War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Annual Parish Council Minutes - May

July 2014

Those Attending:          Cllr Mrs D Clements, Cllr L McCarthy, Cllr Mrs J Stocking, Cllr Mrs M Leamon, Cllr Mrs S Lintern, Borough Councillor C Sampson, County Councillor M Storey, Mrs C Hardy (Clerk), 6 Me

1.             To Consider the Election of Chairman:

Cllr Mrs Clements asked for nominations for the position of chairman. Cllr Mrs Lintem proposed Cllr Mrs Clements seconded by Cllr Mrs Leamon. Mrs Clements advised she was prepared to take the position of Chairman.

4 Votes for - Carried. Cllr Mrs Clements continued in the chair.

2.             To Consider the Election of Vice Chairman:

CIIr Mrs Clements asked for nomination for the position of Vice-Chairman, Cllr Mrs Leamon proposed Cllr Mrs Lintern seconded by Cllr McCarthy. Mrs Lintern advised she was prepared to take the position of Vice Chairman.

4 Votes for - Carried

3.            To Consider Accepting Apologies for Absence:

ApoIogies for absence were received from Cllr Denny, Cllr Ryves and PCSO Jane Edwards

4.            To Approve the Minutes of the last Council Meeting on 9 April 2014

Cllr McCarthy proposed acceptance of the Minutes seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintem.

5 Votes for - Unanimously approved

5.            To Discuss Matters Arising from the Minutes:

Item 9 - War Memorial: - Cllr Mrs Leamon asked what the current position was regarding the refurbishment -the Clerk advised that works would be carried out in late summer, still awaiting to hear if our grant application as been approved.

Item 17- Bench Near Anglian Water School Lane - the Clerk wrote to An1ian Water concerning the removal of  the bench, it Wa removed for construction works required by Anglian Water, they made contact with Mrs Davies before removal, it will be completely refurbished before being replaced.

6.            To record Declarations of Interest from members on any item to be discussed.  No declaration of interests given.

7.            Internal Audit.

The Clerk advised that Mr John Cross carried out an Internal Audit on the 8 May 2014 and found everything to be in order.  Cllr Mrs Clements read a letter from Mr cross relating to the Audit in which he stated “Overall a well kept and presented set of documents and your Clerk should be commended on her thorough and efficient work.” Cllr Mrs Clements thanked the Clerk for all the hard work she carries out.

8.            To Consider Adoption of Financial Regulations.

The Clerk asked if everyone had read the Financial Regulations and were happy with them**.  Unanimously agreed.**

9.            To Consider Adoption of Risk Assessment and Management.

The Clerk asked if everyone was in agreement with the Risk Assessment and Management Document.

Unanimously Agreed

10.          To Consider Adoption of Annual Governance Statement Section 2.

The Clerk asked if everyone was in agreement with Annual Governance Statement Section 2.

Unanimously Agreed

11.          To Consider Adoption of Annual Accounts.

The Clerk asked if everyone was happy with the End of Year accounts for 2013/2014.

Cllr McCarthy proposed acceptance seconded by Cllr Mrs Lintern.

Unanimously Agreed.

12.          To Consider Nominations fbr Members on the Cemetery/Open Space Committee

The Chairman asked for nominations of those who wished to be on this committee. The following councillors put themselves forward - Mrs Leamon, Mr Denny, Mrs Lintern and Mrs Clements.

13. To Consider Nominations for Members on the Administration/Finance/Personnel Committee:

The Chairman asked for nominations of those who wished to be on this committee. The following councillors put themselves forward - Mrs Leamon, Mr McCarthy, Mrs Lintern and Mrs Clements.

14. To Consider Appointment of Cheque Signatory:

It is necessary for the Chairman to be a signatory on cheques, therefore Cllr Mrs Clernents will become a signatory.

15_._          To Further Consider the Unsightly Areas in the Village:

Cllr Mrs Clements said the Dukes Head looks much better now that the murals have been removed. Cllr

McCarthy stated that most other areas are part of development site. It was agreed to keep and eye on the problem.

