoices
Resolved 14/06/9.02
PayeeNetVATCheque NoGross
Mrs V. Bright - Salary292.030.001876292.03
Mrs V. Bright – Mileage & Expenses35.860.00187735.86
Anglian Water15.540.00187815.54
Sue Prigg - Audit80.000.00188080.00
K&M Lighting24.274.85188129.12
Total£544.45£7.17 £551.62
Income from June    
TOTAL INCOME£240.00   
Invoices were checked, payments were approved and cheques signed by Cllr. Crisp and Cllr. Eglington, all Councillors agreed.
Asset Register Adoption and Asset Risk Assessment Process Review
Resolved 14/06/9.03
The updated Asset Register 2014-2015 was reviewed and adopted by the Council and signed as such by the Chairman (RC).
The Clerk advised that at present no procedure was in place to carry out risk assessment on the Council’s assets and property. The Clerk advised that it was best practice to perform a risk assessment quarterly throughout the year, to ensure Health & Safety requirements were being met and that assets were being maintained and repaired appropriately. It was discussed that the Council would carry out risk assessments on its assets quarterly and that a committee would be formed at the next meeting to be responsible for this.
Adoption of the Annual Governance Statement for 2013-2014 and Internal Audit Report
The Clerk presented the Council with the Internal Audit report prepared by Mrs. Sue Prigg for the financial year 2013-2014. The Internal auditor had raised some minor points to be addressed, which the Clerk will investigate and report back at the next meeting.
Resolved 14/06/9.04
The Annual Return for 2013-2014 was scrutinised and adopted as a true statement by all Councillor’s present and signed as such by the Chairman (RC) and the Clerk.
Resolved 14/06/9.05
The Annual Governance Statement for 2013-2014 was completed and signed as a true statement by the Chairman (AL) and the Clerk.
Street Lights LED Replacement Quotes
The street light quotes from Westcotec and K&M Lighting Services were presented. The Council asked that the Clerk check the budget for this year to see if there were funds available to replace the street lights this financial year. The item was deferred to the next meeting, following the Clerk’s budget report.
Chaffer Bugs Treatment Quotes
The Clerk presented two quotes for the Chaffer Bug treatment from Collier Turf and CGM, the Clerk explained that the third quote requested from Greenthumb had not been received.
Resolved 14/06/9.06
It was agreed by the Council to accept the quote from Collier Turf for £1,650.00 + VAT. The Clerk is to instruct Collier Turf to proceed on behalf of the Parish Council and to enquire if Collier Turf can hold that price for the following year.
Parish Matters:
Play Area and repairs
The Clerk confirmed that she had been in touch with the Play Area Fundraising Charity and they had confirmed that the invoice for the repairs carried out by Mr George had been settled. They confirmed their AGM for the 9th July 2014; the Parish Council are welcome to attend. Cllr. Crisp announced she would attend the meeting. The charity also confirmed their position by stating that the Parish Council owns the play area equipment and the charity are responsible for fundraising for repairs and ongoing maintenance only.
The play area repairs that are still outstanding were discussed, and it was confirmed that Mr George was willing to take out the Public Liability Insurance and meet the costs of this, provided the Parish Council are happy to employ Mr George as the preferred contractor for future play area repair and maintenance.
Resolved 14/06/10.01
It was agreed to employ Mr George to carry out the existing repairs needed in the play area and future repairs and maintenance. The Clerk is to instruct Mr George to proceed with the repairs, once Mr George has the Public Liability Insurance in place.
Cllr. Jenkinson advised that the Sports & Social Club had requested verbally to install a 20 ft/sq oblong patio area at the club. They wanted to assure the Council that the patio would not encroach on the Cricket Field and that it would entail no costs to the Parish Council as the materials had been donated.
Resolved 14/06/10.02
It was agreed that the Sports & Social Club could install the patio and Cllr. Jenkinson was asked to instruct the Sports & Social Club of the resolution on behalf of the Parish Council.
Lightsource Deed Agreement
It was agreed that Lightsource had answered all queries relating to the agreement. However, the address was still incorrect and needed to be amended.
Resolved 14/06/10.03
The Lightsource Deed Agreement was signed by the Chairman (RC) and countersigned by the Clerk and the amendments to the address were initialled.
Street Cleaning
The Clerk advised that Mundford Parish Council employ a litter warden for 10 hrs pcm at £7.75 per hour and provides all equipment and also that Heacham Parish Council have employed a litter warden for 20 years, they have two working 22 hours pcm between them at £6.78-7.43 per hour. All equipment supplied by the Parish Council’s. The Clerk advised that employment of a Litter Warden has not been budgeted for this financial year.
CPRE Norfolk Volunteer Litter Warden
The Clerk advised that CPRE Norfolk provide kit and equipment and a support network for volunteer litter wardens. The Clerk advised that quarterly or twice yearly Community Litter Picks are a good idea and that the Clean Up Team at BCKLWN loan out kits (x8 litter pickers, hi-visibility vests, gloves and sacks) and offer a collection service for the collected litter.
Resolved 14/06/10.04
It was agreed that the Clerk would place an advert in the Village Life and on the website and notice board for volunteer Litter Wardens.
Cllr. Eglington advised the Council that the manager of the fishery near Diddlington had contacted him and asked for help to repair a breach in the bank of the Whissey.  Together with Sue Leet's husband and two other volunteers the work was carried about a week before the meeting.
Items for next meeting:                        
a)      Defibrillator Report
b)      Parking
c)       Risk Assessment Committee
d)      Street Lights Quote
e)      Budget 2014-2015
f)       Cemetery Works Quotes
Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 7:30pm, in the Village Hall.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 21:10pm.
Signed & Dated: 1st July 2014
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