War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council minutes - June

July 2014

Those Attending:             Cllr Mrs D Clements (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Lintern (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Stocking, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr P Denny, Cllr L McCarthy, Cllr T Ryves, Borough Councillor C Sampson, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk) 9 members of the Public.

1 To Consider Accepting Apologies for Absence: There were no apologies for absence

2 To Approve the Minutes of the last Council Meeting on 14 May 2014

Cllr Mrs Stocking proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr McCarthy.   6 votes for 1 abstention – Carried

3 To Consider Matters Arising from the Minutes:

Item 19

Point 3 New Street Lights – The Clerk had been in touch with Westcotec who will advise when these lights will be connected

Point 5 – Weeds on Footpaths – The Clerk has contacted Highways who will spray the weeds between Wretton Road and Buckenham Drive at some point, they spray twice a year.  The Clerk also contacted 2Agriculture regarding the footpath between Buckenham Drive and Lynn Road, this will be done as soon as possible.

Point 8 – The Hollow Wall Furlong Road – The Clerk has contacted Planning and they have responded saying that there is no planning condition relating to this wall and there is nothing to be done at the present time.

Points 9 and 10 - The Clerk has written to the occupiers of properties where shrubs are overgrowing the footpaths etc – these have now been cut back – thank you to those concerned.

Point 11 – Advertising Board The Oak House – The Clerk has contacted the Planning Department who have responded that this sign has been there for many years and if the PC wish to take issue with it then it should be reported to their enforcement team.

Item 5 War Memorial – The Clerk advised the meeting that the Grant application had not been successful. Cllr Ryves thought the repairs to the War Memorial were dependent upon receiving grant money, this was not the case, a sum was put in the 2014/15 budget for these works.

4 To Record Declarations of Interest:

Cllrs Mrs Leamon and Mr Lintern declared an Interest in Item 9 – Grass Cutting in the Playing Fields

5 To Consider/Approve the Updated Financial Regulations:

The Clerk had supplied all councillors with a copy of the updated Financial Regulations; she asked if everyone was happy with the document.  Cllr Ryves advised he could not comment as he had not had long enough to read them.  Cllr L McCarthy proposed acceptance of the updated Financial Regulations seconded by Cllr S Lintern  6 votes for 1 abstention – Carried

6 To Consider Bus Services in the Village:

Further to Cllr McCarthy’s request in the Pump for resident’s comments on bus services, it was acknowledge there was not likely to be any improvements in services in the near future.  Cllr Ryves asked if the Community Car Scheme had considered offering a service for people to get to and from work.  Cllr Mrs Clements advised there is a mini bus which could be used but there are not sufficient drivers.

7 To Consider the Telephone Box being used to House a Defibrillator Unit:

Cllr Mrs Stocking advised that most towns have a defibrillator unit available which can be used within five minutes of a 999 call.  She asked if she could place a piece in the Pump asking for comments from residents.  The cost of a defibrillator is in the region of £2000, the PC would have to take on ownership and upkeep etc.

8 To Consider Speed Cameras/Signs in the Village:

Cllr Denny advised that speeding in the village is getting very bad.  Cllr Mrs Clements advised that the Police will train people to use the speed guns, there must be at least six volunteers for training, three go out together at any one time, the police process data no action taken by volunteers. Other options are speed signs, there are several types available.  After considerable discussion Cllr Denny suggested this be considered again in October with a view to putting a sum in the budget for signs.

9 Grass Cutting in the Playing Fields:

Cllr McCarthy referred to grass cutting/schedule for the playing fields.  The Clerk advised that CGM were on schedule with cutting etc, she had checked following the last cut.  There is a problem with access for the larger machines, CGM have requested a key to gain access on several occasions but this has not been forthcoming.  The Clerk to write to the Playing Fields requesting a key is given to CGM, a schedule of cutting will also be sent.  Cllr McCarthy also requested if the field could be cut for their function on the 12 July.

10 To Consider Planning Applications:

Application for the Erection of a House at Trafalgar House Bridge Road – this was rejected by the Parish Council

Application for Extension to dwelling following demolition of existing extension at La Chaumiere Greatmans Way – this was supported by the PC

11 To Approve Payments to be Made:

Glasdon UK Ltd - £714.20 – Purchase of Grit Bins and Dog Waste Bin

JamesBradfieldSchool - £15.44 – Hire of Hall – April

Mr John Cross – £25.00 - Expenses re Internal Audit

CGM Ltd - £149.45 – Grounds Maintenance – May

Mrs C Hardy -  £354.42 –Salary and Expenses – May

Anglian Water – DD - £14.51 – Water Rates the Cemetery - Mar-June

Glazewing Ltd DD -  £18.80 – Collection of Waste the Cemetery – May

E-on – DD - £42.16 – Lighting – May

Westcotec Ltd - £18.53 – Lighting Maintenance – June

Statement of Accounts as at 31 May 2014 – Balance in Bank – Community Account £377.34, Business Saver Account £21039.83 – a total of £21417.17

Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Denny – Agreed

12 Correspondence Received:

BCKLWN – Notification of new property address – formerly Alis Kebab Lynn Road to Sea Star Fish Bar Kebab Pizza & Sea Star Annex Lynn Road

NALC – Appraisal Training Sessions

13 To Receive Further Information or suggested items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda:

Cllr Mrs Clements reported on the last SNAP Meeting – there had been two calls (arrow on property roof and one fence broken).  Any vehicles seen with no tax discs DVLC to be informed.  Buckenham Drive is still a priority in the village.  The police will be monitoring auctions looking for stolen property

The Kebab Shop and Fish Shop do not appear to have rubbish bins outside during opening times – the Clerk to write to them.

Bus Stop in Bridge Road needs the weeds/Shrubs cut back – the Clerk will report to Highways

Footpath near Village Hall in Lynn Road overgrown by weeds from adjacent land – the Clerk to write to the owners

Ivy growing over wall of Bramcote House onto Lynn Road – the Clerk to write to the occupiers

Cllr Denny referred to the living accommodation to the side of the Kebab Shop – what amenities are there and is it suitable for habitation.

Bridge Road near the Old Bull is becoming very uneven again.  The Clerk to report to Highways.

Cllr Mrs Leamon – hedge in Bridge Road growing over footpath once again – does anyone know who this belongs to.

Cllr Mrs Stocking referred to Lorries from British Sugar coming into the village again – The Clerk to write to them again about the problem.

Could part of the Cemetery be used for allotments – the Clerk advised that it had been consecrated

BC Colin Sampson advised that about 10 years ago there was a two hourly bus service but it was not sufficiently used and was therefore withdrawn.

The Clerk informed the meeting that the Notice of Audit had been placed on the notice board

The Clerk had received a complaint about the number of cars parked immediately outside the Village Hall on Bingo Nights.

  • Cannot get to Downham Station by bus from the village.
  • Bushes growing over wall from the fish shop onto Wretton Road
  • Trafalgar House Development – not in favour of this for various reasons, building within a garden, conservation area, traffic on existing dangerous junction, site not large enough
  • There is a possibility of land in Bridge Road which could be used for allotments.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.56pm

14 Date and Time of Next Meeting:  - Wednesday 9 July 204 at 7.30pm


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