16.          To Consider Planning Applications:

Approved by the Borough Council

Single Storey rear extension at Furlong Cottage, 2 Furlong Road

Outline Application - Site for construction of a dwelling - The Willows Greatmans Way

Front single storey extension 7 Furlong Drove

Single storey extension to dwelling -2 Oak Road

Supported by the Parish Counëil

Construction of Clubhouse off Buckenham Drive

17.          To Approve Payments to be Made:

NPTP - £40.00 - Councillor Training

Broker Network Ltd - £352.96 - Annual Insurance

BCKLWN - £156.00 - Collection of Dog Waste - 114/13-3 1/3/14

E-on - DD - £45.99 - Lighting - March

Westcotec Ltd - £37.06 - Lighting Maintenance - April May

CGM Ltd - £149.45 - Grounds Maintenance - April

Mrs C Hardy - £344.02 - Salary/Expenses for April

Glazewing - DD - £8.40 - Collection Rubbish from Cemetery - April

Statement of Accounts as at 30 April 2014 - Balance in Bank - Community Account £441.22, Business Saver Account £22,039.83 - a total of~22,481.05.

Clir Mrs Leamon proposed approval for payment seconded by Cllr Mrs Stocking - Agreed

18.          Correspondence:

H Brett & Son - request for additional inscription on memorial in Cemetery

Norfolk Police - Advising of next SNAP Meeting

NorfolkALC - Funding and Community Enterprise Information Evening

19. To Receive Further Information or Suggested Items to be considered for the next meeting Agenda:

The Chairman suspended Standing Orders to enable information/comments from the public and councillors.

Cllr Mrs Stocking asked if the Telephone Box could be put on the next Agenda for discussion relating to being used for a Defibrillator.

•    Cllr McCarthy advised he had put an article in The Pump requesting residents concerns about the bus services in the village. He had not received any response at all. He asked for this to be an Agenda item for the next meeting.

  • The new street lights have still not been connected. The Clerk will chase this again.

•    Not happy with the grass cutting in the playing fields - cut grass just blown around not cleared up.

•    Footpaths between Buckenham Drive and Lynn Road also Buckenhain Drive and Wretton Road weeds growing - difficult to pass. The Clerk will report to the appropriate bodies.

•    CC Storey advised that from the 27 May the County Council will be run on a committee basis not cabinet. This will give him an opportunity to have more input in running the CC. He referred to the Incinerator advising there is Currently a £30.3-million owing on the contract, £19 million is in the budget, but £11.3 million to be found, will try to save this sum but do not want to cut front line services. Will try to get some money from the government.

•    The Phone Box is a Listed Building

•    The Hollow - the boundary wall should be repaired once all the plots have been sold - this was part of the planning permission.

•    Little Lane - Ivy growing across the road making visibility difficult

•    Trees overhanging the road near Kavenham House Lynn Road/Furlong Road

•    The Oak House advertising board is outside the boundary line of the property

•    BC Sampson referred to the lack of bus services, he advised 13/14 years ago there was a 2 hour service to Downham Market, it was not used therefore ceased. Subsidies are disappearing fast, even well used services are being discontinue.

•    Grass cutting around the village - the Clerk advised different areas are in the ownership of different bodies, ie County Council, Borough Council and Freebridge who have their own contractors for this work.

•    Would the Borough Council and County Council be prepared to assist the Village Hall Committee in applying for funding. -

•    BC Sampson advised that the Borough Council were seeking a valuation for the proposed Incinerator Site with maybe a view to purchasing same. It is very early days and at this time only a thought and exploring the position. CC Storey advised there are not enough facts on the table to be able to discuss the matter at the moment.

•    BC Sampson stated that the Borough Council were not contemplating going back to a committee system

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.3Opm

20**.                Date and Time of Next Meeting** - Wednesday 11 June 2014 at 7.3Opm

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